Alien God System

Chapter 1288: tame

Without speaking, everyone present had their faces as cold as ice, and their faces were as black as charcoal.

"Palace Master Yang, no matter what grievances you have with the eldest son, why do you want to involve us? We are just here for a funeral. As a result... alas!"

After a while, Qi Zhenqiang let out a long sigh, almost crying with his slumped mouth.

The other palace lord also couldn't help muttering, "Yes, can't we sleep well at home tonight?

What sea and sky feast do you have to come to?

Where is the sea?

Where's the day?

Except for a few slender dancers who have caused our heads to be different, what can we get?

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. "

...Everyone knew everything about it for a while, and couldn't help but sigh. They already fully understood the current situation.

At this moment, they were a little envious of the palace masters who were killed by the assassin in the first place.

At the very least, those people died alone and stopped talking, which meant that the whole family was saved.

As for those who can still speak, it is estimated that the entire family will be implicated.

Yang Feng raised his head and took another sip of wine, glanced at them diagonally, and sneered: "Why, so envious of the dead, then you can follow them at any time now, and I won't stop you."

"We..." The hearts were stagnant, everyone looked at each other, and finally shook their heads helplessly.

Although they said that just now, they don't have the courage to commit suicide by themselves and kill their mouths to protect their families.

Yang Feng smiled evilly, already seeing everything through.

From Wu Fatian's time, he knew in his heart, what family honor and disgrace, what ancestral heritage?

For dictators, their own interests are the most important.

So even if they knew they were dead and would be good to everyone, they wouldn't do it.

Are they not the national soldiers who can go to death generously?

They are just the most selfish people in the world.

Grumbling... and drank a cup of Qiongye Yuye, Yang Feng grinned and said: "Tonight, you will survive, and you already know that the first man is the man behind the killing of so many family palace owners this time.

The eldest son will not let you go after he knows the truth.

Even in order to cut the grass and roots, your family will be implicated and killed completely.

No one can escape from the elderly to the newborn baby. "

"Palace Master Yang, what should we do then?"

Hearing what he said, Qi Zhenqiang and other palace owners hurriedly looked at Yang Feng, with hope in their eyes.

Yang Feng glared at them, smiling evilly and said: "You are afraid of the eldest son, I am not afraid of Yang Feng!"

"I see it!"

Nodding their heads in a hurry, everyone said anxiously: "Looking at the old man who wants to deal with you, he can only use the assassination method, and he knows that he doesn't dare to face you head-on!"

"So..." There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Yang Feng stared at the people closely: "At this time, only I can protect you! As long as you look forward to me from now on, I can find a way to help you If you fool around, you will never make the Yun Family doubt you."

"Palace Master Yang, you mean..." "Yes, you have to listen to me in the future, not the Yun family."

Raising his eyebrows with a wicked smile, Yang Feng took the lead directly.

Everyone was slightly startled, and after looking at each other, they said: "Are you making us loyal to you?

But how can you guarantee that we will not betray? "

"You can't betray!"

Shaking his head, Yang Feng said with certainty: "You can now go to the eldest son to inform him and tell him all my plans.

But I can also tell him that you already know that he sent people to slaughter these palace masters.

Do you think he will believe that you are loyal and will always keep this secret?

Or do you just shut up once and for all? "

Well! The heart was stagnant, and everyone couldn't tell.

"Everyone is the lord of the same house, and everyone understands the thoughts of the superior.

You will trust your subordinates and always hold your own secrets, will you not say it? "

With a sarcasm, Yang Feng continued: "So, since you learned the truth about this matter, you will no longer lean against the Yun family.

At this moment, you only have one way, that is, follow me, work against the Yun Family, and work it until you die, so that you can truly relax and have a way to survive! "

Silent, everyone present with their heads lowered, speechless.

After a while, the people raised their heads again, looked deeply at Yang Feng’s indifferent smile, clasped their fists together, and said: “Palace Master Yang is really foresight. It seems that apart from following Palace Master Yang, I have nothing to do. There is no way out.

From now on, we will regard Palace Master Yang as the leader.

Do their best to send Palace Master Yang to the position of Master Yunzhou.

It's just that the Yun Family is a first-class family after all, it is not easy to get it to step down, does Palace Master Yang have this strength? "

"The strength has long been there, what I need now is the grassroots connections!"

"Well, we have just seen the strength of Palace Master Yang's guard, and we have already seen it, and now that Palace Master Yang personally admits it, we can rest assured."

The corner of his mouth curled up. After Qi Zhenqiang and the other patriarchs looked at each other, Qi Qibai said, "I am willing to follow Palace Master Yang. From now on, I will look forward to Palace Master Yang's head, and will never betray!"

Shit! I guess I don’t know how many people have said this kind of oath. Do you think Lao Tzu will believe it?

Right when you are flattering, forget it, don't I really believe in your evil, cut! Yang Feng chuckled inwardly, but with a gratifying smile on his face, he helped them up and gave them blood: "Don't worry, you will not be disappointed when you come into my door.

When you win Yunzhou one day, you will be the founding generals and you will be the first! "

"Palace Master Xie Yang!"

When everyone heard this, they all thanked each other, overjoyed.

Yang Feng chuckled and nodded, but he couldn't help but slander.

Are you happy shit?

The revolution has not yet succeeded, and drawing a pie can make you excited like this?

How many emperors said before the world was more beautiful than Lao Tzu, and immediately killed the hero after sitting on the dragon chair.

You are the first to be killed, idiots! Yang Feng rolled his eyes and looked at Liu Changgui three not far away, his face quickly cooled down: "By the way, what about the three of you, what are your plans?"


The body shook, and Liu Changgui's three people were surprised: "Do you want the three of us to be loyal to you?"

It didn't matter shrugged, Yang Feng blinked his innocent big eyes: "Otherwise?

Do you think you three have other options?

Don't forget, the three of you are the scapegoats that Yunying specially selected.

Even if I let you walk out of this door swaggeringly now, Yunying will not let you go.

It is estimated that if you can't get out of this door five steps, you will be killed on the spot and blood will be splashed. If you don't believe it, let's make a bet.

I lost, my head was cut off and used as a toilet for you, hehehe. "

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