Alien God System

Chapter 1492: rescue

Boom boom boom! Almost in an instant, the twelve barriers of the white-faced man were completely shattered into dregs in an instant, and the entire space was completely shattered within a short time.

The fierce thunder power ravaged Yunkong, causing all the independent space created by the empty beast to disappear.

Feng Yu and the others hadn't figured out what was going on, they felt the surrounding scenery once again, and the white world that was spinning from the sky to the earth returned to where they were originally.

But at this moment, looking around, I saw a thunder and lightning rhinoceros not far away, with a horn inserted through the body of the huge jellyfish.

The turbulent thunder power made the jellyfish's countless tentacles tremble, and they almost dried up.

Below them, Yang Feng also pinched the white-faced man's neck in a majestic manner, held it high, and stared at him with unspeakable majesty.

Obviously, Yang Feng won this battle! Nangong Yueyi waited for the younger brothers to meet, and couldn't help raising their hands together and cheering.

For Brother Xinfeng, the life creed of having eternal life is even more unswerving.

In the chamber, the group of Patriarchs couldn't help but exhale, nodded and laughed happily, and praised: "After all, this Tu Ganglie is better."

"That's right, but that empty beast cultivator is also a rare master. It's a pity that he met Tu Ganglie this time.

Elder Zhai, the white-haired boy should focus on observing, right? "

"No need!"

Shaking his head, Zhai Linfeng looked very indifferent, and even no longer looked at the white-faced boy at all.

Everyone was taken aback, and a little strange: "It's not... Lao Zhai, what kind of Yueqing, Jing Wuming and others were before, you still focus on observing, this white-haired boy is much better than them, right? Why did you give up instead? "

"Brothers, don't forget what we are doing in this Hundred Swordsman Conference. I really thought it was to select promising people?"

With a cold smile, Zhai Linfeng said: "We are looking for the Demon God Lingtong, how can the Demon God Lingtong be defeated?

And the defeat was so miserable?

No matter how strong this white-haired boy is, he will be out if he loses, and is not within our choice.

But those Yueqing and Jing Wuming, don't look at the strength of the white-haired boy, but as long as they are not defeated, it means that there is still the possibility of becoming a soul boy.

The devil spirit child may not be invincible in the world, but the demon **** must be invincible in the world, do you understand? "

Oh I got it! Nodding clearly, the old guys knew it all.

If it is the demon spirit boy, or even if there is a deity standing behind him, between life and death, before victory or defeat, he will definitely show his divine power to help him, how could it be easily defeated?

But now, since he was defeated, it means he has no background, so there is no need to think about it.

Even if his strength and talent are indeed rare among the younger generation, it is useless.

Alas, it's a pity... Shaking their heads, the old guys sighed and smiled, and their eyes gradually became indifferent. They would never look at the white-haired man again, even as an enemy, they would never look at him again.

The white-haired man was pinched by Yang Feng's neck, clenched his fist unwillingly, and finally let go of his palm weakly, and said with a wry smile: "Monster, I have never heard before. Someone can refine Yun Beast and other spirit beasts together. I didn't expect to see it today. I really didn't lose injustice."

That's right, the cloud beast possesses dozens of times the amount of chakras due to its proliferation properties. Any expert in the world who refines the cloud beast is already full, and it is difficult to refine other spirit beasts.

And the cultivator who refines other spirit beasts has already reached the limit, and then refines the cloud beast, being impacted by such a huge energy, it will definitely burst.

Therefore, the spirit beast refiners in the spirit world either refine one cloud beast or two more other spirit beasts, nothing more.

But never expected, **** today.

Someone can actually refine the Yun Beast and other spirit beasts together, which can't help but multiply its own power dozens of times.

Don't say it's attribute mutual restraint, even if it is restrained, it can easily ravage the other party.

After all, the attribute of the cloud beast is multiplication, which can increase any kind of energy by dozens or hundreds of times. This is a very terrifying combination technique.

The white-faced man was convinced that he lost to Yang Feng, the weird guy, and only hated his own strength.

Yang Feng took a deep look at him, shook his body, and took his spirit beast back. The seriously injured jellyfish hollow beast also immediately returned to the white-faced man.

Then, Yang Feng pondered a little, and murmured: "What do you call, why are you right..." "Wind dancing and sand!"

Wow! Suddenly, a soft drink sounded, and the dust filled the sky immediately before everyone, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

Yang Feng squinted his eyes and couldn't see things around him clearly, but he only felt that the hand of the white-faced man he was pinching had a rush of pulling.

Obviously, this is someone trying to save him.

However, under Yang Feng's iron fist, some people thought it would be impossible to save people so easily.

No matter how unscrupulous the wind blows, Yang Feng will not let him go.

Then, I heard the clanging sound coming from Yang Feng's arm, like a beating of gold and iron.

Yang Feng understood that someone wanted to chop off his hand and save the white-faced man.

It's a pity that Yang Feng is now the undamaged body of King Kong, let alone cutting off his hand, even if he is the pinnacle powerhouse of the spirit world, it is not so easy to hurt his hair.

With a grin, Yang Feng leisurely said noncommittal: "It's useless, trying to save people from me, this is not enough.

But if you are willing to show up and show me how you look like, I am willing to release people immediately and let you take them away. "


Huh! A flicker, amidst the wind and sand, a familiar face appeared, full of anger, staring at Yang Feng fiercely.

Not that Liu Ruyi, but who is it?

When Yang Feng saw that it was her, he was slightly stunned, and then he smiled: "It turned out to be you. Why did you ran away before and dare to appear in front of me?"

"Is this girl afraid of you?"

Raising his head proudly, Liu Ruyi glanced at Yang Feng, clutching the white-faced man's arm, and said angrily: "Don't let anyone go?"

"Release, it will definitely be released, but there is a condition!"

"What are your conditions?

I'm all showing up, don't talk too much! "

"How can I say nothing?

It's just..." The little man shook his head locally, Yang Feng smiled evilly, raised his eyebrows and said: "Before you used a phantom golden cicada to get rid of the shell, which made me very proud.

I ran into you again this time, do you have to compensate me for anything? "

"make up?

What compensation do you want? "

Liu Ruyi was puzzled, Yang Feng grinned and showed a smirk: "How about you give me a kiss?"

"What, kiss you?"

Looking angrily, Liu Ruyi glared at him, cursing: "Rogue!"

Cursing his lips indifferently, Yang Feng sneered and said, "If you don't kiss me, I will choke this little white face to death now. What can you do?"

"Hey don't!"

Liu Ruyi hurriedly waved her hand, then bit her delicate lips tightly. After staring at Yang Feng with embarrassment, he finally tilted his head forward and kissed Yang Feng with a touch of water. .


Liu Ruyi stared at him bitterly, his face flushed as if burning, and said angrily: "Why don't you let go?"

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