Alien God System

Chapter 1273: Will count

A quarter of an hour later, Yang Feng told them about the surrender, and told them the secrets of the struggle between the aborigines and outsiders 100,000 years ago.

Everyone was silent for a moment, frowning deeply, no longer the joy just now.

Yang Feng didn't speak any more, just looked at them calmly.

After a while, the magic top said leisurely: "Brother, what are you saying is true?"

"Really, the information I got from reliable sources cannot be faked!"

Yang Feng shrugged indifferently and smiled.

"Then you can still be so calm?"

"What's that?

No one has died in life since ancient times. What should come will come, and there are so many people walking with you. What's so scary? "

Yang Fengyun is light and authentic.

Everyone stared at him tightly, nodded firmly, and secretly praised.

The palace lord is the palace lord. Tai Shan collapsed in front of him without changing his face. Facing life and death events, he can be so steady, really heroic.

"it is good!"

With a loud shout, Dugu Zhantian suddenly stood up, and said heroically: "The old man has already left his wealth and life behind in his lifetime.

Regardless of whether the old man can survive this big trial, it doesn't matter.

The old man just wanted to fight a few battles during his lifetime, even if he died on the battlefield, his life would not be in vain. "

"That's right, since the moment soldiers went on the battlefield, they would give their lives at any time, even if there is a reason to fear death?

Dugu old ghost, old man accompany you on the battlefield. "

At this time, Yelu Chuxiong also stood up immediately, supported Dao, and then solemnly clasped his fist to Yang Feng: "Patriarch, anyway, the Judgment Day is approaching, can you arrange several battles for us? It's fun, hahaha!"

Nodding slightly, Yang Feng said lightly: "No problem, from now on, we will speed up the pace of war.

Before Judgment Day, the two old generals have the right to play as much territory as possible. "

"Thank you Patriarch!"

Dugu Zhantian and the two clasped their fists together, grinning so that the corners of their mouths almost reached the back of their heads, without any fear.

Seeing their appearance, the rest of the audience also laughed happily, eliminating a lot of fear.

But I started to gradually think about what my ambitions were not fulfilled, and I quickly did it before the end of the world, and it was not in vain.

So soon, everyone rushed to express their wishes, and Yang Feng nodded in agreement, just like accepting dying entrustment from relatives and friends.

Sima Changfeng remained silent until everyone had made a wish to Yang Feng before he said leisurely: "The last time the divine punishment, the extinction of mankind, was because the war between the aborigines and the outsiders caused sky anger.

But the chivalrous way we are now promoting is to maintain the order of mutual assistance and mutual assistance among humans. Maybe the gods see that we have reformed and will not be punished again? "

"That's not necessarily true. God's ideas are different from people's. Who knows what their criteria are?"

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng smiled disapprovingly.

Sima Changfeng did not speak, but he thought about it again and said: "Then I will continue to change the rules of this world, because this is my lifelong wish."

"Well, you can manage the territory laid by the two old generals, so that everyone will be satisfied."

Yang Feng grinned and nodded.

At this time, the magic top suddenly said: "Brother, what do you want to accomplish?

""I? "

Rolling his eyelids and thinking about it, Yang Feng shook his head helplessly: "What I want to accomplish is easy to accomplish, so there is no wish to say.

Forget it, think about it later. "


Then it's too late! If the end of the world comes, you only remember that you have not fulfilled your wish. Isn't that regretting death? "

"The end of the world is coming, what does it matter to me?"


Didn't you just say..." Everyone was dumbfounded, Yang Feng blinked his innocent eyes, and smiled evilly: "The extinction of mankind I just said is related to you. You don't know if it will be extinct in the God Realm by then. On the list.

But I was different. The **** descended to me personally assured me that I would escape the big judgment and become a human being.

So...I can't accompany you on Huangquan Road. Be careful yourself, ha ha ha! "


Everyone looked upset, and Yang Feng raised his eyebrows triumphantly: "Is it necessary to say, my literary talent!"

"Your literary talent?"

"Yes, after the goddess heard my beautiful and pleasant talk, he was immediately impressed by my literary talents. After the extinction of mankind, who should pass on the glorious culture of mankind?

Looking around, it’s only me, the number one talent in the spirit world [Biqudao].

Finally, I was added to the survival whitelist. "

Yang Tian smiled triumphantly, Yang Feng shrugged helplessly and sighed, "Brothers, as your boss, I wanted to live and die with you.

But there is no way. Talented people are rare to recruit people everywhere. God forbids me to die, and wants me to take on the mission of inheriting human civilization. Are you angry?

However, I think that the reproduction of human beings depends on me. After all, our excellent genes are here. It would be a pity not to pass on, even gods feel it is a pity, hehehe. "

Uh! Their faces twitched, and everyone present was full of black lines.

How can there be such a shameless person in the world?

If he were the first ancestor of the next group of humans, it is estimated that the next group of humans will be destroyed even faster, tusk.

God is blind! Everyone at the scene murmured in their hearts, but suddenly heard a loud shout outside the door: "Report, ask Palace Master, there is an old man outside the door asking to see him, saying it is your old plan, Shi Xingfeng, the corpse king!"


Let him in! "


Determined to nod, the guard went down.

After a while, Shi Xingfeng rushed in in a hurry, and when he saw Yang Feng, he immediately bowed and bowed: "Master, subordinates..." "Okay, don't worry about it, get up."

Waved noncommittal, Yang Feng quickly asked, "Is there something urgent?

Why did you come here suddenly looking for me? "

"Yes, the leader, there is indeed an urgent matter, and some evil people want to attack the leader!"


Who? "

"Palace Master Xiangtianfu, Xiang Hantian!"

Shi Xingfeng's eyes widened, and he said: "Not long ago, he sent someone to find the old man, and let the old man join hands with him to kill your saint, the reward is thirty third-rate families."

"Yeah, it's so big, thirty so many?

I only want him sixty, he is so grand? "

Yang Feng couldn't help laughing, Sima Changfeng thought a little after hearing this, "No, then Xiang Hantian, as a palace chief, should not be so reckless.

Didn't he know that the more than 60 third-rate families in his mansion were allocated by the Yun family?

Without the approval of the Yun family, would he dare to retaliate directly at this point in time?

Isn't this not giving face to the Yun family? It's purely seeking death! "

"Then what do you mean..." "It is the Yun Family who really wants to kill Palace Master.

The Yun family asked him to do it. He felt that there was a problem, so he didn't dare to act casually, so he asked other people to do it. "

Sima Changfeng's eyes were shining brightly, and he could see through the truth at a glance.

After Yang Feng heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled: "I'm going, this is a layer of outsourcing to find a killer, and finally outsourced to a subsidiary of Laozi?

That being the case, we will do everything.

Two old generals, don't you want to fight?

It just so happens that we will hit Xiangtianfu in one fell swoop this time! "

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