Alien God System

Chapter 1256: Meet again in Yunzhou

After staying in the temple of Zoroastrianism for ten days, the entire Zoroastrianism also celebrated the ten days in a carnival to catch Yang Feng. It’s just that Yang Feng’s meeting is not early. He is still on business in Yunzhou, so he asked

The dead king left.

But before leaving, he did not forget to instruct this loyal subordinate to continue searching for the whereabouts of the old guys.

The corpse king wanted to follow Yang Feng, but Yang Feng felt that his development with the power of the Demon Dao sect would be more helpful to control the layout of the entire spiritual world in the future, so he rejected him.

"Old ghoul, what's the use for you to be by my side? You are not a miscellaneous secretary, you are a senior cadre of this education, you should be on the front line of occupying the market!"

"Yes, what the leader taught is. You can rest assured that your subordinates will live up to the leader's entrustment."

"Okay, the important task of expanding the education business is left to you."

Nodded happily, Yang Feng looked at the gloomy undead old fairy again, and his expression quickly became solemn: "I am not dead, in the future, your undead palace must closely cooperate with the actions of the old ghoul.

Did you hear me in the slightest? "

"What, shall I cooperate with him?"

"Nonsense, you are a new employee with no qualifications, no merits, and no contribution to the company. You want to become a senior leader of the faculty?"

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng cursed: "Young people, don't be inferior to masters, and come one step at a time. As long as you do well, the company will not treat you badly. Promotion and salary increase, welcome

Marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life, there will be no one less, you know? "


The heart was stagnant, the immortal immortal was directly trained silently by Yang Feng, and 10,000 grass mud horses were running wild in his heart.

Damn, the old man was so old that he was called a young man by a stinky guy? Damn, can this old man be young enough?

Besides, is it a bit too late for the old man to marry Bai Fumei?

The immortal immortal kept grumbling in his heart, but he didn't dare to say clearly. After all, although he was old and his skills were deep, he couldn't beat this young man holding a vicious dog.

Yang Feng also understood that this old guy must have a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, but he didn't care.

In any case, he, with the seal of Saint Lan, couldn't get over any big waves.

Therefore, after Yang Feng bid farewell to the two, he took Lin Fei and the others on the road mightily, and another big rock fell in his heart. After all, the old ghoul found it, find other people, I guess

It's also a matter of time.

A month later, in front of a majestic capital, Yang Feng and others stopped, looked up, and wrote two characters, Yuncheng.

"This is where Yunzhou Yun's family is located!"

Muttering in his mouth, Yang Feng looked around and nodded secretly. The prosperity here is more than a hundred times more prosperous than Jinling Mansion, and it deserves to be the location of a first-class family.

Then, Yang Feng and Lin Fei walked to the city gate, and the guards in front of the gate checked their ID cards: "The Yang Jiabao Fort Master, Yang Feng, a third-rate clan?"


Nodding slightly, Yang Feng smiled.

At this moment, he has not been recognized by the Yun family, and the title of Palace Lord Jinling does not belong to him. He is still the ID card of the Lord Yangjiabao.

The two guards checked the fluctuations of the souls of the people, and the identification cards were correct, and then let them in. It's just that the eyes looking at them are full of contempt.

In the realm of a first-class family, the status of a third-rate clan is really not on the stage.

It is as if a village chief is the chief of a village in his own land boundary, and is respected by others. But when you go to the United Nations and there are heads of state everywhere, who still treats you as an individual?

Yang Feng is in this situation now, but he doesn't care.

Lin Fei followed Yang Feng and entered as his guards, so they were also the ID cards of the third-rate nobles, and they were all blinded.

This made the children of these super-class families feel a little unhappy.

"Palace Master Yang, we have a lot of identity cards. Why don't we let us bring out decent identity cards and scare them to death?"

"Is my Yang Jiabao's identity card indecent?"

Glancing at them diagonally, Yang Feng sneered.

Lin Fei and others shrugged helplessly: "This is not Yang Jiabao. There are too many people who look down on people. The third-rate family brand is really discriminated against."

"Because of this, we have to change the world. It is all born and raised by parents. Why do they decide to wait for three or six or nine when they are born, and the day after tomorrow cannot be remedied. Some people no longer

The scum is also confessed. Some people have been spurned by others who have been doing good deeds. Is this world convincing? "

Glancing at them obliquely, staring at them, and seeing that they have not spoken, Yang Feng solemnly said: "Anyway, I am not convinced! I think a person's status should be made for the world with him.

Is linked to their contribution, not to their origin. The rules of the spiritual world are too deformed and uncomfortable, so they have to be changed. "

Lin Fei and the others were silent, followed him quietly, and said after a while: "The current rules of the spirit world have been established by convention, and most people are used to it. Palace Master Yang, you little

Some people, if most people obey your new rules, I'm afraid there will be a lot of resistance. "

"The rules of this world are mostly made by a small number of people, and most of them follow. Those who obey are the people, and those who rebel are the king. In other words, the person who can change the rules is the king. I change the rules,

It's not for the public to work, it's mostly my own interests, or just I am willing, it's that simple. "

With a grin, Yang Feng said: "A person can go against the current and turn his goal into reality to become a strong person. Otherwise, if he wants to do it, he dare not do it.

Husband only. In the past, I was a coward like everyone else. There were too many obstacles to do it. But now, there are no more worries. If I don’t do it again, I’m really sorry

My own opportunity now, hahaha! "

Nodding slightly, Lin Fei and others understood.

"Palace Master Yang, we didn't understand your behavior before, and thought you were a weird thing. But now we understand a little bit, you are such a...miss!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei screamed, and Yang Feng suddenly stagnated and stared at him fiercely: "My buddy, what do you mean? Are you complimenting or scolding me? Miss... now this

Is this word already derogatory? "

"No, Palace Master Yang, I saw our lady, she is here!"

Lin Fei hurriedly waved his hand and pointed at the crowd not far away.

Yang Feng was also taken aback, and looked up: "You mean Yan Yurou? Is she here too?"

"Yes, she seems to be accompanied by a son."

"What, she actually caught a trick?"

Click it!

Hearing what he said, Yang Feng's expression suddenly sank, and for some reason, he felt green on his head. Angry.

Although he also understands that Yan Yurou and Yang Yuchan are two people, they look so alike that he now always feels that his wife is stealing a man behind his back.

"Malgobi's, search, find this adulterer and adulteress for me."


Yang Feng shouted loudly, furious, Lin Fei and the others were immediately dumbfounded.

Adulterer and adulteress?

My lady has not yet come out of the cabinet, it seems not accurate to use this term...

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