Alien God System

Chapter 1477: report

After getting the Juetian God King, Yang Feng raised his head triumphantly and stretched out his hand: "Thank you!"

"That..." Juetian God King's heart moved, and a purple contract paper appeared in front of the statue, but he was a little bit reluctant: "My Twelve Guardians of the Juetian God Sect are all carefully selected human beings. The soul, every one is firm-willed, is a great supplement.

I will leave them in the mortal world for me for the time being. When the deadline comes, I will take them all away.

As a result, you just took the soul of one of them with a casual mouth. You have to make some compensation, right? "

"Compensation for what?"

"You should also have a lot of soul contracts in your hand. Pick one with equal soul strength for me, and we will exchange it."

That Juetian God King looked sincere and sincere, but Yang Feng was like a bird. He raised his hand with a wave and took the purple contract into his hand. He sneered and said: "The soul that I grabbed by his skill, why should he I'll make up for you, cut."

Hey you... robber! Juetian God King's heart was stagnant, and he couldn't speak in anger, and could only secretly curse Yang Feng, a despicable villain, but what he never expected was that even if he cursed secretly, he cursed wrong.

He kept cursing King Abeluo for not having a good death, his soul and spirit were destroyed, but he did not know that the evil **** of death had been killed by Yang Feng.

It is not King Abeiro who robs him now, but Yang Feng.

Of course, Yang Feng wouldn't admit it himself, but he took a deep look at the contract in his hand and said, "As long as I inject the soul in this contract into Simon Zun, his soul will be completed, can I remember everything? "

"Well, just return this soul fragment back."

After a long sigh, Juetian God King murmured: "When I picked up this misty owl, how firm was his will, and he couldn't follow it to death.

So I extracted part of his soul, and he was finally tamed by me.

During the period, I also found him a fog beast to enhance his strength so that he could work for me. Now these early investments are all in vain.

King Abeluo, are you really not going to compensate me? "

"Make up for it, let's go!"

Yang Feng smiled, put away the soul contract, and left here happily, leaving only the resentful God King crying secretly, like a prostitute who had been prostituted and couldn't get the money.

Outside the small courtyard, Yueqing and the others looked inside from time to time, but did not dare to go in. They were just full of doubts. I don't know why their lord **** values ​​this kid so much.

Hahaha! At this moment, with a cheerful and dripping laugh, Yang Feng walked out swaggeringly, the spring breeze blowing on his face, unhappy.

Feng Yu and Nangong got more opinions, and hurried to meet them, and asked, "Is it finished?"

"It's over!"

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay!"

Yang Feng shook his head and jumped alive.

Feng Yu looked at him deeply, exhaled, and relieved.

Yueqing and the others became more and more strange as they watched. Why didn't this kid hurt at all and was not repaired by Lord Juetian God inside?

This is too unfair. We, as the people of the Absolute God Sect, were beaten. The Lord God King will not avenge us once when he goes down to the earth?

Then what is the use of worshiping this god?

Suddenly, the faith in the hearts of Yueqing and others was about to collapse, and the eyes looking at Yang Feng were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

As if aware of their unwillingness, Yang Feng turned his head to look at them evilly, raised his eyebrows and said: "Hey, you guys, hurry in.

That Judean God King just said, I should reward you guys well. "

"What, reward us?

why? "

Yueqing and the others were puzzled. Yang Feng shook his head like a rattle, and said with a smile: "Where do I know this, he is very happy anyway, go quickly."

Lord God King is very happy, but also reward us?

Yueqing and the others looked at each other, feeling bewildered, but they didn't care about their doubts.

As the so-called flattering of leaders, you have to take advantage of his happy mood.

For some reason, the Lord God King is in a good mood, no matter whether he is rewarded or not, it is right to please him now.

So apart from anything else, a few people in Yueqing rushed into the small courtyard scrambling to one another.

Then, booming, a series of bursts rang out, shaking the entire courtyard one after another, and the violent sound of the King of Heavenly God instantly spread outside the small courtyard: "Reward?

I award you a watermelon egg.

If it weren't for you eagerly invited this seat here, could this seat be knocked off for no reason?

You mourning stars, see if this constellation teaches you well, hum. "

"My Lord God, calm down your anger, it was Tu Ganglie who said you...Oh, Tu Ganglie, you bastard, you dare to play with us, oh..." Then, Yueqing and the others came from the depths of the courtyard. A few screamed and wailed.

After Yang Feng looked up to the sky and smiled dumbly, he looked at each other with Feng Yu and the others, and left with contentment.

However, not long after their front feet left, on a towering tree a kilometer away from the small courtyard, as the space squirmed, an old man in black appeared.

Then the old man looked at the movement in the yard, and then at the direction Yang Feng and the others were heading away. His body flashed and disappeared again.

A quarter of an hour later, the old man came to the gloomy hall. Patriarchs of the family still formed a circle, but their faces were gloomy and icy, no longer as happy as before.

"To all the Patriarchs, Xifeng Academy has made a major discovery.

Just now, Tu Ganglie, from a second-rate family, led some people into a crowded residence in Yueqing. There seemed to be some conflict between the two sides and they fought.

The old man noticed that there was a strong energy fluctuation inside, and was worried that there was a strong enemy inside, so he didn't dare to approach him. "


A person from a second-rate family can actually make such a big movement, which shows that there is probably a demon spirit child in it, ha ha ha! "

After hearing this, Zhai Linfeng gave a dry laugh and looked at the others.

But the old guys didn't smile at all, they gave him a fierce look and said: "We don't care where the demon spirit boy is now, we just want to know how the little boys in our family are now.

Zhai Linfeng, you must take full responsibility for the fact that our super-first-class children lost contact in the three-point Shura field. "

"Oh, I know you are in a hurry, but am I not in a hurry?

Our descendants of the Zhai family are also inside. "

Hearing what they said, Zhai Linfeng couldn't help sighing and murmured: "Now, our transmission channels to the four dangerous places have been destroyed, and only one one-way channel from the dangerous places is left.

No way, we can only send someone to fly to see the situation.

In the middle, it will definitely take a lot of time, so I can’t rush.

However, on the other hand, this precisely shows that our Hundred Takes Conference was very effective. "

"how do I say this?"

Rolling his eyes, Yan Chongtian sneered.

With a flash of brilliance in his eyes, Zhai Linfeng settled: "Being able to erase the space imprints and teleportation formations of all the players under the noses of our many super-class families, do you think, who has such great ability and can do such incredible feats? Come?"

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