Alien God System

Chapter 1433: Luo Yunshang

So fast! The pupils of her eyes shrank slightly, and the girl saw Yang Feng's strength and also understood the power he possessed, the speed of light at the sky level.

Suddenly, the girl sprang up, stood up, and stared at Yang Feng closely and said, "Who are you?

Actually possess the power of heavenly light element? "

"Teach Yang Feng under the torch, dare to ask how the girl is called?"

Yang Feng smiled slightly and nodded.

The girl frowned slightly, and thought deeply: "Holy Flame?

Yang family?

You are deceiving, among the hundreds of super-class families, none of them is Yang, and there is no realm of Holy Fire. Who are you? "

"It is indeed Yang Feng who teaches the Holy Fire, but I didn't say that I am a member of your super-class family."

"You are not the son of a superb family, so how did you get in?"

"Luo Yinghao, Brother Luo brought me in!"

Shrugging slightly, Yang Feng couldn't help but smile.

The girl's eyes trembled: "Did the third brother bring you in?

Hmph, this third brother will bring some fox friends and dog friends home, and this time he will bring a gangster.

Hey, Yang, you are not the son of a superb family, you must be a secular family who wants to cling to our Luoyin Valley?

A dog minion who came to cheat us, dare to steal things in our house casually?

Get the medicine back soon! "

"Miss, please pay attention to your words, I am not here to flatter your Luo family, I am here for world peace!"


The girl was puzzled, Yang Feng raised his head proudly, neither humble nor arrogant.

Staring at him tightly, the girl's heart is also a little strange, Yang Feng is indeed very different from the secular children who came to the Luo family before.

They saw the Luo family, even if it was a person who poured the toilet swill, they all talked with their waists down. Only this person, the waist has not been slumped down, so she thought at first that he was the son of a super-class family. It.

But even so, the girl couldn't stop her anger at the thought that he had picked all the medicine from her medicine field, and she said, "No matter what you are here for, please return my medicine now."

"I stole it by my ability, so why should I pay it back?"

"what did you say?"

"Uh, no, I mean, I didn't steal it! You can search if you don't believe it. If you can find it, you will be punished if you want to fight.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng opened his arms very freely.

The girl stared at him tightly. She patrolled him for a while, and began to rub it carefully from top to bottom, only to find that he didn't even have a magic storage device on his body, so where did he put the stolen medicine What?

The girl was confused, Yang Feng smiled triumphantly: "How about it, I said I didn't steal it.

The medicinal material was blown away by a gust of wind just now. "


"Yes, someone fart, and a gust of wind blew away."

"You..." The girl gritted her teeth with anger, then rolled her eyes, and suddenly said, "Could it be still know the spiritual technique of space?"


Yang Feng glanced at her strangely, and the girl smiled triumphantly: "Anyone who has cultivated to the spiritual sage of spatial spirituality can open up a storage space by himself, without the need to store spiritual tools.

It's just that the power of the light system cultivator that you just demonstrated is clearly the power of the light system cultivator, why have you become a space system cultivator now?

Are you a dual department? "

I'm more than a dual system, I'm a full system repairer, hehe.

Yang Feng smiled without saying a word.

"Why are you laughing?"

Seeing his smirk, the girl couldn't help glaring at him fiercely: "Don't think that if you hide the medicinal materials in the space you created, I won't be able to find it. I also have a magic weapon."

Huh! Then, the girl took out a mirror carved from purple crystal and shouted, "Do you know what this is?

The twelfth-grade top spiritual weapon, the Yin Yang mirror.

Even the private space of the Space Element Spirit Saint can be illuminated instantly! "

"real or fake?"

The eyes lit up, and Yang Feng looked over expectantly.

To be honest, his space backpack serves as his unique storage room, which has not been seen through all these years.

If this thing can be seen through, he will **** it too.

Yang Feng smiled wickedly, with a fearless look.

The young girl glared at him fiercely, hitting her hand and shouting: "This lady will let you get the money right away, you little thief!"

Sa! A lavender fluorescence shone on Yang Feng's body violently, causing the space around Yang Feng to squirm. The girl also looked in the mirror immediately to see if it showed Yang Feng's private space channel.

But unfortunately, there is nothing in the mirror, nothing is shown.

Seeing this scene, Yang Feng couldn't help laughing.

He knew in his heart that maybe it wasn't that this twelve-level top spirit weapon was not working, but that his backpack level was too high. After all, it was a storage device set by the system for him, and it should be considered a god-level equipment. Was it photographed by a mere magic weapon?

Thinking of this, Yang Feng couldn't help but smiled triumphantly: "Look, I just said I have nothing!"

"Impossible, how could this be?

Even if it is the private space passage of the Spirit Saint, it should also appear, why..." The girl looked at this scene, she was anxious, as if she had no last hope.

Yang Feng didn't care about shrugging his shoulders and waved his hand: "If there's nothing wrong, I'll take a step first and go in to find your third brother.

Oops, Brother Luo, why didn't he come back after a long time of reporting! "

"Wait, you can't go, return the medicine!"

But the girl was very stubborn and stopped in front of Yang Feng with tears in her eyes.

Yang Feng wondered, as a young lady in a super-class family, she was so anxious to cry for a handful of medicine, isn't she too petty?

Although these medicines are very expensive, it shouldn't be so anxious, right?

"Brother Yang, my father has...Huh?"

At this time, Luo Yinghao came back. Seeing this scene, he was taken aback for a moment: "Yun Chang, what's wrong with you?

Brother Yang, are you bullying my sister? "

Nothing! Yang Feng shrugged noncommittal, but the young girl ran into Luo Yinghao's arms crying and said anxiously: "Brother, who are you bringing?

She stole all my elixir, which I used to save lives! "

"Brother Yang, you..." Luo Yinghao suddenly laughed bitterly when he heard her, and gave Yang Feng a hard look.

No need to ask, with Yang Feng's urinary sex, this thing is true! Yang Feng looked calm, still gritted his teeth: "No, the medicine was blown away by the wind, I didn't steal it!"

"Nonsense, you still deny it now!"

Luo Yunshang cursed viciously.

Yang Feng still calmly said: "You have searched me just now, no matter where you should search and where you shouldn't search, you touched it all, and took a photo with the Yin Yang mirror.

Now you know the hairs anywhere on my body better than me. Have you ever found what you are looking for? "

"What, did you touch him all over?"

Hearing this, Luo Yinghao suddenly became annoyed: "Yun Chang, you are a girl's house, can you be more reserved, how can you lay hands on a big man casually?"

"I'm also anxious!"

Luo Yunchang's cheeks flushed, and he lowered his head shyly, while glaring at Yang Feng viciously.

Yang Feng was noncommittal, while Luo Yinghao stared at him bitterly: "You have Brother Yang, just let her touch you?"

"I'm not afraid of her harassment, so I just treat it as a massage!"

Yang Feng grinned and murmured.

As soon as he said this, Luo Yunchang's cheeks couldn't help but become more red.

Before, she didn't care about it in a hurry, but now that she wants to come, it seems that she is being harassed, this stinky rascal is taking advantage of her...

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