Alien God System

Chapter 1487: Meet Yan Yurou again

"Unexpectedly, two dual-line refiners will appear so soon, even in our super-first-class family, there is rarely such a talent for cultivation."

"Yes, there are so many masters in the secular younger generation. The old man is a little worried that the little boys in our family might be in danger on this battlefield."

"Don't be afraid. Although it is a life-and-death battle, people from those secular families have to give our super-first-class families a face. You won't be able to kill you, don't worry!"

...In the chamber, the old guys began to chatter again.

On the battlefield, Feng Yu stared closely at the place where Liu Ruyi disappeared, and said suspiciously, "You mean... everything just now was an illusion?"

"Not bad!"

Nodding his head, Yang Feng solemnly said: "The attribute of fog is confusion. I am afraid that when I used the power of the heavenly light, Liu Ruyi consciously couldn't restrain me, so he fled directly with the attribute of fog.

Leave a phantom, and talk to me.

I just used the Arashi attribute to break it down and it disappeared. "

"But this illusion is too real, we haven't noticed it at all."

"So this is not ordinary fog, but sky-level fog."

Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng solemnly said: "The power of the sky-level fog is ten million times stronger than ordinary fog. Even the spirit saint of the third-order peak can hardly detect its authenticity. I just used mine. A unique skill that can only be perceived by super intuition."

"That's it."

Nodding clearly, Feng Yu said again: "Then Liu Ruyi really left now?

Or is it lying around, ready to attack us at any time? "

"Really gone, otherwise my super intuition will definitely find her."

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng said with a smile: "Also, you were hurt by her just now. Actually, it is not that your strength is really worse than her, but that she first used the power of the fog to confuse you, and then the power of the wind hurt you.

Otherwise, just use the power of the wind, only the piercing attribute, but not the speed, you should be able to avoid it.

Only when you use the power of the fog to confuse you and reduce your reaction power, she can hit with one hit, so you don't have to be discouraged. After all, you are facing the power of two spirit beasts, not the power of humans. "

Ok! Nodding slightly, Feng Yu gave Yang Feng a grateful look.

She knew that Yang Feng must understand that she was always proud of being a princess of the Phoenix family. Now that she was so suppressed by a human woman, she would definitely be dissatisfied, so she offered comfort.

In fact, the monsters of the monster race would feel ashamed if they lost to humans alone, but they would not be so dissatisfied if they lost to the spirit beasts.

After all, in the entire spirit world, spirit beasts are the strongest combat power, even the existence of their monster beasts can hardly match.

Feng Yu saw Yang Feng caring for himself so intimately, his heart was also warm, and a blush flashed in his cheeks unconsciously.

Yang Feng didn't care too much. He thought she was still angry with Liu Ruyi, and flushed with anger, so he laughed up to the sky, patted her shoulder and said, "Okay, don't care too much. Get this one back, let's go down and join those boys now."

With that said, Yang Feng had already flown down, Feng Yu followed closely.

Seeing this, a group of younger brothers stepped forward to greet them, with admiration in their eyes: "Brother Feng, Sister Fen, thanks to you this time.

Had it not been for your two masters to support us, we would definitely have wiped out the entire army this time when we encountered such a strong opponent. "

"Of course, I said it a long time ago, Xinfeng brother, get immortal life, follow brother Feng is right, I will ensure that you are safe through this difficulty, hahaha!"

"Brother Xinfeng, have eternal life!"

"Brother Xinfeng, have eternal life!"

...As soon as the voice fell, everyone shouted passionately.

Then, Yang Feng waved his hand to stop them before continuing to walk deep into the battlefield.

Along the way, Yang Feng was like a star being interviewed by reporters. He was bombarded with questions from the crowd, from age, hometown, ancestry, marriage, and all the way to his preferences for eating and drinking.

Yang Feng answered one by one, without leaking.

Until one person said with all his doubts: "Brother Feng, isn't your name Tu Ganglie?

We should support your brother Lie, or Brother Ganglie, why should we call you brother Feng? "

"Uh, this..." After thinking about it, Yang Feng murmured: "My last name is Tu, my name is Ganglie, and my name is Shi Feng.

What you call is my font size.

As for my name, it doesn’t sound good to call it out.

Especially the word stout, always makes me excited, understand?

Therefore, I am avoiding the word Lie, and I always feel that the body is bleeding. "

Puff puff! Hearing this, the boys couldn't help covering their mouths and snickered, nodding their heads.

Nangong glanced at Yang Feng deeply and admired secretly.

This brother Yang was too capable of bluffing. It was obviously that he was excited for a while, and he missed his real name, and he was able to find it back in this way. It was really amazing.

Rumble! Suddenly, purple thunder lights rang in the distance, shaking the world and the earth, and at the same time heart-piercing screams came out one after another.

Feng Yu glanced at it remotely, "It is estimated that there was another fight before, what should we do?"

"Make a detour, it's none of your own, hang up high.

In this life-and-death battle, as long as a hundred people remain, in other words, survival is more important than anything else.

We don’t need to take that unnecessary risk, right? "

Nangong Yueyi squinted longing eyes, staring at Yang Feng, and said his own suggestions.

The others listened and nodded vigorously: "Yeah, Sister Nangong is right, Brother Feng, let's take a detour."


Sister Nangong?

Brows trembled, Nangong Le Yi glanced at the boys diagonally.

Yang Feng touched his chin, smiled evilly and said, "I want to go and see if there is fun."

"No, Brother Feng, what if you meet another strong person?

We don't have to fight meaninglessly! "

The corners of everyone's lips were flat, and they almost cried.

Yang Feng shrugged noncommittal and smiled: "What are you afraid of?

and me! Besides, I have been walking in the arena for so many years, and others have always given way to me. I haven't given way to others, let alone detour, which is embarrassing.

I'm going to see it anyway, if you dare not go, do it yourself! "

After speaking, Yang Feng left with a grin.

Feng Yu naturally followed closely, and Nangong Yueyi hurriedly followed. After the others looked at each other, they also immediately followed.

The Colosseum, which is as big as it is borderless, is just a virgin forest. These little animals run around at random and will die at any time. It is better to stay behind a big tiger and have their lives guaranteed.

As a result, Yang Feng brought a group of trembling young men to the place where the gunpowder was full of smoke, but only saw a familiar face, fighting with a pale young man with great difficulty.

"Miss Yan, it was you!"

Yang Feng's eyes lit up and smiled.

This person is no one else, it is Yan Yurou, no doubt...

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