Alien God System

Chapter 1478: Soul complement


The body shook, everyone present realized something, and their faces were grave.

Nodding fixedly, Zhai Linfeng solemnly said: "It can only be said that it is a miracle to be able to do such a thing under our noses.

This also proved that our Hundred Fighters Conference indeed attracted our long-awaited gods.

So how did the gods get attracted?

Can only come with the soul boy.

The old man believes that soon, the soul boy will show up. "

"There are also many kinds of gods, maybe this is an evil god?"

At this time, Luo Tiancheng who was not far away murmured.

With a deep face, Zhai Linfeng glared at him fiercely: "Whether it is the evil **** or the devil, there will always be a result in the end."

"The results have long been there, but why don't you believe them?"

After taking a deep breath, Luo Tiancheng settled: "Didn’t the old man say it a long time ago? The Demon Lord Diablo has instructions that if you want to escape from the disaster of extinction, the management system for the entire spiritual world must now be changed... "That's just what you said, how do we know if this meant by the devil?"

We haven't seen it with our own eyes, heard it with our ears "

"Then you suspect that I'm falsely preaching the will of the demon god?"

"It's not a fake, maybe you haven't seen this demon **** at all?"

Rolling his eyes, Zhai Linfeng continued: "Luo Tiancheng, you said this is what the devil meant.

Okay, I believe you for the time being.

But what did you say before?

Yang Feng, who is known as the spirit boy of the devil, let you spread the word, we must not believe in the devil.

Everyone, listen, some people will persuade others to not believe in yourself? "

Uh, this... His heart was stagnant, Luo Tiancheng was speechless, and the rest of the people couldn't help nodding their heads, deeply agreeing.

Yes, this is a bit contradictory.

But how did they know that Yang Feng didn't want to pretend to be a demon **** at first, and only temporarily took care of it later, and the tone of the front and back would naturally be a bit different.

But this caused Luo Tiancheng to be dumb and eat coptis. He couldn't tell. After anxiously jumped his feet, he mourned: "But the Demon Venerable Di Ablo did say that, I didn't lie to you."

"Brother Luo, we didn't say that you lied to us, we just suspect that the self-proclaimed demon spirit boy Yang Feng you met was a liar, and you were deceived by him."


Luo Tiancheng was a little suspicious, but still insisted: "If he really didn't descend from the demon god, how could he kill an evil **** in an instant?

I saw it with my own eyes. "

With a grin, Zhai Linfeng curled his lips in disdain: "What I saw with my own eyes may not be true.

How do you know that it wasn't a double force between Yang Feng and the evil god? "


Did they collude? "

"Yes, the evil **** is the best at deceiving people.

They played a double act, making you think that Yang Feng is the demon **** descending, conveying the authentic demon god's will, so as to confuse all living beings, before this limit, collect human souls as much as possible. "

Raising his head arrogantly, Zhai Linfeng swept everyone present and shouted: "The old ancestors clearly record in ancient books. The more the last days, the more rampant the evil god.

All they want is to induce mankind to sacrifice their souls, and everyone must not be fooled.

In particular, everyone should have confidence in our current governance system and maintain a clear-cut stand for the rules set by our ancestors.

The spiritual world must not be chaotic, this is the conspiracy of the evil gods.

They want to mess up the spiritual world and profit from it. "

Yes, yes, it makes sense...As soon as these words came out, all the Patriarchs nodded, even Luo Tiancheng began to wonder if he had been deceived and became shaken.

Seeing this scene, Zhai Linfeng exhaled and smiled happily.

This time the team's mind was finally stabilized, but it still couldn't relax its vigilance to prevent the reform speech from appearing again.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and Zhai Linfeng looked at the black-clothed old man below: "Go, continue to monitor those outstanding contestants, the devil spirit boy must be among them!"

"Yes, Elder Zhai!"

Determined to nod, the old man went down.

On the other hand, after Yang Feng returned to his small courtyard, Ximenzun was still unconscious, pestering in the ground.

Yang Feng pulled his body out of the ground, then took out the purple contract and pointed forward.

The purple contract screamed, burned and turned into ashes.

Countless glittering light spots floated from inside, and returned to the body of Ximen Zun.

At this point, the soul of Simon Zun was completed.

And all of this, Yang Feng is also very familiar with it. After all, after he absorbed the power of King Abeiro, he had all his skills.

He naturally used the methods of Evil God's ecstasy and resurrection, just like King Abeiro was reborn.

Well! After a quarter of an hour, Simon Zun frowned slightly and let out a soft moan, then he suddenly hugged his head and moaned in pain, as if something exploded in his head.

Yang Feng looked at him with concern, while Feng Yu looked at Yang Feng suspiciously and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"The Cthulhu pulled away his soul fragments, causing him to lose his memory. Now we return these fragments. These fragments are fusing with his original main soul. A large amount of memory interspersed with his original memory will naturally cause headaches.

Just as if you recite ten thousand words of classical Chinese in one breath, you will have a headache.

The amount of data is too large for the brain to process. "

"That's it!"

Nodding clearly, Feng Yu continued to pay attention.

Ah...Ximenzun was still howling, the pain was unbearable, and then suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of blood.

However, gradually, his screaming stopped and his calm was restored, but his eyes were a little dull.

Yang Feng stepped forward and asked cautiously: "Ximen, do you... still know me?"

"Home... Patriarch?"

Ximenzun stiffened his head and turned his head. At first, he was a little dazed, but soon his eyes cleared, and he grabbed Yang Feng's arm with excitement, and said with joy, "Patriarch, it's really you, I finally found you... …Uh no…” But soon, Ximenzun seemed to think of something again, and he let go of Yang Feng’s arm, and said with horror: “I actually killed you?

How could it be... I would kill my Patriarch, my savior, and it is simply unforgivable..." "I remember it all, it's okay. "

With a grin, Yang Feng nodded happily, clasped Ximenzun’s shoulders, and lifted him up and said, “Brother, don’t care too much. You were so frustrated that you didn’t know me anymore. It's normal."

"But I still do it to you, I..." Ximenzun was ashamed as he gritted his teeth.

Yang Feng smiled dumbly and said noncommittal: "Okay, I don't care, what do you care about?

Come on, let's have a good chat, what have you experienced since you came to the spirit world?

How come you were taken captive by that evil god?

You are just such a good master of mine, and you have the ability to get you back.

Otherwise, you don’t know when you want to serve him as a cow or a horse or a slave, hahaha! "

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