Alien God System

Chapter 1319: Garuda

So strong! The body couldn't help but shook severely, the evil **** opened his eyes incredibly, and his heart was terrified.

The god-level primordial power is even stronger than me?

Could it be that this one is also... slapped his lips, the evil **** stared at Yang Feng's sullen eyes, and after a little indulgent, he muttered: "Big brother, when is the lower realm, so fast?

The day of chaos hasn't arrived yet, are you afraid of being caught by the demon god? "

"Of course I am not afraid. You think this deity is like you, a weak chicken like you, so weak, hum."

With a cold smile, Yang Feng raised his head sharply, seeing that he was a **** with identity.

The evil **** looked up at Yang Feng blankly, his mouth opened into a goose-egg shape, and instantly believed in his cowhide, his eyes were full of worship: "Brother, it seems that you are not an ordinary god, so you didn't put that old demon. In the eyes?"

"It's natural, otherwise, how could I sway like this and walk in the territory of the old ghost Diablo?"

Yang Feng smiled and shook his head, curled his mouth in disdain, and immediately made the evil **** more respectful, then took a deep look at Yang Feng's body and asked, "Big brother, this is your spiritual body, why not find a better skin , This is too common, right?"

Spirit body?

What is the spirit body?

Yang Feng was taken aback, suspicious, and asked the ancestor.

The holy ancestor gave a dry cough, and said leisurely: "The lower realm of the gods needs a physical body to live temporarily, and the phenomenon of temporarily sealing the original consciousness of this physical body is called God descending.

And the physical body that has been occupied for a long time is the spiritual body.

Generally speaking, the higher the fit between the body and the deity, the greater the power it can exert.

The spirit body is specially customized by the gods of the upper realm, and can be freely played in the lower realm, which fits the body best. "

"That's it, the evil **** that was attached to Long Xiaotian and the others last time was..." "That was a **** descending, I just found a physical body to attach it, and it's only for temporary use, and the fit is not 100%. They can't exert much strength.

However, because the two are followers of evil gods, the fit should be around 70 or 80. If it is a normal body, the fit should be around 20 to 30% at most. "

"That's it!"

Yang Feng nodded clearly and understood, but soon he reacted: "Wait, what do you mean by my ordinary spirit body?

Would you like me to find a better skin?

Is my skin bad? "

After blinking his big innocent eyes, the evil **** nodded very honestly and said, "As far as human aesthetics is concerned, your skin is a bit mediocre."


Snapped! A big mouth was drawn up, and Yang Feng cursed: "You dare to call me mediocre?

Are you looking for death? "

"No, brother, I didn't say that you are mediocre, just that your skin is not very good-looking, just like human beings think that clothes are too ugly, just change one and you're done, what's the rush?"

"What, ugly?"

Snapped! Another big ear scraper was pulled up, and Yang Feng couldn't help laughing out loud: "Where am I?

Is it okay to be handsome?

You are... uh no, the aesthetics of God is too inferior. How can you call yourself a God?

by! "

Well! The corners of his mouth slumped, and the evil **** covered his cheeks with a bewildered face, and he dared not say any more, feeling inexplicable.

He couldn't figure out why Yang Feng, a god, cares so much about the beauty and ugliness of a broken skin?

Other gods, whether evil gods, righteous gods, or devil gods, don't care.

Because after reaching the divine realm, he has already broken away from the **** of matter and has become an energy body that connects the universe, so he will no longer care about this kind of material comparison.

But this eldest brother is so strange that he actually values ​​his appearance so much, just like a mortal, so shallow! Cthulhu was puzzled, Luo Yinghao and Taotie were already too shocked to speak.

Four slaps, four slaps! This brother Yang actually dared to slap the Cthulhu four times. The Cthulhu was not angry. It was so evil.

Ignoring the surprised attitude of the people, beasts, and gods around him, Yang Feng took a deep breath. After calming down, he leaned down suddenly, patted the evil **** on the shoulder, and smiled lightly: "My brother, there are a lot of Lords. , Forgive you for slandering this deity this pair of skins."

is it?

You slapped me four times because of this broken skin. This is a lot of adults?

The Cthulhu's mouth was sullen and aggrieved, but he didn't dare to attack. Who made his soul less powerful than this one?

"How do you call it?"

Then Yang Feng asked again.

"Cthulhu, Garuda!"

The evil **** answered honestly.

Yang Feng grinned: "It's such a coincidence, I'm also a Cthulhu, King Abeiro, I'll be lucky to meet you!"

Yang Feng directly put the name of King Abeiro he had killed on top. When Garuda heard this, his eyes lit up: "You are the King of the Evil God, Lord Abeiro?

Long Yang Long Yang! You are in the circle of evil gods, but you are well-known, so thunderous! "

"is it?

Am I so famous?

Ha ha ha..." Yang Feng grinned, never expecting that the unlucky king Abeluo was still a human figure in the underworld circle of the gods.

Then, Jialouluo stared at Yang Feng closely, and couldn't help but admire: "I said how could your soul power be so strong, it turned out to be Lord Abeluo.

It’s just that you haven’t returned to the God Realm. Many people think you are missing. "

"Uh...I am more diligent, so I will develop more business.

You should know that what we need to be an evil **** is a pure soul.

But this kind of thing is hard to find.

If we ourselves don’t work hard, should we wait for human beings to dedicate their souls to us? "

"Extremely right, it's no wonder that Lord Abeluo has been so mixed up in the Heretic God Realm. He is obviously in a high position. He is so hard and diligent. He is really a role model for my generation!"

Jialouluo couldn't help but admired. The eyes of Yang Feng were full of small stars, but he soon sighed again and shook his head helplessly: "But even if we work so hard, we will never compare to those of the righteous gods and demon gods. Strong.

As long as the righteous **** creates a world, all the positive forces of this world will be continuously supplied to them.

Negative power will become a permanent source of energy for the devil.

They act as the shopkeepers and live a happy life.

But our evil gods have to work hard for every bite, so unfair! "

"Isn't it, this God Realm is too unfair, alas!"

Yang Feng also sighed and nodded, patted him on the shoulder, feeling empathetic, but he couldn't help but rejoice in his heart. He was righteous.

Later in the God Realm, he became a God Realm civil servant.

When you create a world, you can sit and enjoy the Golden Mountain, so you don't need to be so aggressive like the Cthulhu, this is full of bitterness, hahaha! But soon, Jia Lou Luo's next sentence brought Yang Feng's schadenfreude to an abrupt end.

"The most hateful thing is that they don't know how to cherish the current life.

There are so many creatures' powers for them to absorb, and they have to destroy the world, and they have to destroy one without leaving. It's too shameless. At least let us save a little, damn! "

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