Alien God System

Chapter 1274: Hands on

it is good! Hearing Yang Feng's order, Dugu Zhantian cried out in excitement, their eyes full of war.

The rest of the people are gearing up, ready to do a big job.

After Yang Feng asked the king of the dead about some specific circumstances, he asked him to go back and continue to cooperate with Xiang Jia.

Immediately after that, after another half month, Xiang's family sent people to find Yang Feng, and they decided to exchange transfer documents on those ceded land boundaries in Xiang Tianfu.

Yang Feng knew that this was a feast for a grand feast, so he didn't care, because he had already decided against the dead king.

Seven days later, Xiang Tianfu fell into Yingxia, and Xiang Jia was already full of gongs, full of masters ambushing around.

A big man patrolled the surroundings for a while, and after seeing nothing unusual, he returned to the main account where Xiang Hantian was and nodded firmly to him.

"Father, everything is ready, that kid is absolutely impossible to leave here alive!"


Nodding his head faintly, Xiang Han Tian's eyes trembled, his face was solemn, and the hand that was so nervous that he held the teacup shook slightly unconsciously.

"Father, calm down!"

Seeing him like this, the student in white clothes hurriedly raised a point.

Xiang Hantian exhaled a long suffocated breath, nodded and said: "I know, I don't know the consequences of this siege.

Even the first-rate giants of the Yun family can't afford it, we are the second-rate Xiang family... alas! Why did this awful thing fall on the old man?

In short, you will act on your own occasion.

As a last resort, we must not let that Yang Feng die directly in our hands. It is best to let the Zoroastrians kill them. Once a hundred, everyone is free. "

"Yes, father!"

All bowed together, everyone was serious.

"Palace Master Yang is here!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a loud shout came from outside the canyon, and then a resplendent chariot flew in under the **** of tens of thousands of elite soldiers.

However, although Yang Feng brought tens of thousands of people this time, this number is already small for the elite soldiers.

Seeing this, the scholar in white was overjoyed, and said in a low voice: "Father, it seems that Palace Master Yang didn't have any warning heart to bring such a few people here."

"Yeah, there are only a few tens of thousands of people, and there are millions of soldiers in the first-level ambush of Laozi. This time he is really hard to escape with his wings, he is dead, hum."

The big man also grinned, his eyes already emitting bloodthirsty rays.

Xiang Hantian nodded slightly, and was also relieved a lot. Now that he was steady, he lifted his footsteps slightly, stepped forward, clasped his fists and smiled: "Palace Master Yang, long admiring the name, disrespect and disrespect!"

"Palace Master, it’s the first time to meet, I’m lucky enough to meet, hahaha!"

Yang Feng stepped down from the frame and met with Xiang Hantian. The two laughed together, very affectionate.

As the host, Xiang Hantian took the initiative to take Yang Feng’s wrist and walked to the camp not far away, with extraordinary enthusiasm, but he was still inquiring as he walked: "Palace Master Yang was originally just a third-rate family in Jinling Mansion, right? , It’s really promising to be young to become the head of a second-rate family in Yunzhou in a short time."

"Where, I praised the Palace Master."

"Hey, Palace Master Yang is humble.

I was just curious about something, I don't know what the relationship between the Yang family and the Yun family is, how can they take over such a huge boundary of Jinling Mansion so smoothly? "

Xiang Hantian stared at Yang Feng closely, as if saying that Yang Feng could have the current status, it must have some nepotism with the Yun family.

But in fact, he wanted to know why the Yun family wanted to kill this surnamed Yang, yet he didn't dare to do it himself, so he wanted to get rid of it by his hand?

If this matter is not clear, even if Yang Feng is dead, Xiang Jia still wanders in this dangerous situation and cannot escape.

Obviously, this Xiang Hantian is a delicate person.

Yang Feng glanced at him deeply, raised his brows, and smiled evilly: "I am not so familiar with the Yun family, but that kid Yunying is more afraid of me, and once knelt at my feet and shivered."

hiss! His body shook, and Xiang Hantian almost staggered and fell directly to the ground.

The sons behind him also shrank their pupils, so that their jaws almost didn't fall off.

No way, the eldest son knelt before him, shivering?

how is this possible?

If Grandpa Yun family knelt down to him for fear of him, then how sacred is he?

How could he let the successor of a first-class family be so humbly?

Everyone couldn't believe it, staring at each other with staring eyes, and there were 10,000 grass-mud horses running wild in their hearts.

Then we are about to kill, who is it?

Huh! In an instant, the cold sweat on everyone in Xiang's family was dripping down like a waterfall, and his face was pale with horror.

Especially Xiang Hantian, a rotten old hand couldn't help shaking.

Sure enough, the eldest son didn't dare to personally act on this surname Yang, for a reason, because he simply couldn't afford it.

But if he can't even provoke him, how can they provoke a second-rate family like Xiang Family?

Obviously, they were used as abandoned children from the very beginning...The Back Pot! "Palace Master Xiang, what's the matter with you? Isn't your complexion pretty?"

At this time, Yang Feng discovered his abnormality and asked knowingly.

Xiang Hantian shuddered, shook his head quickly, and smiled dryly: "It's nothing, I'm sick.

When I was young, I practiced exercises, and I often had heart palpitations. After a while, I was fine, ha ha ha! "

"Really, I thought that Palace Master Xiang didn't believe what I said just now, and thought I was bragging.

In fact, it's normal if you don't believe it. When we find time, we will go to Yuncheng together and find Yunying's face. "

"No need, no, I believe, very sure, hahaha!"

He waved his hands hurriedly and smiled humbly to Han Tian, ​​but his back was chilling.

call! Good risk, fortunately, we are not stupid, and we are looking for an outsider to do it.

Otherwise, such a big man with a mysterious background that even the prince dare not provoke, if it dies in our hands, can we have good fruit?

Let the people of the magic way do it, everyone will be clean, hehehe.

Whoosh whoosh! As I was thinking about it, a burst of blasting noises suddenly passed by from nine days, the corpse king with a large number of men and horses rushed in in black, and shouted: "President of Jinling Mansion Yang Feng, take his life!"

"No, it's a demon demon who worships Zoroastrianism!"

Shuangtong glared, Xiang Hantian shouted out before he could see who the man was, and then immediately waved his hand and withdrew back to give them the battlefield.

Let them fight to death, so they can get out of the circle.

His sons were also happy, ready to let the masters in ambush block Yang Feng's retreat. Don't let him run away, but... a series of muffled sounds, they I haven't realized what's going on yet, each of the sharp high-level spirit soldiers has suddenly pierced their bodies.

Bear the brunt of the first thing, is the golden long sword in Yang Feng's hand, pierced impartially in Xiang Hantian's heart.

"This..." With a twitch of face, he was stunned to Han Tian, ​​and looked at the evil smile in front of him, "Why... why...President Yang!"

"Palace Master, don't blame me, I don't want to do this either. Who told you to outsource and find the wrong person?

That fire worshiper is mine, I eat black and white. "


The corners of his mouth flattened, and Xiang Hantian almost lost his breath...

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