Alien God System

Chapter 1427: Pass orders

"take away!"

Yang Feng waved his hand gently, and Yunshan was immediately taken away.

It was just that when he passed by Yang Feng, Yunshan stopped abruptly, his eyes flashed with sparkling light, and he shouted: "Yang Feng, are you from the Demon Sect?"

Without reply, Yang Feng looked at him and blinked his innocent big eyes.

"You hide your identity and undercover with my righteous family. After you divide and separate us, you can use the power of the Demon Sect to achieve your goal of occupying the territory of my righteous family."

Staring at him tightly, Yunshan seemed to see through everything: "Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to come up with such a strong force at once, the old man hasn't noticed it at all.

You deliberately showed weakness before, it was done for the old man...Uh no, not only the old man, but even the Jin family and the Wu family were deceived by you.

You are actually a member of the first-class Demon Sect. You can't attack Yunzhou directly, so you came up with this bottom-up, inside-out destruction plan. "

"And just because you came from the bottom up, no one doubts that you have a huge power in your hands. So no matter the Wu family of the third-rate family, the Jin family of the second-rate family, or even the old man of the first-class family, you will be beaten by you. I was caught off guard, right?"

Shrugged with a smile, Yang Feng murmured: "Patriarch Yun, your imagination is too rich. I really came from the bottom up. The leader of the Demon Sect was also taken later. During the period, there were not so many conspiracies and tricks. Battle between the demon sect and the righteous family.

Come, drag on. "


Determined to nod his head, his subordinates immediately pulled Yunshan away, but Yunshan still didn't give up, and shouted: "Yang Feng, don't deny that all this is your conspiracy. You are a righteous family. The big demon hidden in the middle, you are unpredictable..." Yunshan's voice gradually became smaller, Yang Feng smiled dumbly, and then took a deep look at this magnificent Yun family mansion, suddenly turned around, and shouted: "From now on , This Yunzhou is our world.

My Yang family has officially entered the ranks of first-class families. "

Roar! As soon as the voice fell, the sentiment was enthusiastic, and all the generals of the Yang family were excited.

Immediately after a great war, Yunzhou City began to rebuild, and the news that the Yang family became the new owner of Yunzhou immediately spread to every corner of Yunzhou.

Those second-rate family patriarchs from all over, knowing that Yunzhou has now changed its dynasty, they immediately came to visit the new master without stopping.

But when they came, they were directly detained by Yang Feng.

Then, Yang Feng began the modernization of the construction of spiritual civilization in Yunzhou, abolished the fourth-class system, and spread the modern system of chivalry.

Once this order was spread, it immediately received a strong response from the people at the bottom.

Of course, some noble interest groups resolutely resist.

But what does that matter?

Yang Feng and his team are not good people either. Under the forced promotion of countless heads of people, the mental outlook of the entire Yunzhou quickly changed.

The arrogant and arrogant lords in the past all looked a bit human, and they did not dare to be arrogant and domineering.

In just two months, Quan Yunzhou as a whole has entered a new era.

Yang Feng completed a small goal of his own. He walked with Luo Yinghao, who had already been released from his sentence, on the street. He pointed around triumphantly and said: "I see, the construction results of the general Yang family. This efficiency, tut. ...I have to say that Brother Sima is a good hand in doing housework.

With him helping me with internal affairs, I can rest assured wherever I go, hahaha! "

"Yes, Sima Changfeng is indeed a talent.

It is really impossible for ordinary people to transform the entire Yunzhou into the original Xiongfeng Mansion in such a short period of time.

You, the owner of the Patriarch, can also be considered a wise eye, and you can find such a capable general manager to help you take care of these trivial matters. "

Luo Yinghao nodded slightly, admiring Yunzhou's changes. Yang Feng grinned and nodded happily, but quickly, Luo Yinghao frowned again and asked: "That's right, when will you release Lingyun? Huh?"

"I'm fart, I said he will be tried in public, and the judge has the final say!"

"Then you should hurry up and give me a result!"

"Oh, don't worry about it."

Waved his hand indifferently, Yang Feng laughed and said: "A few days ago our Yang family entered a wartime state, and this public trial was delayed.

Now Yunzhou is stable, and the various cases accumulated before should be on the right track. I think the public trial of Yunshan, Yunying and Kuang Lingyun will soon begin on the court side. What are you worried about? "

"Oh, it's not that I am anxious, but I have to know the result.

Don't judge Kuang Lingyun too much, otherwise Kuang's family will be really troublesome. "

With deep frowning, Luo Yinghao solemnly said, "Brother Yang, you have three spirit beasts next to you now, and even the Kuang family will give you face.

However, if Kuang Lingyun did too much in this matter, the Kuang family would definitely not give up.

It's not easy to get married by then. "

"I am afraid of him.

To be honest, our Yang Jiajun hasn't lost until now, cut! "

Posing his lips in disdain, Yang Feng didn't care at all.

Looking at him like this, Luo Yinghao also shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Brother Yang, although you alone are among the few people standing at the pinnacle of this world, when it comes to family heritage, you still can't compare to that of the poor family.

If there is a war by then, can you escape alone? Let's talk about it. At least your entire Yunzhou will be overwhelmed, alas.

Luo Yinghao lowered his head and sighed, but suddenly heard a burst of air. A burly young man suddenly stopped in front of Yang Feng and shouted loudly, "You are the Yunzhou Governor?"

"Uh...yes, I am Yang Feng. It hasn't been two months since I just won this Yunzhou."

Yang Feng looked at him strangely: "Who are you, are you here to find me, or are you looking for the head of Yunzhou, Yunjia Yunshan?"

"No matter who is in charge of this Yunzhou, I'm just here to pass the order, the master of Yunzhou will take orders!"

Huh! With that, the man took out a piece of Purple Emperor Order and shook it in front of Yang Feng.

Yang Feng blinked his innocent big eyes, nodded and said, "What's the matter, let's talk about it!"


Seeing his scornful appearance, the man immediately yelled and said angrily: "Little Yunzhou, the lord, dare to see Zihuangling not kneel down?

What should be the crime? "

Be your sister's sin! His face sank, and a cold color flashed in Yang Feng's eyes.

Luo Yinghao took a look, waved his hand quickly, and jumped out to round the scene and said, "Oh, it's all my own, why would you kneel to pick it up?"

Let's just say, what do you want to send to Yunzhou Governor? "

"You are..." Hearing Luo Yinghao's words, the man immediately respected him, he was no longer so arrogant, but he still had doubts in his eyes.

Luo Yinghao smiled slightly and took out his Purple Emperor's order and said: "Three young masters in the Falling Yin Valley, Luo Yinghao!"

"Oh, it turned out to be the third son of the Luo family, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

The man's body shook, he hurriedly bowed down, and his expression was much more pleasant.

When Yang Feng saw it, his face suddenly sank.

Doglegs, I really want to get his head off, **** it!

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