Alien God System

Chapter 1337: People inside

Yes, at this moment, it was not someone else who appeared in front of Yang Feng, but the Poison King, one of their four great apologetics.

Yang Feng never expected that he could find his second Dharma King in the realm of the Hehuan Sect.

Unable to help, Yang Feng was stunned and stared at him closely.

"Old Luluo, shouldn't you take care of the girl's medicated diet inside?

What are you doing?

go back! "

Those guards were very unkind to the Poison King, their eyes were full of scowling, and they shouted sharply.

The Poison King shook his lush green beard slightly, and smiled humblely: "Brothers, the girl is playing the piano inside. It's too noisy outside. Let me have a look. Please be quiet."

"It's not that we have to make a noise and disturb the girl Yaxing, it's really the son who is aggressive."

The guard no longer looked at him, but instead looked at Yang Feng.

Poison Wang Cancan nodded, and said quickly: "Dear brothers, give the old man a chance, let me persuade this young man."

Without speaking, the guards were tacitly approved.

The poison king smiled gratefully and turned to look at Yang Feng.

Suddenly, there was a trace of moisture in the old eyes of the Poison King, but he quickly suffocated him, and said humbly: "This son, the old man knows that you are a distinguished guest of our Hehuan Sect, but this is my Hehuan Sect. Don't mess around either.

Otherwise, it would be bad for everyone to poke out the basket.

There are some things, even the young master may not be able to cover it! "

Speaking of this, Poison King kept winking at Yang Feng.

Obviously, he was afraid that Yang Feng would suffer here, so he quickly withdrew.

Yang Feng also understood what he meant. He probably thought that he could enter the top courtyard of the Hehuan Sect, because of his friendship with Yuan Hua, he regarded himself as holding his thigh.

But Yang Feng didn't explain, but after thinking a little, he turned his head silently: "Go!"


Bai Lang froze for a moment: "Brother, stop hitting, my hands have been itchy for a few days, would you let me vent?"


Yang Feng shouted again, very firm.

Helpless, Bai Lang rolled his eyes and left with Yang Feng depressed.

This time he was so disappointed that he failed to flex his muscles.

Just before leaving, he looked back at the Poison King strangely, wondering in his heart.

Who is this old guy, who actually persuaded his eldest brother out in a few words?

It stands to reason that the eldest brother just decided to break into this other courtyard, but no one can stop it, tusk! Bailang couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it.

When the two returned along the same route and their figures disappeared far away, the guards who had been on alert just couldn't help but breathe and let go.

In fact, they were also very nervous when the battle just started, and they didn't want to fight.

It's not that they saw that the two monsters Yang Feng and Bailang are not easy to provoke, but because these two are the guests of the young master and the master of the other courtyard on the top floor.

If they do, they will hit hard and hurt two distinguished guests. Although it is the duty, but when the young master turns over the old account, they will definitely not be able to go around.

But if the start is light, the two of them are obviously released water and let them break into the other yard. They are obviously negligent and can't afford to walk around.

Well, in short, no matter how they play, their fate will be extremely miserable.

The best result is not to fight.

Thinking of this, those guards are still a little grateful to the Poison King.

"Good job, actually persuaded these two masters to go back.

Old Luluo, I didn't expect your eloquence to be really good, although we haven't heard yet, how did you persuade the two arrogant brothers to go back just now. "

"Where, the old man just scared them.

They thought that there was a young master covering them, so they could walk sideways in our Acacia Sect.

The old man just warned them to dare to break into this other courtyard. The young master couldn't protect them, so they left by themselves, ha ha ha! "

The Poison King humbly lowered his head and smiled, and after a few words, he walked into the courtyard again: "Well, now that the noise outside is resolved, the old man will continue to look after the girl."

"Okay, let's go, let's go, the girl's body matters."

Waved impatiently, the guards suddenly and solemnly said: "Hey, also, the young master said, before the ancestor finally collects the yin yin, he must infuse the girl with top medicinal materials every day, and one day cannot be delayed.

You are in charge of this matter, so don't go wrong. "

"Don't worry, this matter is more aging than you, but I still want to live a few more years, ha ha ha."

Yang Tian smiled dumbly, and the Poison King waved his hands with the guards and walked into the depths of the courtyard.

It's just that after a turn, in a corner that everyone can't see, the Poison King's previously bright smile suddenly sank.

The old face shrank, and the crystal tears couldn't stop poking down.

After a while, Poison King's face flushed.

But soon, the Poison King took a deep breath, wiped the tears from his eyes, and then continued to pretend to be innocent and move forward.

Next, the Poison King went to the medicine cabinet, took a few medicines, and then went to the alchemy room, and put these precious medicinal materials into the nine pots that were steaming and burning.

Finally, as the liquid medicines from the cauldrons converged into a bowl of Jiucai medicinal soup, the poison king immediately took the bowl of medicinal soup and walked towards the melodious sound of the piano.

Countless masters along the road stared at him closely, as if there were countless cameras, monitoring his every move.

Until he took the soup medicine to a magnificent door, and knelt down, the sound of the piano inside finally stopped abruptly.

"Girl, take medicine!"

The Poison King fell deeply and choked.

Without speaking, it was so quiet that you could hear the sound of a needle dropping to the ground.

The Poison King understood her feelings and sighed helplessly: "The leader is here."


Hearing this, the inside finally made a sound, but it was full of panic: "How come the leader?

Does he already know me..." "No, he just happened to be here to celebrate his birthday with those demonic masters. "

"That's good, don't let him know about me."

He exhaled a long sigh of breath, and the people inside seemed to let go of a squeezing heart, but said in a sad and sad voice: "He is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and he will definitely not leave us alone.

But in this way, it is tantamount to harm him. "

Nodding Shen Shen, the Poison King did not speak, but his eyes became more and more ruddy.


At this time, the person inside murmured: "Since the leader is here, you should find a way to follow the leader and leave here.

Although the power of the leader may still be very weak, I believe that one day, the leader of the old man will conquer the world again.

You continue to follow the leader, there is a great future. "

Ok! Pointing his head, the poison king made a vaguely choked voice.

"Or... Then, after a little pondering, the people inside said: "Even if the leader cannot reproduce the glory of the year, but by his side, we will live happily. He really regards us as family.

This is better than being a dog in some superb family. "

Well! The Poison King wiped two tears, then nodded again.

"It's just..." In the end, the voice of the people inside became a lot of sadness, their throat suddenly choked, and they couldn't speak for a long time. After sobbing for a long time, they finally gritted their teeth and cried: "Never Talk to him about me, oooooo!"

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