Alien God System

Chapter 1488: Empty Beast Cultivator

"Who is this kid, so courageous, that he dares to do such a heavy hand against the children of our super-class family?"

"Heavy hands?

Humph, is it a killer? "

"Old man Zhai, we must immediately send someone out to save people and stop this kid!"

...Three minutes ago, all the Patriarchs looked at the image in front of them in the chamber, and they clenched their fists nervously, and some even directly suggested to Zhai Linfeng.

Zhai Linfeng clenched his fists, thought for a while and said, "Wait!"


I am afraid that all these little guys were killed by that kid! "

An old man jumped his feet in anger and roared: "The surnamed Zhai, in the three-point Shura field, you said that our boys are safe.

But what happened in the end?

Less than a hundred people returned safely.

Now that there are only a few boys left, can we go and save them?

You...what is your heart? "

"What is my peace?

Isn't it for everyone's heart? "

Glancing at them, Zhai Linfeng shouted: "Everyone understands that the accident that occurred in the first round of testing is beyond human reach. That is to say, this is the meaning of God, and it may even be the meaning of Demon God.

We are looking for the Demon God, don’t the Demon God know?

Since in the first round, the Demon God has withdrawn our insurance for the children, which shows that Lord Demon wants to see a fair selection.

If we intervene casually, Lord Demon God will be unhappy. "

Well! The heart was stagnant, and all the old guys were gloomy and stopped talking.

Zhai Linfeng sighed and continued: "Master Devil is upset. No one can predict what will happen.

Maybe he will hide with his soul boy and never see us again. This is still mild, because he is afraid that when he is angry, he will impose severe punishment on us, and then we will not have time to cry.

It can be said that at this moment, this selection is not led by us, but depends on the meaning of the devil. "

"Then you must let us boys participate in the second round?

What if they are in danger? "

An old man, his face full of irritation.

Taking a deep breath, Zhai Linfeng's eyes sparkled brightly: "In order to please Lord Demon, since our children have participated in this selection, there is no way to withdraw.

Otherwise, we let them withdraw privately. If Lord Demon God blames it, I am afraid that none of them will survive. "

"how do you know?

Are you not the roundworm in the belly of the devil? "

"I am not a roundworm in the belly of the devil, but I will look at his old man's attitude.

In the first round of selection, the marks in everyone's hands disappeared. What does that mean? "

Zhai Linfeng roared, "My grandson is in there too, am I not in a hurry?"

But to find God, there is a price to pay.

Our previous operations have already made God dissatisfied, and there can be no more omissions.

So, let those boys take risks, for the future glory of the family. "

At this point, Zhai Linfeng's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth.

When the other old guys saw this, they were all silent, just staring at the image.

From now on, this selection has entered a real fair, and there is no more black-box operation.

And in that video, Yan Yurou was still gritting her teeth to support her. Four or five gorgeously dressed youths fell to the ground. On the opposite side, each young man with white hair and pale face stared at her and said: "You Lei’s is too weak, not my opponent, go to hell."


Panting heavily, Yan Yurou looked at him with a stubborn expression: "Why must we be killed?

What hatred do we have with you, do you hate us so? "

"Isn't it what you said, the second round of rules is to kill everyone until there are only one hundred left, I just follow the rules."

"No, you are not because of this rule."

Shaking her head, Yan Yurou's eyes flashed with a deep light: "If you act according to this rule, it means that you want to join the super-class family, then you can't be so cruel to the super-class family. You should find someone else to do it.

But now, you are showing no mercy to us, obviously you hate it in your bones.

But where did we offend you, you want us to die. "

Where did you offend... the white-haired young man looked up to the sky for a moment, and showed a scornful smile: "You guys who are raised on the holy mountain, don’t know what kind of corpse your golden nest and silver nest are used for. It's made of mountains and blood.

In this world, there are more people who have enemies with you. I am only representing them, and I will charge you some interest for the time being.

The real account will be calculated by your fathers in the future! "

Sure enough, there is a deep hatred in your heart, no wonder the shot is so cruel! With a flick of her eyes, Yan Yurou instantly understood.

At this time, Yang Feng's voice sounded: "Miss Yan, it's you!"

"Yang..." Yan Yurou was stunned, turned her head and looked around. She didn't know when, Yang Feng appeared not far from her with a group of spectators, her eyes lit up and she shouted.

Yang Feng was shocked when he saw this, and he waved his hand quickly, rushed forward, and repeatedly said: "Don't don't...don't say..." "Go to death, go out!"

The white-haired boy ignored these spectators, raised his hand, and an invisible wave shot out from the palm of his hand, flying towards Yan Yurou.

With a glance at Yang Feng's eyes, he felt the fluctuating horrible energy, and immediately flashed away, came to Yan Yurou, took her into his arms, and used his back as a shield to move backwards. top.

boom! After the invisible wave touched Yang Feng's back, it immediately exploded, and the entire cloud sky seemed to have encountered a black hole, completely sucked in and turned into dust.

The boundless earth shattered every inch, entered that space, and turned into powder.

Several children of the super-first-class family who had been injured were directly involved in this huge suction force. Accompanied by screams, they completely lost their sound, and even the corpses no longer exist.

Nangong Yueyi and others were also sucked away by this terrifying suction, screaming again and again, but they were still in the air, and they were chained by fire.

Looking around, I saw that Feng Yu didn't know when behind him, and shot a tail of fire to hold them firmly, but he plunged into the ground with two soles, as if he had taken root, and he did not move.

However, as long as they could see the depths of the earth, they would be able to discover that at this moment, Feng Yu's two soles had already turned into the body.

The huge palm, which is more than ten feet long, extends to the depths of the earth veins, and can withstand such a terrifying suction.

His eyes trembled, Feng Yu stared at the white-haired young man with indifferent eyes, and his heart sank.

Damn, another master who refines spirit beasts.

If you read it right, it should be an empty beast! Because only the empty beast can control such a terrifying space power and destroy the world.

The only heavenly elements that can restrain the power of space are wind and thunder.

Fortunately, Yang Feng has one of them.

Thinking of this, Feng Yu smiled confidently at the corner of his mouth, not worried about Yang Feng's safety...

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