Alien God System

Chapter 1347: Kneeling suit


Master Yang?

As soon as he said this, not only was the bald head dumbfounded, but the jellyfish Yin Ji also looked at Yang Feng incredulously, both surprised and suspicious in her eyes.

This Zoroastrian leader is so respectful to Palace Master Yang, is it an old acquaintance?

"Big brother, what is going on?"

After a little sluggishness, the bald guy looked at Yang Feng, and then at his elder brother who admired and admired himself. His head was full of grass and mud horses running wildly: "Why am I confused?

What is your relationship, do you know this kid? "

Snapped! With another slap, he slapped him around ten times, and the dead king said angrily: "What about this kid, that kid, don't be rude.

Vulture, you must understand that I worship Zoroastrianism is a subordinate branch of Holy Fire.

This master Yang is our chief master.

You are my virtuous brother. You are in an alliance with me to worship the Zoroastrianism. Naturally, you will look forward to the leader of Yang Jiao. Why don't you come to see you? "

"What, Archbishop?"

Hearing these words, the bald old man suddenly opened his mouth wide in shock, almost able to stuff two dinosaur eggs, and couldn't close it for a long time.

Jellyfish Yin Ji also stared at Yang Feng unbelievably, surprised and unbelievable.

Isn't this kid just Xiongfeng Mansion, the head of a second-rate family?

When did his subordinates have such a powerful branch of Zoroastrianism?

Is the power developing so fast?

Could it be that it is already a first-class power?

But before the two of them recovered from their shock, another loud shout came from a distance.

"Master Yang, long time no see, why are you here?"

"Old Immortal Immortal in Immortal Palace?"

Following the prestige, the jellyfish Yin Ji and the vulture couldn't help but their eyelids twitched and thought.

The Immortal Palace is a first-class demon sect. This old immortal would actually greet Yang Feng proactively. It seems that Yang Feng has indeed entered the ranks of the first-class family.

It's just that he never expected that he would have achieved such an achievement so soon, and he was still such a young age, hey, he is a real hero.

The jellyfish Yin Ji and the vulture were secretly surprised, but suddenly, he saw that the huge flattery team of the immortal immortals hadn't arrived yet, he was already a jumper himself, and he flew straight over like a rocket, thumped, and knelt. He fell in front of Yang Feng, and then bowed down.

"The Immortal Palace Immortal Immortal, see Master Yang.

I wish the Lord Yang good forever, longevity and heaven. "

hiss! Unable to take a breath, the jellyfish Yin Ji and the vulture froze again and were shocked.

How is this going?

As the head of the first-class power, how could this immortal immortal pay homage to Yang Feng so disregard of face?

Could it be... Yang Feng's power is still far above him?

The two looked at each other, their faces were deeply confused.

The corpse king glanced at them lightly, understood what they were thinking, and coughed dryly, and introduced: "Cough cough cough...This imperial palace is also a branch of the Holy Fire Sect of my lord Yang."


The undead palaces of the first-class demon sects are all branches of the Holy Fire Sect?

Then this Holy Fire cult should be a few forces, shouldn't it be super first-class.

Suddenly, both the jellyfish Yin Ji and the vulture were shocked.

Especially Yin Ji, the jellyfish, finally understood why Yang Feng would be treated aloof in this Acacia Sect. It was not unreasonable.

Just when did this happen?

It didn't take long for him to become Palace Master of Xiongfeng Mansion. Why did he make the site so big all at once?

The jellyfish Yin Ji was suspicious, the vulture was already in this general trend, fell to her knees with a plop, embraced Yang Feng's thigh convincingly, and begged for mercy: "Master Yang, forgive the little bald man's ignorance just now.

I don’t know Taishan and offended you, so don’t be surprised.

I really don't know, you are such a wonderful person, I was really blinded by a dog just now, you are a lot of adults, let me go, oooooo! "

"Little bald?"

Raising his brows, Yang Feng bowed his head and looked deeply at this old man who was hundreds of years older than himself, and couldn't help but laugh.

This old man can really bend and stretch. How arrogant just now, how humble and bald now he is?

Ha ha! A lot of age, all this nasty word.

Yang Feng smiled dumbly and waved his hand lightly: "Get up quickly, you are welcome, I won't do anything to you?

It's just that I want to say that this matter between men and women requires mutual affection, and the twisted melon is not sweet. "

"Yes, yes, what the Master Yang taught is that the old man will never take my eldest brother to do this kind of grabbing water girl.

I will be sincere and sincere, to touch her heart, let the melon ripen, hehehe. "

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, the vulture stood up with a smile on his face, then looked affectionately at the jellyfish Yin Ji.

The jellyfish Yin Ji rolled her eyes, and a rough breath came out from her nostrils: "Don't dream, you have no chance."

Well! The corners of his mouth slumped, and the old face of the vulture sank immediately and pouted.

He smiled and shook his head, Yang Feng ignored the pair of rare old mandarin ducks, but hurriedly helped the immortal immortal, and smiled: "Old fellow, are you here too?

Wouldn't you want to take refuge in the Acacia Sect and change the door? "

"Uh, no, no, please don't get me wrong, Master Yang.

The old man is loyal to you, how could he change his door? "

I was so scared that he waved his hand quickly and confirmed his position. The Immortal Immortal grinned and said, "Furthermore, this Hehuan Sect is a super-first-class family that has been newly promoted in recent years. There are more people who want to cheat on it. How about a small household like our Immortal Palace?

The old man is just coming here to cheer, don't ask for appreciation, just ask not to offend them. "

"Well, it makes sense. fact, it doesn't matter if you want to change the door, anyway, after changing the owner, you will find that this is your loss. "

Cut, what a loss, is it possible that you can really match the strength of this Acacia Sect?

If it weren't for you who used that secret method to control Lao Tzu, the Hehuan Sect might not look good to Lao Tzu, maybe Lao Tzu would really change it.

Hearing what he said, the undead old fairy was full of approving smiles, and he could not help nodding, but his heart was slandering and complaining.

Yang Feng's eyes flashed, as if he could see through his heart, but he didn't mind, he just looked around the crowd, waved his hand and said: "It's rare for you to meet here, you guys will go back and prepare and move to my place. Right.

As a person, I usually wander around and I rarely have time to get close to you. I happen to use this time so that everyone can get acquainted with each other and improve their relationship. "

"it is good!"

As soon as the words came out, the King of Zombie took the lead in raising his fist and shouting, but soon he hesitated, "But the leader, this Hehuan Sect is very stingy, and the residence for each clan is quite small.

So many of us moved to the leader's place, it would be inconvenient. "

It doesn't matter shrugged, Yang Feng smiled dismissively: "Old ghoul, don't compare me with you, I am different from you, come on."

...A quarter of an hour later, under the leadership of Bai Lang and Jellyfish Yin Ji, everyone came to Yang Feng's unique hardcover villa on the top of the peak, and their mouths opened in surprise.

"Wow, so big?


A bunch of us squeezed that place that is less than ten square meters. You two live in such a big house?

The distribution of houses by the Hehuan Sect is too unfair! "

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