Alien God System

Chapter 1336: Reunion with the old poison

Yanhuo Palace?

Yuan Hua was taken aback, looked at him suspiciously, and said cautiously: "Brother Yang, are you asking what's wrong with Yanhuo Palace?

If they offended you, they still..." "Oh, nothing, just inquire! "

With a dismissive grin, Yang Feng said lightly.

Yuan Hua's eyes rolled, seeing him reluctant to say, he hesitated, Cancan said: "Oh, there are too many guests here for birthday celebrations. I can't remember so many at a time. I will come back and look up the gift list. Reply to you, okay?"

"Well, all right, you go!"


Yuan Hua bowed and nodded, and stepped back very humbly.

After he left completely, Yang Feng deeply forgot the direction he was going away, and sneered: "With the hesitation he had just momentarily, I knew that he must be lying.

Yanhuo Palace has definitely come to Hehuan Sect, and he still attaches great importance to it.

Otherwise, a second-rate sect, if he doesn't value it, he definitely can't remember his name.

It's just... why does he value a second-rate sect so much? "

"Oh, boss, you just push him down and just ask him?"

Hearing what he said, the white waves on the side said impatiently.

Yang Feng chuckled: "If you stretch out your hand and don't hit the smiling face, people treat us so politely, so why don't we be ashamed to do it directly."

Besides, I haven't eaten the banquet yet, and it won't be too late to hit the venue after eating. "

"I'll go, people say that our gluttons are foodies, you always value food more than us.

Before fighting, I thought of eating someone first, which was really frantic. "

"Nonsense, I don't even care about the gift, won't it be wasted if I don't eat it?"

"Just those five spirit stones?"

With a twitch of face, Bai Lang couldn't help but roll his eyes straight: "Boss, I don't think you really look like a human being, but a distant relative of my family!"

"Who is it?"

"brave troops!"

Bai Lang laughed and said, Yang Feng curled his lips non-committal.

Suddenly, a melodious piano sound came, tactfully and long, with a melancholy tone.

Yang Feng's ears moved slightly, and he was startled, and then looked up, only to realize that the sound was not far away, it should be from the yard next door: "Who is this, such a sad song, it means suicide."

"Brother, do you know music?"

"Understand a little!"

After slapped his mouth twice, Yang Feng closed his eyes and listened carefully, murmured: "The sound of this piano has been repeated thousands of times, full of melancholy, and it is a woman playing.

Moreover, this is a beautiful woman, with big eyes, cherry mouth, fair-skinned beauty and big long legs. She has just fallen out of love, lonely and cold in her heart.

She needs comfort now, and the powerful arms of a good man! "

Wow! Unable to help but open his mouth wide, Bai Lang looked at Yang Feng in surprise: "Brother, you are so awesome.

Just listen to someone playing a song with your ears, and you can even hear what the parents look like?

I've only heard of a soulmate who can hear other people's thoughts from music, but you can even hear your appearance.

High, really high, how do you do it? "

"Hi, it's nothing, it's all by imagination!"


"I imagined that she was a fair-skinned and beautiful young lady, who is now empty and waiting for me to save."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng smiled evilly: "With my decades of hard work in love, any woman who plays the piano well will not look bad.

Anyway, I’m still idle now, go see it, what if there is a hero to save the beauty?

Get up, hahaha! "

Having said that, Yang Feng was already swaggering away.

Bai Lang's face twitched slightly, he sighed slightly, lowered his head and hurriedly followed, slandering in his heart.

Hey, what do you know about music? He just wanted to pick up girls, and went lucky.

If you bump into a lonely and cold woman, won't you just fall into his hands.

Beasts, shit! The two walked out of the courtyard along the direction where the sound came from, looking all the way.

I have to say that the place Yuanhua arranged for them was really quite quiet and spacious. Within ten miles, there were no other people in sight except the patrol post.

It wasn't until a quarter of an hour later that Yang Feng and the others found another courtyard, but outside the courtyard was guarded by layers of masters.

The melodious sound of the piano came from inside.

"Stop, who?"

As soon as the two approached, two guards immediately stopped them.

Yang Feng curled his lips indifferently, and said with a grin: "Holy Flame, Yang Feng!"

"Holy Flame?

Never heard of it! "

The guard frowned slightly, and then shouted: "This is the important place of this sect, why did you come here?"

"We are the guests who come to celebrate our birthday, so we can just stroll around, can't we?"

"The birthday guest is stationed under the mountainside. How did you get to the summit?

Hurry up! "

"What's under the mountainside?

It was Yuanhua who brought us here. The place where we live is in a courtyard not far away. "

Yang Feng raised his finger and pointed his direction.

The guards were taken aback, and immediately bowed and bowed, and their attitude instantly eased a lot: "It turned out to be a young host and distinguished guest. It was rude."


The reaction is very fast, you noticed it so quickly? "

"Yes, as long as those who can be arranged in the Peak Peak Courtyard are the Young Master VIPs, other people do not have this qualification at all."

The guard smiled humbly and explained.

Yang Feng nodded clearly: "In this case, you know that I am a VIP, don't you hurry up?

I went in to see who was playing the piano, messing up my nap, and I had to criticize and criticize her, it was too ethical. "

"This won't work, please forgive my son!"

Yang Feng wanted to break through. When the guards saw it, they hurriedly stopped and said, "This is a resting place for the distinguished guests of this sect. It should not be disturbed. Please come back."


I am a guest too! Why can she bother me, I can't bother her? "

"My son, this distinguished guest is extremely honorable.

The young master ordered that no one is allowed to disturb, please come back.

If it really feels noisy, the little one immediately lets people set up a soundproof barrier. "

The guard had a very solemn face, staring at Yang Feng with a firm attitude.

Yang Feng looked inside, then looked at the guards in front of him, his face gradually sank, and sneered, "What if I have to go in?"

"Then forgive the little ones!"

Huh! With a loud shout, all the guards showed their sharp swords.

The corner of Yang Feng's mouth curled, and he curled his mouth in disdain, giving Bai Lang a look at him.

Although Bailang didn't know why the boss had to forcibly break into this other courtyard to see the woman, since he had spoken, the gluttonous food that had been stubborn for so long was naturally going to kill him.

But before both parties could do anything, an urgent shout came out: "Stop, stop, the other courtyard is heavy, Hugh can use force, disturbing the girl's purity."

Sa! A flashing body, an old figure dressed in a green robe, quickly stopped in front of both sides.

The guards and Bai Lang didn't even look at him. They still stared at each other tit-for-tat. Only Yang Feng's eyelids twitched and he stared at the old man in amazement.

Old poison, why are you?

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