Alien God System

Chapter 1289: Stealing chicken will not lose the rice

Well! The three of them were speechless. They knew their current situation was indeed intolerable, and they would be hacked to death when they went out.

If Yang Feng is willing to save them, it may not be a way out! Thinking about this, the three of them finally paid respects to Yang Feng: "I wait for everything to be seen by the head of Palace Master Yang, please take in Palace Master Yang!"

"Russ can teach!"

He smiled and nodded, Yang Feng picked up a piece of braised pork on the table and ate a bite, waved his chopsticks and said, "Then you guys will record a video for me now."


"Yes, give me all the territories of your three residences!"


The body shook, and the three people said in shock: "You let us assign all of our three residences to your name?"

"if not?"

Raising his brows, Yang Feng sneered: "You are going to be murdered by the eldest son. Only I can protect you and your family in this world.

But even so, it's impossible for you to take charge of Sanfu again, right?

Who will take care of these three houses?

To others, it is better to honor me, otherwise, how can I help you?

What do you guys say? "

Uh, this... alas! The three of them were speechless for a while, and after looking at each other, they finally nodded helplessly.

Originally, they came to Xiangtianfu this time because they wanted to split the half of Xiangtianfu's territory.

But I never expected that stealing chicken will not lose rice.

Xiang Tianfu didn't grab the site, and he gave up his entire government site.

But what is the solution?

For the lives of themselves and the whole family, they can only do this.

Since then, the three of them took out the image spirit crystals and recorded the decision to transfer the Sanfu to Yang Feng in a serious manner.

After Yang Feng got it, he nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, since you have paid the protection fee, then I will absolutely guarantee the safety of you and your family.

If you come, immediately send someone to Sanfu overnight to inform the families of the palace lord and settle down in my Xiongfeng Mansion in secret. "

"Yes, Lord Palace!"

"Also, three palace masters, please record another video and bring it to your family, otherwise I'm afraid they won't believe it!"

"it is good!"

Nodding their heads, the three of them looked at the image spirit crystal in Yang Feng's hand, with mixed feelings in their hearts. They didn't know whether to laugh or cry... One night passed, and soon a white cloud appeared on the far horizon.

Yunying was pacing around in the room constantly, restless, and from time to time she would ask the guard outside the door: "have they come back?"

"Prince Kai, not yet!"

"Why is there no news for so long?

Don’t you just kill Yang Feng, ten martial kings led the team, hundreds of third-tier peak military commanders, and spent a whole night on the scene. Could something go wrong? "

Yunying hesitated, her brows frowned.

Suddenly, the guard outside the door rushed in, and bowed and said: "Tell the grandpa, just now the guard of the Yang family came to report the funeral. Last night, the Yang mansion was attacked by an assassin. The whole mansion suffered heavy casualties. Palace Master Yang he... ""What's up with him?

Was [我爱故事] assassinated to death? "

Yunying hurriedly asked when the eyes lit up.

The guard shook his head and said with a bright smile: "No, Grandpa, Palace Master Yang is okay. He is sending someone to pass on a message to Grand Master. It means that dozens of second-rate Palace Masters were killed last night, please The son is fair for these victims."


Dozens of second-rate palace owners died? "

Hearing this, Yunying was immediately stunned: "Why?

Didn't those assassins go to the Yang Mansion to assassinate them?

A group of second-rate family palace masters, not staying in their own courtyard to sleep late at night, what are they going to do in Yang Mansion?

Still killed so many? "

That... scratched his head, and the guard thought for a while and then said: "I heard that last night, the Patriarchs, led by Patriarch Yang, discussed the economic construction and livelihood policies of the various prefectures in Yunzhou throughout the night, and helped the people to live a well-off life. Broken heart.

As a result, when they were in a meeting to study the issue of the people's poverty alleviation, a group of assassins came and killed them indiscriminately without saying anything. Dozens of Lords of the Palace died so gloriously. "


economic development?

People's livelihood policy?

Well-off life?

People out of poverty?

What kind of mess is this?

Can you speak human words? "

Hearing what he said, Yunying gave him a fierce look and shouted: "My son wants to know what they were doing last night and why did they get together?"

"This subordinate doesn't know. Just now, the guard of the Yang family brought it.

Listen, it seems that they are working together late at night to study how to govern the various provinces, right? "

"Huh, are they, are they so diligent?"

With a cold smile inadvertently, Yun Ying's entire face suddenly sank with anger: "These idiots who usually have corpses on a vegetarian diet are all adding to the chaos for this young man.

It was Yang Feng that this son wanted to kill, and they just ran to be a meat shield.

It's alright now, Yang Feng failed to kill, and a bunch of family patriarchs died.

If they were to know that the assassin was sent by this young man last night, once the news goes out..." Ka! With a tight fist, Yunying's eyes flashed a naked murderous intent: "Go, go to Yang Mansion , To find out what happened?

Bastard stuff, **** it's not dead, a lot of it's not **** dead, shit, what's this group of people doing? "

With that said, Yunying was already walking out quickly, and a group of guards hurriedly followed.

Soon, he came to the Yang Mansion, and under the leadership of the Yang family attendants, he went to the Yang Mansion hall.

At this moment, there were already full of cold corpses.

Yang Feng looked calm and looked down at all of this. The few surviving palace masters aside, their heads down lonely, their faces still colored, bruised.

After taking a glance at them, Yun Ying went straight to Yang Feng, pretending to be surprised and wondering: "Palace Master Yang, what happened last night?

Why are all the palace owners killed? "

"Oh, Lord, you are here."

Holding a fist to him respectfully, Yang Feng sighed helplessly: "It's all my fault, I love the people so much.

Last night, I invited the lord of the palace to the house to discuss in-depth people's livelihood issues.

As a result, a group of assassins suddenly broke into, killing all the palace owners with heavy casualties, and in the end these few were left. "

Yang Feng pointed to the survivors, but Yun Ying didn't even look at them, but asked anxiously, "Where is the assassin?

How are those assassins?

Catch, run, or..." "All beheaded! "

"All beheaded?"

Yunying couldn't help being shocked when she shook her body.

You know, the strength of those assassins is top-notch for the second-rate family.

Moreover, there are ten masters of Wu Wang sitting in town. Even if the scene is chaotic and unable to complete the mission, and the target escapes, it is impossible to die here.

Especially the ten martial kings all died on the spot, none of them could escape.

This shows what?

This stinky boy surnamed Yang is protected by a peerless expert! The super-class family has not left yet, leaving him with a guard! Yunying's face twitched, and her face turned pale in fright.

If you let the super-class family behind this kid know that those killers were sent by yourself, wouldn't you have to be in a different place on the spot?

Thinking of this, Yunying couldn't help but swing his legs instantly, unable to stop...

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