Alien God System

Chapter 1348: Call again

"What's unfair for first-line actors to live in a five-star hotel and a guest house for ten yuan a day?"

Hearing the noise outside, Yang Fengyouyou, who had already returned to the other courtyard, opened the door and chuckled: "Since ancient times, the resources that humans have obtained have been determined by their personal identity.

When I lived in the big villa, you were still squeezing the Datong shop, which can only show that your social status is not high enough, ha ha ha. "

Wow, now we know the gap between ourselves and Guru Yang, this is more than 900 square meters of land! The three immortal immortals looked at each other, and their hearts were full of horror.

Because this represents not only the size of the room, but the courtesy of the Hehuan Sect.

The Hehuan Sect was able to come up with such a luxurious courtyard to entertain Guru Yang, which represented how respected the identity of Guru Yang in the eyes of Hehuan Sect.

Suddenly, everyone was overjoyed, beckoned, and brought all their luggage in.

Even the immortal immortal who passively joined his subordinates, now he no longer has two hearts.

Being able to be treated like Acacia Sect shows that Yang Feng's identity is aloof.

And being able to work under such a noble status, Master Yang, think about it, is still very promising, what kind of door to change, ha ha.

The immortal immortal was so happy, he felt like he accidentally hugged a big thick leg. How lucky is this?

Ever since, just like that, new residents moved into Yang Feng's temporary courtyard.

Yang Feng greeted the servant of Hehuan Sect who took care of the other courtyard, and immediately sent ten tables of banquet.

Yang Feng coveted with these subordinates, and after three rounds of wine, he soon drank the willow shoots on the moon, late at night.

At this time, the Poison King secretly came to the other courtyard again, visited the leader, and met the Corpse King.

The two friends got together again, and tears burst into their eyes with excitement.

Immediately afterwards, after a lot of excitement, Yang Feng looked up to see that it was late. Normal people should rest, so he immediately dressed and waved to take a group of younger brothers away.

Seeing this, the Poison King couldn't help but stunned: "Master, where are you taking them?"

"Go to the Palace Master of Yanhuo Palace, Chai Yong!"


Did you find him? "

"Nonsense, this acacia sect is so big, can I not find it."

With a flash of light in his eyes, Yang Feng glanced at the Poison King and smiled: "Old Poison, don't participate in this matter.

When I finish my business, I will take you away.

Brothers, go! "

With that said, Yang Feng had already led his subordinates to set off with great vigour.

The immortal immortals discovered that Yang Feng's identity was so detached, and they became more loyal and confident in following Yang Feng's future.

Naturally, what Yang Feng said, they did what they did without hesitation.

Only the King of Poison was anxious, if the hierarch inquired of the whereabouts of Wu'er from the mouth of Palace Master Yanhuo, wouldn't Wu'er be exposed.

If the leader does anything reckless, he has to poke Louzi, this is the Hehuan Sect.

The Poison King jumped in a hurry, but there was no way to stop Yang Feng.

Because of Yang Feng's temper, he is too familiar, and he does what he says, and he doesn't listen to people's advice at all.

Ding! Suddenly, wisps of piano sound came over, it was a song of praying for the Buddha, playing a little sadly.

Yang Feng's body was slightly stagnant, and he looked at the sound coming and going, feeling: "This girl must have a sweetheart, otherwise it is impossible to play this song so desolately.

Alas, pitiful, I can't bear to separate from my lover at a young age and marry an immortal concubine! "

"Brother, why don't we take the girl in that yard before we leave."

At this time, Bailang suggested again.

Yang Feng shrugged indifferently: "Why do you take her?

I don't know her?

Leave it alone! "

"But you just said that listening to her is pitiful, and you can't bear it."

"Yeah, I can't bear it, so I just recorded this tune and sent it back to Moments, condemning how miserable this society, buying and selling people, and arranged marriages are.

At the same time, let the two women in my family feel how happy their lives are now, so don't be tempted and demand so much in the future. "

I didn't know where to take out a record spirit crystal and shook it, Yang Feng grinned and waved his hand: "Go, do business!"

As he said, Yang Feng had disappeared into the dark night with a group of little brothers, leaving only the Poison King and couldn't help but shook his head.

Master, if you know that the person you are looking for is the woman who just played the piano, would you regret not taking care of this nosy?

Ugh! With a light sigh, the Poison King turned his head and left lonely...Half an hour later, where the Flame Palace was stationed, Chai Yong was holding his forehead, frowning and thinking about how to send that surnamed Yang at the birthday banquet. Before leaving Hehuan Sect.

Forcibly driving away is definitely not enough. After all, looking at Yuan Gongzi's attitude towards him, he knows that his status is noble, and he must not come hard.

Trick him out?

How can I lie?

I don't know anything about him. I only know that he has a relationship with the **** Chi Yan. There is too little intelligence. How can I adjust the tiger away from the mountain?'s not easy! Chai Yong kept scratching his head, his hair was almost bald, and he still couldn't think of a proper strategy.

However, he couldn't give up.

This is the task that Young Master Yuan Hua gave him. If he can't do it beautifully, he will probably be abandoned by Young Master Yuan Hua in the future.

The thigh he just hugged would disappear without a trace in a blink of an eye, and the gift he had prepared for several years was also given for nothing.

Oh, what should I do?

Chai Yong was roaring in his heart, with many thoughts.

Suddenly, a sound came from outside the door, and the positive direction approached quickly.

"Young Master Yang, please stay, my palace lord has already rested."

bump! "Young Master, what are you doing?

Why do you move..." Bang! "Young Master Yang, I have something to say..." Bang!... There was a chattering noise and noise outside the door. Hearing a loud bang, the door of the whole room burst open immediately.

Yang Feng brought the white waves into the crowd and rushed in carelessly.

"Yang...Young Master Yang, why are you here again in the middle of the night?"

After the noise during the day, Chai Yong already understood Yang Feng's noble status and did not dare to be presumptuous anymore.

Seeing Yang Feng suddenly break in at this time, he was immediately shocked.

Then, he tilted his head and looked out again, and suddenly saw that the elders in his Yanhuo Palace were already hanging southeast branches with their noses and faces swollen at this moment.

Obviously, the whole army was wiped out.

Reluctantly closing his eyes, Chai Yong's face twitched slightly, and said with a wry smile: "Young Master Yang, what do you want to do?

We Yanhuo Palace didn't offend you, why are you embarrassed again and again? "

"I'm not trying to embarrass you, I just want to ask you, where is the Red Flame Demon Fairy?"

Yang Feng stared at him intently, and Yang Feng said coldly.

Chai Yong shrugged his shoulders bitterly, and said in a sad voice: "Isn't she already said this this morning, she is in the main altar of our Flame Palace.

How about... I will take you to find her in person? "

"Palace Master Chai, it seems that you are still dishonest!"

Hearing this, Yang Feng's face suddenly sank, and a gloomy smile turned up at the corner of his mouth...

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