Alien God System

Chapter 1502: Li Zhendong

"Second brother, I have troubled you this time.

Otherwise, I don't know where to find so many old deployments. "

"Hey, third brother, I'm seeing you outside.

These seniors are all veterans of my Yang family. Finding them and taking care of them is my duty, Yang Xiaoyi! "

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Yang Xiaoyi's banquet was opened late into the night. Everyone was drunk, so happy.

While chatting with everyone, Yang Feng learned that they were all retrieved by Yang Xiaoyi's personnel, and he immediately expressed his gratitude, but Yang Xiaoyi gave him a straight face.

"You can't say this again in the future, or you will treat me as an outsider, isn't my surname Yang?"

"Yes, you are the second master of our Yang family, I just said something wrong, my brother punished himself for a cup, hehehe."

With a grin, Yang Feng raised his hand and took a suffocated glass of wine, his face flushed.

Yang Xiaoyi nodded in satisfaction, slapped him **** the shoulder, and laughed: "That's right, don't talk to me in the future. The Yang family's business is mine.

But this time I would like to thank Master and his elders a lot. If I ran into him by accident, I didn't know that you had also soared here, so I would send people to look for you everywhere.

As a result, there was a huge crowd, and these few people were retrieved. I don't know where the others are now? "

"Don't worry about other people, I've also searched a lot over there. Now, let's take a look at the people we're looking for. Almost all the old guys are there.



That's good. "

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Xiaoyi nodded in relief, then asked, "What about the big sister?

Didn't you say that the eldest sister also came to the spirit world?

Did you find her? "

With a bitter expression, Yang Feng smiled and shook his head, and sighed: "Now that everyone else has found it, she just didn't find her.

But don't worry, she is different from others, she came with her father, and safety should be guaranteed. "


Big sister's father? "

"Yeah, Yu Chan seems to belong to the spirit world. Like you, she was kidnapped that day, except that it was her father who tied her.

By the way, you... seem to be from the great family of the spirit world, why did you run into the lower realm in the first place? "

"I do not know either!"

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Yang Xiaoyi murmured: "At that time, after I was taken back to the spirit world, they told me that I was a descendant of the Li family of the Heavenly Demon Sect. I was stolen by my enemy when I was in the infant. The teleportation channel was thrown into the Nether.

As for the true and false, I don't know, anyway, now I am a descendant of the Li family. "

So... nodded clearly, and Yang Feng asked again: "Then why were you picked up by my father with Yu Chan?

Is it possible that Cheng Yuchan was also stolen by the enemy, and then thrown into the lower realm and passed on with you? "

"This...I don't know too well. The eldest sister is from the spirit world. I just heard you say this."

"Then have you seen Yu Chan in the spirit world?"

"how is this possible?

If I had ever met, it would be impossible to admit Miss Yan. "

Yang Xiaoyi pointed to Yan Yurou in the guest seat, shrugged helplessly, and then looked at Yang Feng with a deep eyebrow and asked: "By the way, when the eldest sister and her father took the eldest sister away, you didn't ask what he was. Identity, where do you live?

Even if I know what his name is, I immediately send someone to inquire, maybe I can find it. "

"Oh, I was so drunk at the time, don't say what his name is, even if I can't remember his last name, I just remember that there is a heavenly character in his name."

"There are too many days in the name now, and my name is still Li Jitian, how can I find this vast sea of ​​people?"

Yang Xiaoyi sighed and said with a bright smile.

Yang Feng also narrowed his mouth bitterly and spread his hands.

At this time, with the sound of a steady step, a hearty and loud voice resounded through the hall: "Xiaotian, I heard that you are banqueting guests. This is rare, hahaha!"


The visitor was an old man with a length of nine feet, with white hair and long beard fluttering. He walked along with an indomitable momentum.

When Yang Xiaoyi saw him coming, he immediately got up and gave a fist respectfully.

When the rest of the people saw this, they did not dare to neglect. Under the leadership of Luo Yinghao and other super-class children, they hurriedly stood up and bowed and said, "Grandpa Li!"

"Well, the girl of the Yan family, the two brothers and sisters of the Luo family, are outstanding talents among the younger generation, hahaha!"

The old man glanced at Yan Yurou and the others, and laughed out loud.

Yan Yurou and others leaned over and said with a smile: "Grandpa Li has passed the award. Compared with Brother Li's talent, I am really ashamed of it."

Ok! He nodded slightly, the old man didn't say any humble words, he just smiled. After all, this is the truth.

Looking at the younger generation of the entire super-first-class family, his grandson Li Jitian will definitely leave their peers in the spirit world.

Even the distance of a sacred mountain from the old guys is nothing to say.

Only after sweeping through the group of guests, the old man fixed his strange gaze on Yang Feng.

This young man, he didn't know where he came from, as if he hadn't seen him in the younger generation of a super-class family, and he was able to sit on the main seat with his grandson, indicating that he was very much valued, which was surprising.

His grandson has always been alone, and he doesn't even need a waiter by his side. Why is he so close to this kid today?

Seeing the doubt in his eyes, Yang Xiaoyi hurriedly introduced the two of them: "Third brother, this is my grandfather, the ancestor of the Li family, Li Zhendong; grandpa, this is what I often mentioned to you, my righteousness in the lower realm. Brother, Yang Feng!"

"Hello Grandpa Li!"

Like a good baby, Yang Feng showed an innocent and brilliant smile and said loudly, like a good student.

Li Zhendong was taken aback for a moment, and after looking up and down Yang Feng for a long time, Can smiled and nodded and said: "Well, yes, very well-behaved.

Yang Feng, right, my little balance often praises you in front of me, saying that you are a rare genius, and he can't catch up with you. "

"Hey, my second brother is ridiculous, hehehe."

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng smiled lightly.

Nonsense, of course the old man knows that he is ridiculous, but it's just a polite remark, how can the old man take it seriously?

Besides, as my grandson, I'm afraid there is no one in the entire spiritual world, hum.

With a sneer in his heart, Li Zhendong didn’t even see Yang Feng in his eyes, but he still took care of Yang Xiaoyi’s face. It shows that you are a very talented young man.

In the future, you will cultivate well, depending on your love for taking care of my family Xiaotian for so many years, and our Li family will take good care of you in the future. "

"Thank you, Grandpa Li!"

Determined to nod, Yang Feng still smiled brightly and did not refute.

In fact, how could he not see Li Zhendong's contempt for him.

If it were given to others, his dignified Master Yang would have already smashed his face and left.

But isn't there still his second brother Yang Xiaoyi's face in the middle, so he just pretended to be confused and didn't care about it.

But in fact, he curled up his mouth in disdain.

I take care of you?

It's almost the same for you Li family to ask me to take care of you, cut!

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