Alien God System

Chapter 1413: The spirit beast also betrayed

Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng glanced at this person and spirit beast, and said lightly: "I am chasing here for two things, one is to take the life of your old fellow."

"You dream!"

When He Huan ancestor heard this, his neck was immediately sharp, and he shouted: "I am a light element cultivator. If you want to kill me, you can catch up with me first."

"Cut, idiot, am I not catching up."

Uh! Yang Feng couldn't help but sneered, and the ancestor of Acacia was speechless.

Yes, he has caught up, but...what's the matter, he is faster than me?

Ignoring the other party's suspicion, Yang Feng continued: "Actually, I have no grudges with you in the past, and those who have no grudges recently, there is no need to kill you.

But a group of my little brothers have suffered so many wrongs, all because of you, I need to use your head to give everyone a little more confidence, believe in my confidence. "

Mom sells the batch, what does it matter to me if your little brother is wronged?

I can't go out of retreat all year round.

He Huan's ancestor couldn't help but twitch, feeling a little wronged.

Yang Feng smiled evilly and continued: "In addition, as I said before, I will gather the seven spirit beasts and summon the dragon.

So the second thing I came after was to trouble you to give me your light beast. "

"What, you are trying to grab the old man's light beast?

Huh, dreaming! It's just...what does it mean that a collection of seven spirit beasts can summon a dragon?

The old man has been in the spirit world for thousands of years, how come he has never heard of such a legend? "

The ancestor of Hehuan looked suspicious, and Yang Feng smiled dumbly: "I didn't have it before, but I will have this legend.

In addition, who the golden light leopard will be with in the future seems to have nothing to do with you, you are already dead.

Little leopard, make your decision.

Come to me as my third pet, or live and die with this old guy and be humanely destroyed by me? "


Is it so overbearing?

The Golden Leopard shook his long tail, his face was somewhat complicated.

The other party is the top person in this world. It can be said that there is no thicker thigh in this world. Should I go, or go, or go?'s embarrassing! The Golden Leopard knew that Yang Feng was going to adopt him, not destroy him, and immediately felt a surviving life, even a sense of happiness spontaneously.

After all, it is more glorious to be a pet of a demon **** than to be an ordinary human pet.

"Golden Leopard!"

And the ancestor Hehuan looked at this spirit beast with a happy look, and felt dumbfounded, and hurriedly said: "Old man, we have been in love for more than 20 years. You should not betray the old man now, right? ?"

"Oh, old fellow, I was forcibly arrested by you back then. What feelings can I have?

Besides, you are about to be killed by that master, and soon will not be my host.

You dead man, where do I go? "

"Hey you..." Puff! The ancestor of Hehuan almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood, and his old face was flushed with anger.

He couldn't figure it out, what magical power this stinky boy had, and when he spoke casually, he instigated the spirit beast he had been with for more than two decades?

At this moment, the heart of the ancestor of Hehuan is to refresh the cold, and the heart is constantly insulting.

Yang Feng, you bastard, you not only snatched the old man's woman, but now even the old man spirit beast is snatched, it's crazy and shameless! "stop!"

Suddenly, at this moment, there was a loud shout, and everyone turned their heads and looked around. I don't know when, Yuan Hua had already flew over at speed, and he was still holding a woman's neck firmly in front of him.

No one else, but the Red Flame Demon Fairy undoubtedly.

"Yang Feng, don't deceive too much, let my ancestor leave.

Otherwise, I will kill this woman! "

Click! With that, Yuan Hua's hand holding Chi Yan's neck tightened tighter.

Chi Yan's face was a little bit painful, and he looked at Yang Feng with a grievance, as if he was apologizing, and he made trouble for the leader again.

Yang Feng was very calm, and said lightly: "Aren't you with the old poison?

How did it fall into his hands? "

"Master, I'm sorry, the two spirit beasts over there are fighting with the Hehuanzong masters. When there was a mess, I was caught by him in a daze."

Ugh! After spitting out a long breath, Yang Feng sighed helplessly.

Yuan Hua looked at Hehuan ancestor with a smug expression: "Old ancestor, go quickly.

As long as we have you, our Acacia Sect can..." Swish! But before he finished speaking, countless golden rays of light passed through his body like meteors, tens of thousands of times in a flash.

Well! His body shook awkwardly, Yuan Hua's body was like a fountain, spattered with countless blood arrows, dyed his clothes red, and soon lost strength, and his face turned pale.

Then, Yuan Hua looked down at his sieve-like body, and turned to the ancestor Hehuan with a grievance and puzzled face, almost crying.

"Old ancestors, why..." This trick, he was too familiar with, it was the speed of light finger gun exclusively for their ancestors.

Except for their ancestors, no one here would do this trick.

However, the ancestor of Acacia was shocked when he saw this, and then sternly stared at the golden light leopard under him, gritted his teeth and said, "You are too amazing, right?

Obviously my grandson took the hostage, we have a way to survive..." "You have a way to survive, not me! "

With a cold smile, the golden light leopard came to Yang Feng and looked at the ancestor of Acacia, "Old man, I finally met a bright master today. There is a bright road in the future. No one is allowed." Make trouble for me, including you and your offspring, hum!"

"I'm going, it turns out that the refined spirit beast will also be a traitor..." Yuan Hua rolled his eyes when he saw this, and he lay down on his back and fell into the sky, instantly losing his breath.

Demon Chi Yan was still dazed, somehow.

Yang Feng showed a wicked smile, and he knew the current affairs as a handsome man.

The ancestor of Hehuan was going mad, and with a cruel heart, he came to the Demon Chi Yan at the speed of light, grabbed his neck, and wanted to take her hostage again.

However, Chi Yan didn't react at all, and the golden light leopard had already whizzed, and at the speed of light, his tail swept towards the front door of the ancestor of Acacia.

The ancestor of Acacia was taken aback, and hurriedly jumped away. At the same time, he became even more angry, making his teeth tickled with anger.

His speed of light comes from the power of the golden light leopard's heavenly light element, so it is also the speed of light, but the speed of the golden light leopard is a little faster than him.

He was originally the fastest man here, but after Jin Guangbao betrayed him, he was not.

Fortunately, this golden light leopard is a spirit beast he refined and must hear the command, otherwise... "Seal, come back!"

With a loud roar, the ancestor of Acacia had a thought, a strong suction turned the whole body of the golden light leopard into a golden light spot and sucked it into his body.

Jin Guangbao was startled and screamed: "New owner, help!"

puff! There was a muffled sound, blood splattered, and the suction stopped abruptly.

Yang Feng didn't know when he came to the back of the ancestor of Hehuan. He easily took off his head, threw it in his hand casually, and said with a smile: "Remove that new word. From now on, call my master! "

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