Alien God System

Chapter 1493: Taste

After slapped his mouth twice, Yang Feng didn't immediately let go of that iron fist. He just looked at Liu Ruyi in front of him with a smile on his face and shouted: "Miss Liu, you take advantage of me!"

"What, I take advantage of you?"

Liu Ruyi's eyes widened, and Liu Ruyi suddenly became angry: "You just threatened me to kiss you. I didn't say you took the opportunity to belittle me. Did you even sue the wicked person first?"

"Hey hello, shall we make things clear?"

He smiled and shook his head, Yang Feng jokingly said: "I just asked you to kiss me, but I didn't let you kiss me.

Did you know that the mouth cannot be kissed casually, it represents love.

Oops, Miss Liu, never expected you to be so open.

Originally, I only wanted you to kiss my face and just mean it, but did you tell me to tell my wife at home? I'm a loyal and good man. Now my record of loyalty is all lost. You ruined, tut. "

Uh! With a twitch of face, Liu Ruyi was immediately trembling with anger, and the light in his eyes seemed to kill.

I'm afraid if it wasn't for knowing that he couldn't beat the man in front of him, it is estimated that Liu Ruyi would have cut Yang Feng this **** man into seventy or eighty segments.

Yang Feng squinted at her. Seeing that she was so angry that she was about to run away, he looked up to the sky and smiled dumbly. With a lightly loose palm, he let go of the white-faced man.

"Oh, don't look at me with such a look, don't you want to come up and bite me again?

Hurry up, can't I let people go?

The little girl nowadays is so unrestrained. In addition, I am such a yushu, I am really afraid of being stalked by you. It would be no good to do anything to sorry my wife and children. I am very responsible. That's a good man. "

"A good man, you despicable stinky rascal, let's go and see!"

Liu Ruyi took the already extremely weak white-faced man, and finally gave Yang Feng a hateful look, and after shaking his body, he disappeared completely.

And as she left, the wind and sand in the sky disappeared.

Feng Yu and others could not open their eyes because of the wind and sand. After the wind and sand dissipated, they looked at Yang Feng and saw that the person in his hand had completely disappeared. They couldn't help stepping forward and caring: "What happened? What's the matter, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, what can I do?

It's just that someone took action and saved the person, nothing serious, hehe. "

Yang Feng shrugged disapprovingly and said with a chuckle.

In fact, even if Liu Ruyi didn't make a move, Yang Feng planned to release the white-faced man.

After all, through the conversation just now, Yang Feng was able to deeply perceive the hatred in the heart of the white-faced man, and Yang Feng did not object to revenge.

Isn’t it justified to pay debts, kill people, avenge, and avenge injustice?

It's just that this time his revenge is Yan Yurou, Yang Feng's old acquaintance, who looks exactly like his wife.

Otherwise, Yang Feng may not be able to take care of this nosy.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng looked at Yan Yurou under his feet again, but saw that at this moment, Yan Yurou was completely unconscious.

Just now when Yang Feng rushed into that different space, he still saw the holy light radiating from Yan Yurou's body, but since the space was shattered, the light has disappeared.

Yang Feng didn't know what that was, and didn't pursue it. At this time, he should wake up Yan Yurou quickly.

So Yang Feng said nothing, leaned down, gently patted Yan Yurou's cheek, and said softly: "Miss Yan, you wake up, it's all right."

I've never seen Yang Feng look so considerate, and Feng Yu on the side bit his vermilion lips tightly, his face full of taste.

Well! At this moment, with a soft groan, Yan Yurou opened her eyes in a daze. Seeing Yang Feng’s face in front of her, she was overjoyed and immediately got up and hugged Yang Feng’s body and shouted: "You are finally here, quickly Save me, that person is going to kill me, oooooooo!"

"Don't worry, Miss Yan, it's okay, he has been beaten away by me, you are safe."

Yang Feng grinned and gently stroked Yan Yurou's back, but before he had time to shave it twice, Feng Yu's eyes groaned, and he immediately came to them, letting the flow take care of Yan Yurou's body. Pulling away from Yang Feng's chest, he embraced him, patted her back lightly, smiled lightly: "Miss Yan, don't be afraid, it's okay, that person was beaten by us, you are safe."

What has been beaten by you?

Is it OK to be alone?

After slapped his mouth twice, Yang Feng saw such a big hero's kindness to save the United States, and Feng Yu was obliterated in a few words, and he was immediately upset.

Besides, it’s me that people want to hug. Only by huging me can I feel safe. Why did you run out to add to the chaos?

Glancing at Feng Yu, Yang Feng smiled and made another move, pulling Yan Yurou's body away from Feng Yu, opening her arms and saying: "Miss Yan, I know you must be very scared now, it doesn't matter, there is me. , I will protect you..." "Yes, with all of us, we must protect you!"

However, before Yang Feng took the beauty into his arms again, Feng Yu was already embracing Yan Yurou's body into his chest, patted her on the back hard, and gave Yang Feng a deadly look, as if Talking.

Smelly man, don't think I don't know what you want to do.

Want to take advantage of people's danger and embrace the beauty?

No way, huh! Papa...While staring at Yang Feng, Feng Yu slapped Yan Yurou's back vigorously. With great force, she almost didn't pat Yan Yurou directly to cough up blood.

This seems to be no more comfort, it's all murder.

Yang Feng helplessly, her open arms finally let go, Yan Yurou also desperately broke free from Feng Yu's clutches, straightened up, and smiled: "Girl, thank you, I don't know what the girl is called?"

"Call me, Liu Shufen!"

"Well... what a simple name, Miss Liu!"

Yan Yurou was startled slightly, she smiled politely, and then looked at Yang Feng again: "Yang...erh no, Brother Tu, just...thank you, this time I owe you another favor. ."

At this time, Yan Yurou looked at Yang Feng's eyes, which were much softer than before, watery, her complexion was also ruddy, her tone of voice was very gentle, and her shyness was a little hot.

Such an expression made Feng Yu on the side very hateful, gritted his teeth! Yang Feng didn't care much, he just smiled and said politely: "Nothing, as long as you are fine."

Ok! Yan Yurou nodded happily, her eyes flashing.


Suddenly, another loud shout rang out, and it was a female voice from a distance.

Impatience is accompanied by crispness, and grace is accompanied by elegance.

Yang Feng's ear moved, and his spirit immediately came: "Hey, another person has been killed. The sound should look good...Uh, hey, this person must be in need of help.

As a leader of justice and a role model for gentlemen, I have to go and see. "

"Where to go?

I don’t think there is enough nosy, huh! "

However, as soon as his voice fell, Feng Yu already roared viciously...

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