Alien God System

Chapter 1414: Successful refining

call! The cool breeze was blowing gently, and the blood-splattered headless corpse swayed and fell weakly.

A generation of Tianjiao, the ancestor of acacia, fell.

Demon Chi Yan looked at all this in a daze, seeming to be a little unbelievable, but unable to recover, Yang Feng walked up to her, showed her the head in her hand, and muttered: "San Cun Ding, originally It’s very simple. You tell me honestly that it’s already been solved. You have to conceal it in a pretentious manner, and almost put yourself in it, causing so many people to worry about it.

Especially your master, you have not suffered less these days. "


Lowering her head embarrassedly, Demon Chi Yan blushed and smiled brightly: "You all know?"

"What do you mean?"

Yang Feng stared at her sternly.

The Red Flame Demon Fairy raised her eyes and glanced, and she couldn't help but feel even more ashamed: "Isn't this...I also think of you, I think you have just arrived in the spirit world for a few years, and it is impossible to follow these old local forces no matter how fiercely you are. Fight, who knows you are so fierce..." "Nonsense, of course your tutor is fierce!"

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng waved his hand and threw the head of the ancestor of Acacia into her arms, humming: "You don't have any confidence in the bravery of your family leader?

You still don’t teach my disciples anymore, you doubt me? "

"Oh, I don't blame anyone who doesn't know.

Master, please forgive me. "

After blinking her big cute eyes, Chi Yan Demon Ji smiled brightly and begged Yang Feng to be cute.

Yang Feng sighed slightly, and shouted, "Who says that those who don't know are not strange?

If you dare to doubt the master’s ability and not report it if you know it, this is a big taboo of this sect. You must be punished, otherwise the people below will dare not report anything in the future. "


Are you really going to punish?

How are you going to punish? "

Hearing what he said, Demon Chi Yan couldn't help feeling bitter, and said in a sad voice.

The corner of Yang Feng's mouth curled up with an arc of evil charm, and his brows were raised. Before Demon Chi Yan could react, he hugged her and placed it horizontally on his lap.

Then...pop! A crisp applause suddenly sounded, and the Chiyan Demon Ji suddenly felt a fiery pain in her butt, and couldn't help screaming: "Ah, the master, what are you doing?"

"Teach you a lesson, hum!"

A rough breath came out from his nostrils, and Yang Feng looked fierce and evil, slapped like a machine gun, taking pictures one after another.

Demon Chi Yan also kept screaming again and again, begging for mercy, but she couldn't help but burst into laughter, her eyes filled with tears.

I don't know if it hurts or laughs.

Yang Feng's slap gradually stopped, and he took a deep look at the inexplicable silly girl, and said suspiciously: "I beat you, you still laugh, are you sick?"

"No, the leader, you beat me like this before.

Now that you hit me like this again, Wu'er feels very kind, hehehe! "

Demon Chi Yan turned her head and grinned at Yang Feng, with a hot light in her eyes.

Yang Feng's raised palm stiffened, staring at her bright eyes for a while, finally sighed, lowered his palm, and pulled her up from his leg.

The Chi Yan Demon Fairy was taken aback for a moment, and seemed to have some unfinished expressions: "Master, you don't want to fight anymore?"

"Stop fighting, it's not what it used to be!"

After slapped his lips twice, Yang Feng couldn't help but sighed: "I was beating you like that back then, I felt like I was teaching the bear child. I will do it again now, as if I was playing a hooligan.

Hey, forget it, just do it, let’s not take it as an example. "

Yang Feng waved his hand indifferently, and the Demon Chi Yan smiled happily, and then grabbed Yang Feng's arm with a blushing face and said: "Actually, the leader, with our current relationship, how can you say that you are playing a hooligan?

We are justified..." Ahem! A dry cough, interrupting her, Yang Feng scratched his head in embarrassment: "That...little leopard, come over, pass your energy to me, I want to refine is you. "

"Yes, master!"

Hearing his words, the golden light leopard immediately turned into golden rays of light and shot towards Yang Feng, and Yang Feng also slammed into the golden sun.

Then, the golden light completely wrapped Yang Feng's body and turned into a golden dome. Yang Feng absorbed the heavenly light element inside and began to break through.

Watching this scene, the Chiyan Demon Girl pouted unrestrainedly, but she quickly smiled and said wittyly: "Master, we're all raw rice and cooked rice. Don't even think about it. In this life, I will eat you. , Hehe."

On the other hand, the direction of the Hehuan Sect's main sect, at this moment, has been razed to the ground, and countless masters in the sect have been killed.

But the battle was not over. There were still many powerful kings in the clan who were fighting desperately with two spirit beasts.

bump! With a loud bang, the Rhinoceros King thrust out hundreds of powerful Wu Kings on his head, and flew to the distant void at extreme speed, but suddenly, a stagnant red tail suddenly twitched, and these people were pulled back.

"nice shot!"

Seeing this, the Rhinoceros King couldn't help but yelled, pushed forward fiercely, and flew out these strong men, and said indifferently: "Mink, the master won't come back for a long time, don't we need to see Look?"

Snapped! After pulling the crowd back again, Lan Beast said indifferently: "Look at a fart?

With the master's strength, what can you worry about?

Let's just wait for him to come back here, don't run around.

He can't find us by then, and throws his anger on us. "

"This makes sense, as our master, sometimes it's okay to look for trouble. Let's behave better, streetball!"

After the Xi Ling King nodded faintly, he pushed forward and flew the hundreds of masters again.

A group of powerful martial artists were slapped by these two monsters as rackets, and their bones were about to fall apart. They wanted to cry without tears, and wailed: "You two beasts, some kind of killed us, don't torture us anymore. , Shi can be killed but not humiliated!"

"You guys are too self-righteous. Are these two spirit beast brothers humiliating you?

Obviously it is boring. Let's have fun with you. You are not even qualified to be humiliated, okay?

Otherwise, look at the two eldest brothers and they didn't even look at you directly, cut! "

At this time, Taotie suddenly broke into the game, smiled contemptuously, beckoned: "Hey, two big brothers, add me, and pat the racket.

These humans abused me in every possible way, and now I want revenge! "

okay! Bump bump... Hearing his yelling, Lan Beast immediately slapped these masters towards the gluttonous place with a tail. In a short time, it became a three-person volleyball.

Looking at this tragic scene from a distance, the Sect Masters couldn't help shaking their heads and lamenting in their hearts.

It's cruel, these beasts! But Master Yang, who can subdue such a cruel beast, has even higher reliability. This thigh is worth holding! In other words... who should I contact to sign up to join the family of the Holy Fire?

Suddenly, the trust value of a group of magic masters in Yang Feng has increased a lot! In this way, time passed by, two spirit beasts and one monster beast were having fun, and the rest of the spectators were thrilling to see. Until three hours later, they saw a golden light rushing into the sky in the distance. , A powerful aura rushed forward, and Yang Feng finally left...

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