Alien God System

Chapter 1320: The seven deadly sins


Don't keep one? "

Hearing this, Yang Feng was stunned, and hurriedly asked: "What did you mean by this?

Where do you not stay?

Is it this interface? "

Indeed nodded, Jialou Luo lightly said: "This is the interface. According to internal rumours, it is all going to be returned to chaos, without leaving any creatures."

" this news accurate?"

"Of course it is accurate. I have some internal news from my buddy who was working in the God Realm Judgment Meeting."

"But how is this possible?

Isn’t there a percentage of judgment and destruction of the world?

The percentage last time was 90%, right?

How could it be completely wiped out this time? "

Yang Feng's expression tightened slightly, and he hurried to inquire.

Jialouluo smiled and shook his head: "Lord Abeluo, you should know how many creatures will be destroyed by an interface on each trial day. That is determined by the God Realm Adjudication Committee.

And this interface is completely wiped out. It is estimated that it will not take a long time before the two-faced **** and Diablo Demon Lord will come to do it.

So before that, we have to speed up the harvest of the souls here, otherwise they will all die at once, which is too wasteful! "


Yang Feng slapped his mouth twice, frowning deeply.

Then he looked at Ah Yue who had fallen to the ground, and then at Luo Yinghao and Taotie who were still confused, his heart sank.


Why do you want to put this interface into chaos this time, without giving it a little life? "

"Where do I know? That's how the committee's decision was made. It is estimated that the people here are too sinful, and it is intolerable."



With a slight nod, Garuda said solemnly: "Human beings have original sins since they were born, and the God Realm classifies them as the seven original sins, which are arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, lust, and gluttony, each of which is more serious than the other.

In each trial, the God Realm Committee will evaluate the human crimes on the interface to determine the penalty limit.

This time this interface was determined to belong to Chaos, it can only be said that all the seven sins have been committed. "

"All seven sins?"

Yang Feng's eyes widened, and after thinking for a while, "But these sins are owned by everyone, unless he is a saint.

Why didn't it all go out last time, but it will all go out this time? "

"The committee's determination of crime is of course prioritized.

Each of these seven original sins is right, but every sin goes deep into the bones, but it is very rare. "

He smiled and shook his head, Garuda said with contempt: "From my understanding of this interface, almost all the sins of the people here have gone to the extreme.

Especially the first sin, arrogance, this is the first of the seven original sins, a proper capital sin.

Lord Abelo, since you already have a spiritual body here, you must have walked here for a long time.

Do you think this interface is full of arrogance? "

This... Yang Feng condensed his brows and pondered for a moment, recalling the past after he came to the spirit world.

Indeed, when he first came to this realm, he discovered that the hierarchy here is very heavy. Everyone is humble and humble to the top, and endless arrogant to the next.

First-rate despise second-rate, second-rate despise third-rate.

Clan relatives look down on nobles, nobles look down on common people, common people also look down on untouchables, untouchables, as the lowest end of the food chain, can only look down on those black households without ID cards.

In the end, even Yang Feng can't figure out whether the people here are inferior or arrogant. Anyway, a chain of clear lines of identity and contempt is flooding every corner of the world.

Calling it arrogance is worthy of its name.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng asked again: "Does it have to be in chaos?

Is there room for negotiation? "

"The general direction is definitely impossible. After all, it was decided by the committee, but the details can be manipulated.

Although this is the destruction of the world, in the end there are hundreds of thousands of fish that slip through the net, and the above will not be too pursued. Everything is determined by the Demon Lord Diablo. "

"It's up to him?"

"Yes, he is the demon **** who manages this interface and is in charge of punishment.

This time the destruction of the world, mainly by him.

He is in a good mood, leaving some remnants, and he won't be held accountable unless he is held accountable.

If you are in a bad mood, you have to kill these ants. "

Jialouluo shrugged helplessly and sneered.

Yang Feng nodded clearly, knowing in his heart that after all this matter should be solved by Demon Lord Diablo, so he hurriedly asked: "Do you know where Demon Lord Diablo is?"

"I know, he hasn't come down yet, he's in his residence, Lord Abeiro, don't you know?

It's okay, I will guide you. "

"Uh, no need, I won't visit his God Realm residence for now."

Waved his hand again and again, Yang Feng smiled and said, "I mean, if he is in the lower realm, where will he appear?"

"Where do I know this?

But you can find his soul boy. "

"Spirit boy?"

"Yes, in order to display their strength as much as possible in the lower realm, the demon **** and the righteous **** will drop in advance the body of the soul boy who is the most compatible with their own soul and come to this interface first.

Usually the soul boy is no different from the average person, but it will activate the soul boy before the **** descends.

At this time, the strength of the soul boy will rise greatly, and finally wait for the gods to seize the house and become the flesh bodies of the two great gods walking in this world! "

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng knew: "Then how can I find this soul boy?"

"Only they themselves know where the soul boy is, but after the soul boy is activated, the strength of the soul will increase day by day, far surpassing ordinary people, as close as possible to the point of god, so that the gods can descend and merge smoothly!"

"It turns out that this is the case. In other words, anyone whose primordial spirit is far more than one level of this interface repairer is likely to be a soul boy."

"Yes, the soul boy's primordial power lies between man and god."

With a grin, Garuda nodded, but he was a little suspicious: "By the way, Lord Abero, why have you been inquiring about the soul boy of De Abro?"

"I..." slapped his lips twice. After Yang Feng thought for a while, he didn't speak, Nagararo was shocked and exclaimed: "My lord, you are not planning to collect the soul of the soul boy. Are you gone?

This can't work! That is the soul that the Demon Lord Diablo had predetermined. If you dare to cut his beard, he must kill you.

We are just a Cthulhu. To put it bluntly, it is a miscellaneous god, but don't provoke the devil who represents the pure darkness of the universe! "

"No, I didn't think about it..." "Master Abeiro, the destruction of the world is about to begin. Before that, we have the opportunity to search for a wave of souls.

Even if the soul of the soul boy is stronger than the pure soul of ordinary people, but we can't move this bomb, don't cause trouble! "

However, before Yang Feng had time to reply, Garuda warned again.

Rumble! At this time, there was a gust of wind in the sky, sending out terrifying waves.

Jialouluo looked up to the sky and said anxiously: "No, I stay in the lower realm for too long, I have to go back, otherwise the heaven and earth system will be aware of my existence, and will definitely react.

After I drop a soul boy on this interface, I can walk on this interface for a long time.

Lord Abelo, there will be a period later.

Wait, before the end of the world, there will definitely be chaos in the world, and people will panic. This is the best opportunity for our evil gods to collect souls, hahaha! "

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