Alien God System

Chapter 1503: Murderous

Yang Xiaoyi also heard the contempt in his grandfather’s tone and felt Yang Feng’s forbearance, so he hurriedly stepped up to make a round and opened the topic: "By the way, grandpa, how did you go to meet the seniors of various families today? ?

Is it comfortable? "

"Hey, talking to them is just polite, how can it be comfortable?

We old guys are dying, but unlike you young people, we can still be so passionate at every banquet, hahaha. "

Yang Tian laughed, Li Zhendong beckoned to Yang Xiaoyi: "Xiaotian, come with grandpa.

Children, eat and drink yourself first, you are welcome. "

"Yes, Grandpa Li!"

Respectfully clasped their fists, everyone continued to scramble, Yang Xiaoyi followed Li Zhendong to the corridor outside the door.

Seeing the joy of the group of people drinking and punching, Li Zhendong looked at Yang Xiaoyi and said, "Xiaotian, these people...what are you going to do?"

"They are my brothers, mentors, good friends..." Yang Xiaoyi gritted his teeth with his eyes certain.

Li Zhendong let out a long breath and murmured: "Xiaotian, people from the lower realms, they shouldn't have any intersection with your life. This is just a fateful mistake.

You have to remember that your surname is Li, and you are our Li family! "

"Whether it was a mistake or not, this is my destiny.

Since I met them, I can't ignore them! "

Yang Xiaoyi's words are very firm and beyond doubt.

Li Zhendong took a deep look at him, then he nodded after hesitated a little, "Okay, let these people join our Li family, let's take them through this disaster."

"Thank you Grandpa!"

The eyes lit up, and Yang Xiaoyi was overjoyed.

Li Zhendong glanced at him dozingly, waved his hand and said, "Go, go play with them.

Over the years, it’s rare for you to laugh once. Tonight, you will have a good night and enjoy it. "


The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Xiaoyi immediately returned to the banquet, and started a carnival with everyone.

Li Zhendong was outside, looking at them through the window, and smiled happily.

At this time, Yang Feng seemed to be drunk, suddenly toasting and shouting: "Who am I?"

"Yang Feng!"

Everyone shouted.

"Who am I?"


The crowd roared again.

"who are you?"

"Mo Shaoqiu!"

"Yan Tianxing!"

"Han Aotian!"

... Everyone reported their names one by one, and finally Yang Xiaoyi also shouted in excitement, "I am Yang Xiaoyi!"

Click it! Hearing these words, Li Zhendong outside the door clenched his fists and made a bone explosion, his face sank suddenly.

Yang Feng was already drunk, and there was no accident that an old man was spying on them, and he still roared cheerfully: "Who are we again?"

"We are all Yang family!"

The crowd was passionate and roared, especially Yang Xiaoyi, who roared higher than anyone else, yelled louder than anyone else, laughed more happily than anyone else, which made Li Zhendong outside the door shiver with anger and his face pale. Up.


Yang Feng grinned happily, pushed the wine glass violently, and drank the wine together with everyone, and people immediately laughed.

Without looking at them again, Li Zhendong turned and left silently, but his eyes were already full of cold killing intent.

A quarter of an hour later, in a dark secret room, Li Zhendong led dozens of the main members of the Li family. After three bows to a hideous idol, he straightened up and shouted: "Master Demon, the world is destroyed The day is coming soon.

Your servant will follow your teachings and bring your glory to the next era. "

After that, Li Zhendong turned around and let everyone take their seats one by one, while he was sitting on the top spot.

"The Li family twelve demons obey orders!"

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Li Zhendong shouted, and immediately twelve men in black robes stepped forward, bowed and knelt down.

His eyes squinted slightly, and Li Zhendong said calmly: "Today your young master hosted a banquet for a kid named Yang Feng. You should be staying in the villa. Go and take that kid's head off.

Attention, don't disturb you young master, let alone tell him nothing, do it cleanly! "

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Decided to nod his head, the twelve demons [ticking novel] shamely left.

The first middle-aged man on the left was Yang Xiaoyi's biological father. He was shocked when he heard the command from the old man, and said Cancan: "Um...Father, Xiaotian has always been withdrawn by nature. Since returning home, he has rarely interacted with people.

It's rare to have friends here today. I am very happy. I don't know why you want to kill a younger generation.

Is it possible... Did the kid offend you? "

"It doesn't matter if he offends me, because of his talent, the old man may not hold him accountable."

"Then what are you doing..." "Because he must die!"

With his eyes fierce, Li Zhendong shouted: "Xiaotian's surname is Yang, who has been in the lower realm all his life. After returning home, although he changed his surname back to Li, he still couldn't let go of the Yang character.

Especially, the old man finally figured out today why Xiaotian could not let go of this Yang, it was the kid.

As long as that kid is there, Xiaotian will always regard the Yang family as his family, not ours. "

This... slapped his mouth twice, and the middle-aged man said Cancan: "Father, Xiaotian, he won't be able to change it for a while, it's understandable.

Give him a little more time, and slowly, he will accept his real surname, so we don’t need to take his friend for surgery.

Let Xiaotian know this, don't you hate us? "

"Even if you hate it, you have to cut off his Yang roots."

With his eyes condensed, Li Zhendong said: "You don't know how important Xiaotian's identity is to our entire Li family.

Xiaotian, he is the spirit boy of the demon god. In the future, the demon Lord Diablo will reappear in the human body of Xiaotian. Our Li family is the servant of the demon god, and can survive this world extinction.

If Xiaotian jumped to the Yang family at this time, wouldn't he who follow the Demon God in the future become his Yang family?

Our Li family, like all other families, will be wiped out in the disaster. "

Well! The mind was stagnant, and everyone stopped talking.

Taking a deep breath, the killing intent in Li Zhendong's eyes became sharper: "So, no matter what, the Yang family's Patriarch must be wiped out.

As for Xiaotian, don't worry, if this Patriarch dies, he will be free of the Yang family's ties.

As for the rest of his friends, we can take them all into our Li family.

In this way, it can be regarded as a comfort to Xiaotian.

From now on, he will never call himself the Yang family again. "

"Yes, the Patriarch is dead, so where is the Yang family?"

Hearing what he said, everyone nodded.

Only soon, the middle-aged man said again: "But dad, do we have to kill the kid surnamed Yang?

Can't you put him into our Li family like everyone else? "


Glancing at him fiercely, Li Zhendong cursed: "The old man said a while ago, as long as the Yang Family Patriarch does not die, Xiaotian's Yang Family roots in his heart will continue.

If Xiaotian is on his side by then, I am afraid it is not our Li family that has absorbed the Yang family, but the Yang family has absorbed us.

You have to understand that Xiaotian is a spirit boy of the demon god, and he has a leading role in whoever lives and dies when the world is finally destroyed.

If you keep this Yang Family Patriarch alive, won't you make a wedding dress for others? "

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