Alien God System

Chapter 1946: Closed sky gate

"Everyone, follow along, don't be left behind!"

An hour later, Alice brought a group of interns to the passage of the earth.

There, a large number of Asura gods have set up guards and strictly inspected them.

"Stop, you are such a large group of people, which dimension of the main god, what are you going to do?"

"Master Shura, I am the main **** of the human world, Alice, this time I was ordered by the chairman to serve as the intern tutor and take them on the internship mission. This is the certificate."

Alice smiled slightly, took out a crystal clear crystal and handed it over.

The **** Shura of Chagang looked at Alice's friendly smile and shook his mind unconsciously, his eyes were a little straight, then he checked the token roughly and smiled: "No problem, go on.

I just never expected that there is still a beautiful **** like you in the world, can you leave a contact information? "

"Hey, what are you doing, using power for personal gain and harassing our guide Alice?

Be careful I go to the Heavenly Dao Department to sue you! "

Seeing this, the male interns immediately became uncomfortable, and that Zhong Lixun even stood up and strode up and shouted.

That Shura **** also broke out of male hormones, and cursed: "Smelly boy, what are you talking about?

Believe it or not, I just killed you? "

"Come on, come and chop if there is a seed.

Lao Tzu is a student of Sanctuary College. My dad is the Hungry Ghost Dao Flame Ghost King. If you dare to touch Lao Tzu's hair, Lao Tzu will let you die without a place to bury you. "

"Hey, brat, you are so kind, you dare to yell at our Asura God, I will cut you down today..." Chuck! As he said, the man had already raised the Shura sword instantly, and Zhong Lihun also raised his head straight, with a rare heroic spirit.

In an instant, a **** crime was about to happen at the boundary between God and Fan. Fortunately, other Asura gods rushed to stop it. Zhong Lihun was also pulled back by the Yang Family's gang, but the two continued to yell.

Alice laughed and shook her head. After persuading the two of them, the dispute was settled.

Then, Alice led the people through the customs smoothly and went down to the mortal world. After all the interns disappeared, a man who looked like the leader of the **** Asura gave the **** of Asura who had just been checked and roared.

"Presumptuous, unorganized and disciplined.

Our duty here is to guard the God Realm and the mortal passages, to prevent the remnants of other gods from entering the God Realm, not to abuse our power and cut people at will.

What were you doing just now?

Just after a few quarrels, he drew out the Shura knife to chop.

The other party is just an intern, did he commit a capital crime?

Use the killer for no reason, if you go down with this knife, you will definitely not be able to walk around, Sanctuary Academy is not a place to mess with! "

Well! The heart stagnated, the **** Shura felt ashamed, and at the same time looked suspiciously at the direction everyone was going away, and muttered: "It's strange, I'm not a lecherous and impulsive person, why is it so abnormal today?"

That person was unknown, so Captain Shura didn't pay attention to him.

At this moment, a white shadow flashed and handed a jade slip to the captain: "Shangfeng urgent order!"

"This is..." The team leader took a look and was shocked: "Close the gate?"

At the same time, Alice has already brought a group of interns to a vast expanse of land, and the primitive people below are surrounding the altar, singing and dancing, praying to God.

"This is the 79th plane. After 6 times of extinction and rebirth, all creatures have restarted, and humans are no exception.

They are still in primitive society and know nothing about this world.

As the Lord God, he will guide these ignorant creatures, but he can only guide, not make decisions for them.

Later, as humans make different choices, different civilizations will develop! "

With that said, Alice took out the crystal clear crystal again, pointed to the air, and immediately opened another plane channel, leading a group of interns to another plane again.

Here, human beings have entered an industrial modern society, and there are high-rise buildings and busy traffic.

"This is Plane 134. Mankind has chosen a materially advanced technological civilization, so there is an industrial society that is immersed in this increasingly dependent on foreign objects and loses its own potential."

Alice was explaining. A group of interns listened carefully. Some saints have been reincarnated for thousands of lives, and they have never been to this technologically civilized society. Looking at these modern vehicles, they are amazed.

Is this their magic weapon?

It doesn't seem to be driven by aura, and it's a bit cumbersome. It can't be stored in the storage ring. Isn't it too troublesome?

Of course, most sages are well-informed and did not show any surprises because of this technological civilization. They just stared at Alice closely, and the Harazi was about to shed.

"Vixen, will seduce people all day long, hum!"

Chang Yanyan jumped with anger, especially when she saw Jin Shiyuan and Hong Xuan's eyes straightening, she had the urge to choke them to death.

Only Yang Feng, as if he had already seen everything, was silent, with an evil smile across his mouth.

"Next, everyone follow me again!"

Immediately afterwards, Alice opened the plane channel again and came under a vast sky.

Here, there are no more airplanes and cars sailing. Instead, mortals flew into the sky and threw magic weapons at each other.

Of course, with the spiritual power of those ordinary people, these gods and souls who came to visit are completely invisible.

"This is another path that mankind chooses to explore the truth of the universe without resorting to external forces, but by cultivating themselves. In the end, some of them will become saints like you and come to the gods."

"Then Alice Lord God, scientific civilization or cultivation civilization, which civilization is better?"

At this time, someone asked enthusiastically.

Alice smiled slightly: "Actually, there is no difference between the two civilizations, they just get the same result by different routes.

Just like Taoist alchemy, some are internal alchemy and some are external alchemy, and they will eventually rise to the upper realm.

Cultivation civilization is through self-cultivation to understand the great cosmos and finally get a glimpse of the truth of the universe.

The scientific and technological civilization discovers the avenue of the universe through external exploration, but in the end, the external force of the scientific and technological civilization will also act on itself, achieving the same results as the cultivation civilization. "

That's it! Everyone nodded clearly, while Yang Feng thought carefully.

Obviously, this conclusion is the result of objective experiments on countless planes by Human Realm, and it should be correct.

Besides, isn't this world of six realms a product of technological civilization?

So is it possible that human beings who follow the path of technological civilization have also entered the world of consciousness they created?

Just like this Six Dao God Realm?

Thinking this way, Yang Feng asked his own question: "Is the ultimate destination of scientific and technological civilization a virtual world?"

"The Buddha said, "One flower, one world."

With a slight smile, Alice took a deep look at him: "This world is the same no matter how big or small it is.

You should know this better than me. "

His body shook, Yang Feng seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but feel cold on his back...

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