Alien God System

Chapter 1434: Nine Sun Life Pill

"Rogue, beast, I fight you!"

Luo Yunchang was so angry that he roared and charged towards Yang Feng.

Fortunately, Luo Yinghao hurriedly dissuaded him: "Okay, Jiumei is my own. If you have something to say, give me face!"

"What gives you face?

Now it is your sister who is taking advantage of him! "

"Oh, you just did it. You took the initiative and said that people took advantage of you. It doesn't make sense."

Luo Yinghao laughed and shook his head: "Well, let him return all the medicinal materials that he stole from you, so you can't do anything right?

Jiumei, this is the best friend of the third brother, different from the previous friends! "

Well! When he was stagnant, Luo Yunchang took a deep look at him, and when he saw that he was so serious, he knew it immediately, but he still said forcefully: "Not as good as the old friend, this stinky hooligan.

Third brother, your taste in making friends is getting lower and lower. "

"Yes, yes, next time I will bring a well-knowing wealthy young man back. I'll get you the medicine back in a while. Let's forget about it today, ha ha ha."

With a chuckle, Luo Yinghao patted Luo Yunchang's sullen head with a dozing face, then walked to Yang Feng, pulled him aside, and whispered: "Brother Yang, that medicine field is hers. Yes, don't bully my stupid sister, and return the medicine to her.

If you need medicinal materials, I will get them from the warehouse, privately sponsored! "

"I didn't take it, the medicine was blown away by the wind!"

Yang Feng, as always, did not blush or beat when he lied.

Luo Yinghao glanced at him helplessly and wailed: "Brother Yang, don't talk secretly in front of the Ming people. We all know whether you have picked the medicinal materials secretly. You have to open your eyes and talk nonsense in front of me. Are you cheating?"

"Brother Luo, don't talk secretly in front of Mingren.

If you can really get such a large amount of high-end medicinal materials, don't you just give it to your sister?

Are you lying to me? "

"I..." Luo Yinghao was speechless for a while, and said with a laugh: "Brother Yang is Brother Yang, I can't lie to you in anything.

To be honest, it doesn't matter if I buy dozens of these cherished medicinal materials for you, but for such a large number, I have to go to the warehouse to retrieve them, and I don't have this authority.

However, the medicinal materials in this medicine field are all my sister's efforts to save people.

If you take it away, you will be taking her life. "

Save people?

With a raised eyebrow, Yang Feng glanced at Luo Yunchang's puffy look from a distance: "Your sister is terminally ill?

Impossible, is it so vicious after a terminal illness? "

"Oh, it's not her, it's her maidservant, Xiao Zhuo!"

Shaking his head, Luo Yinghao said with a solemn expression: "Xiao Zhuo and Jiumei grew up together, and they have very good relationships, but because of congenital deficiency, they will definitely die if they are over twenty.

Unless you use the twelve-level top-level spirit pill, the Nine Sun Life Sustaining Pill, one a year to renew your life, otherwise, when the medicine is cut off, your life will die. "

"Then you guys will give her something to eat. Could it be that the Luo family, who is a superb family, can't even eat the twelve-grade pill?"

"Of course I can afford it, but I have to share it with someone!"

Rolling his eyes, Luo Yinghao continued: "If it's a young lady, maybe the elders in the family can barely maintain for decades, but there is only one subordinate... Hehe, this is not the same.

You have to know how difficult it is to refine the twelfth-rank top spirit pill.

In addition to these top treasures of heaven and earth, there are also top alchemists to refine them.

Even so, the failure rate is extremely high.

In the end, countless elixir was spent, and only one elixir could be refined.

The degree of its preciousness can be imagined. "

"This kind of pill, even the young masters and ladies can't afford it, let alone use it for a servant.

At that time, Jiumei asked my father for medicine, but my father categorically refused, and explicitly forbid Jiumei to take out a medicinal material from the warehouse.

Therefore, Nine Sisters began to cultivate these medicinal materials by themselves, but even so, in terms of the failure rate of the refining of the twelve-level top spirit pills, the whole courtyard of medicinal materials may not be able to be successfully refined into one, alas. "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng understood, and at the same time gave Luo Yunchang a strange look.

Unexpectedly, this girl has a fierce appearance and is so good to a servant, which is rare.

With a slight smile, Yang Feng said lightly: "Knowing that the probability is low, what else does she need those medicinal materials for?

Might as well give it to me! "

"After all, it's her hope. You return this medicinal material to her. When that Xiaozhuo dies, she will give up. There is no regret, after all, she has tried her best."

Luo Yinghao sighed and waved his hand. After Yang Feng thought for a while, he walked away: "You wait for me for a while."

When he came to a secluded place, Yang Feng immediately called up the control panel, checked the prescription of Jiuyang Sustained Life Pill, and then directly made one with a 100% synthesis rate.

Then, in Luo Yinghao's suspicious eyes, Yang Feng strode to Luo Yunshang's face and joked: "Little sister, I didn't take your medicine. I want to retrieve your medicine from me. No way!"

"You..." Luo Yunshang's heart was stagnant, and he clenched his fists in anger. He was about to use force, but he heard Yang Feng smile and said: "However, when we meet for the first time, I can give you a small gift, hope You can be kind to me and don't be so prejudiced!"

"Not rare, hum!"

A thick breath came out from his nostrils, and Luo Yunchang rolled his head away in annoyance.

The corner of Yang Feng's mouth curled up, his hand was clenched, and he held it up, "Really?"


"Then don't regret it!"

As he said, Yang Feng opened his fists, and a very strong Danxiang immediately filled the surroundings.

Luo Yunshang was surprised: "This is..." "Nine Sun Life Sustaining Pill?"

Luo Yinghao couldn't help screaming, and ran over quickly: "Where did you get this stuff?"

Ignoring him, Yang Feng just stared at Luo Yunchang with a smile on his face and said, "Are you sure you really don't want this little gift from me?"

"I..." Luo Yunchang was speechless for a while, his heart was both angry, ashamed and happy.

She was angry that Yang Feng suddenly took out this top pill to tease her, obviously just watching her joke; shamely, if she just picked it up like this, it would be too shameless; and happy, Xiaozhuo was saved .

Originally, even if all the elixir she cultivated were refined, it would be difficult to refine one based on the failure rate of the Nine Sun Life Sustaining Pill.

Now that the ready-made one is right in front of her, what else is she going to find for the missing medicinal material?

Don’t you just get the finished product?

Thinking about this, Luo Yunchang snatched the medicinal pill in Yang Feng's hand and said in a little embarrassment: "This lady has accepted your gift, but it doesn't mean that this lady will forgive you for your theft, a gangster or a gangster... …" "Really, if you call me Brother Yang Feng, I will give you another one, how about?"

Before she could finish her words, Yang Feng's hands flashed, and another Nine Sun Life Pill appeared.

Suddenly, Luo Yinghao and Luo Yunchang were shocked.

He actually has two such precious top medicine pills?

But where do they know?

Any man-made object in Yang Feng’s hands is more than two different things. Through his copying skills, thousands, countless are possible...

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