Alien God System

Chapter 1428: Our rules here

Luo Yinghao smiled slightly and looked at Yang Feng again. Knowing that he was upset, he went straight to the subject and asked that person: "Whose family are you sent by, what do you tell the Yunzhou Governor to do?"

"Qizi Lord Luo, the third guard in Xialongya, guard of the bodyguard, Kuangshan!"

The man solemnly clasped his fists and shouted loudly, but Yang Feng poofed his mouth and almost squirted his saliva: "Good name, your family is a mining company, then your family must be rich, hahaha! "

Crude and rude! Glancing at him fiercely, an anger arose from Kuang Shan's heart, and the killing intent was even more awe-inspiring in his eyes.

Originally, after he took out the Purple Emperor's order, seeing Yang Feng's disrespectful appearance, he wanted to kill this girl. Now that this person dared to laugh at him so much, it was even more unbearable.

Only due to the presence of Lord Luo family and not knowing the relationship between this person and the third son of Luo, did he dare to act rashly.

However, the resentment in his eyes fell into the eyes of Yang Feng.

Yang Feng smiled evilly, noncommittal.

Luo Yinghao scratched his head helplessly and hesitated.

Is this God’s will, or is it unlucky?

Brother Yang had just imprisoned Young Master Kuang for two months, and then his family had found him. Maybe they came to rescue Kuang Lingyun and razed the entire Yunzhou to the ground.

Luo Yinghao smiled bitterly, and tentatively said: "Then you are here to find this Yangzhou lord..." "Oh, the little one is here to convey the meaning of the Patriarchs."

Respectfully leaned over, Na Kuang Shan Xiang Luo Yinghao smiled flatteringly, and then stared at Yang Feng coldly and said, "Yang Zhou, right? Listen well.

On August 15 next year, all super-class families will hold the Hundred-Five Sacred Mountain, and invite all young heroes to compete.

Winners, or those with outstanding qualifications, will be eligible to enter a super-class family, and three wishes can be realized.

No matter how difficult these three wishes are, they are nothing to say to a super-class family. "

That's it! Hearing his words, Luo Yinghao instantly understood.

It seems that the elders in the family are looking for the whereabouts of the soul boy through Jingwu.

After all, he was chosen by God, and his aptitude was definitely different from ordinary people.

Yang Feng also understood this, so he nodded and smiled: "I know, you are sending me an invitation, please ask me to try.

Oops, although my young hero is famous, I never expected it to be so big that all super-first-class families would know it, and even specially co-branded to send me invitations. I'm really embarrassed, praised, praised, ha Haha! "

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to invite you."

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Kuang Shan rolled his eyes helplessly: "You are the lord of Yunzhou, I'm here to order you to spread this news all over Yunzhou at once. You can't miss a corner.

If one of the people in Yunzhou doesn't know the news, take care of your family's lives, huh! "

I wiped it. It turned out that I was asked to post a court notice.

But this is also normal. The super-class families ignore the secular. How can so many people sent to the streets and alleys to spread the news, can they not pass through their grassroots civil servants?

It's just that the attitude sent by the party above is too bad, it has no quality at all, huh! A rough breath came out from his nostrils, and Yang Feng said indifferently: "Yunzhou is so big, and some people live in the ravine. How can I guarantee that everyone will get this news?"

"That's your business. In short, this news must reach everyone in Yunzhou, huh!"

He glared hard at him, Kuang Shan ignored it, and then looked at Luo Yinghao with a respectful fist, smiling like a pug, making Yang Feng more and more wanting to kill him.

Then, Kuang Shan turned and left, probably to spread the news elsewhere.

Luo Yinghao also let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, his purpose had nothing to do with Lingyun, but it was abruptly. The big screen just installed in Yunzhou City showed the news of the day.

"Hello, friends from the audience in Yunzhou, today's noon news, we will broadcast live the public trial of the former Yunzhou governor, Yunshan and his son Yunying, and the terrorist Kuang Lingyun.

I hope everyone can understand the law, know the law, and abide by the law after reading it..." Squeak! His body was stagnant, and Kuang Shan froze suddenly, then he turned around and saw Kuang Lingyun standing listlessly on the big screen. The appearance in the dock was suddenly shocked.

"My son, what's wrong with you?"

"Hey, I was discovered!"

Helplessly stroked his forehead, Luo Yinghao sighed with a smile.

Yang Feng looked indifferent and smiled: "Look, Brother Luo, what am I talking about?

This boy's public trial will begin soon, and you will get a result soon. "

"What public trial conference?

What have you done to my son? "

Kuang Shan didn't understand what they were saying, and roared out.

Yang Feng blinked his innocent eyes and chuckled lightly: "The public trial is a trial of all criminals who committed crimes in the local area. Our Yunzhou judgments have always been open, fair and fair.

Opening this trial to the public is also a way of popularizing the law, isn't it very advanced? "

"Advanced shit!"

With a loud shout, Kuang Shan Spit Star squirted Yang Feng's face and roared: "What's the identity of my son?

You dare to catch him?

Still in front of the public, trial him?

What a shame is this? "

"No matter what his status is, he claims to razing the people of the whole country, which is already a complete terrorist act, and he must accept legal sanctions!"

Wiping the saliva on his face, Yang Feng smiled, with a wicked smile: "In Yunzhou, this is the rule!"

"Fart rules, our son is a superb family, the son of Qianlongya.

Just relying on you, the little head of Yunzhou, dare to be unreasonable to my son?

You are so brave! Did you know that my son only needs to fart, and you can make your entire life in Yunzhou charcoal and flow into a river of blood! "

"Regardless of whether he farts or not, as long as he breaks the rules here, he must be severely punished.

The rules here are absolute, and even I cannot violate them.

And I am the guarantee for maintaining the rules here.

As long as I am here, no matter who you are, even if the king of heaven comes, you must abide by the rules! "

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng looked at the Servant of Lingyun in front of him and smiled slightly, very calm.

But Na Kuangshan was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and he roared: "Be bold and reckless.

The surname is Yang, you have a problem, a big problem.

I will report to the family right now, and there will be no more Yunzhou in this world. "

"You mean, you want to go back and take people right away and razing my Yunzhou to the ground?"

"Yes, afraid?"

"Then do you know what crime was committed?"

"What do I care about it?

You little Yunzhou, you can take care of me..."Puff! Suddenly, before Kuangshan's words were finished, Yang Feng waved his hand suddenly and gave him a big mouth.

Just this mouth, Yang Feng didn't keep his hands.

Kuang Shan's head turned more than a dozen times around his neck before he stopped, but at this time, his head had completely turned to the back, his eyes were round, unbelievable, and completely out of breath.

Drips of blood dripped continuously.

It seemed that he didn't understand what happened until he died.

Only Yang Feng, with indifference in his eyes, murmured: "You have committed the crime of terrorist threats. As the lord of the state, I have the responsibility to adopt emergency measures to stop you. This is our rule here!"

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