Alien God System

Chapter 1255: Frighten

Uh ah ah...

The palm of the Immortal Old Immortal was less than an inch from Yang Feng's forehead, but he couldn't make it anymore. This is not to say that his palm was blocked by something, but because

Because he knew that if he stretched this palm forward, he would be wiped out.


Swallowing hard, the immortal old fairy stared at the monster in front of him with big eyes and cold sweat. His mouth was so horrified that he couldn't speak.

Yang Feng's whole body was surrounded by a layer of red air current, full of an aura that destroyed the world.

Behind him, there is a red illusory monster with a length of more than ten feet, like a mink, with a hideous face, licking its scarlet tongue, staring at the immortal old fairy with a full face, exuding

Bloodthirsty light.

It seemed that the old guy took a step forward and ate him in one bite.

"Lan... Lan Beast?"

Shaking his whole body like sifting chaff, the immortal immortal looked at Yang Feng in disbelief: "Could this be one of the legendary Heavenly Seven Spirit Elements, Lan Beast?"

Without speaking, Yang Feng just smiled strangely.

The immortal immortal's heart tightened, and after taking a deep look at Yang Feng, he trembled: "My son, you...Where are you sacred?"

"I just said that I am the leader of the Holy Flame, Yang Feng."

The corner of his mouth curled up, Yang Feng looked at him sternly, and shouted: "It's you, what do you want to do now? Come back, or die!"


His body shook, the face of the immortal old fairy changed again and again, his whole body trembling constantly, and finally he carefully looked at the two pupils of the terrifying monster behind Yang Feng, his knees finally softened.

Lie down respectfully, and roared: "Palace Lord of the Immortal Palace, Immortal Immortal, I would like to lead the whole palace up and down, and be loyal to the Holy Fire Sect Master Yang!"

What, the old immortal turned to this leader Yang? Is it because of that weird monster?

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

It's not just the people in the Immortal Palace, they were originally following the palace owner to go down to the grassroots level and discipline the younger brothers on the ground.

Why was he so confused that he was accepted as a little brother by others?

Moreover, what exactly is this holy flame? Why should they submit to a little-known sect?

The people who worshipped Zoroastrianism were even more confused.

At the beginning, under the leadership of their leader, Shi Xingfeng, the dead king, they greeted Yang Feng and the others. They were all confused. They didn’t know where the big people came from.

Let the leader of the teacher so excited and motivate the crowd, sweep the couch to welcome each other.

But now, they understand.

Although they still don’t know how strong this holy flame is, even the first-rate power of the magic path like the Immortal Palace has to succumb to the divine power of this holy hierarch. They know, I’m afraid this holy

Huo Sect has reached the level of super-class power.

Thinking of this, the people of Zoroastrians couldn't help but cheer.

I never expected that although they worshipped Zoroastrianism were only a second-rate demon power, they actually still had such a thick thigh to hold, so they would not be afraid of being deceived by other sects or families.

Crush them.

Of course, it was only through the undead old immortal's abnormal behavior that everyone present inferred the power of the Holy Fire.

As for the Lan Beast, they may not all know it.

After all, except for some knowledgeable upper-level figures, the lower-level people have never heard of such gods as Heaven-level Seven Lingsu.

Obviously, the immortal immortal, as the leader of the first-class sect, the next goal is definitely to strive to enter the ranks of the super-class forces. The standard equipment for this super power

, I must know.

And because of this, he understood how terrifying the heavenly seven spirits were.

If the strongest combat power of the first-class forces is at most intercontinental missiles, then what the super-first-class forces possess is nuclear deterrence.

This is a gulf-like gap between the first-class forces and the super-class powerful clan.

Therefore, when Yang Feng showed his nuclear weapons, the immortal immortal already understood that this was an existence that could not be offended.

The final outcome of the fight between oneself and the other party is not only because of the difference between one's head and head, but the entire imperial palace will be completely disappeared from this spiritual world.

So, besides surrendering, he actually had no other way to go.

"A person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man."

Looking arrogantly at the shivering figure below, Yang Feng grinned and said: "Old man, since you are willing to submit to my holy fire sect, the master of this book

It will give you the brand of this teaching. After being bullied outside, report the name of the leader. "


As he said, Yang Feng raised his forehead to the undead old fairy, and a flash of red light entered his head immediately. There was also a ray of red light on his forehead, which was fleeting.

The Immortal Immortal felt like a fire in his head, a little hot, so he hurriedly touched his forehead, but there was nothing.

"Master Yang, this is..."

"The seal of the Holy Lantern that this master has given you is very good for you, it's a great supplement, hahaha!"

Yang Feng laughed loudly, and Yang Feng looked at him with a playful expression.

The old immortal immortal squinted his muddy eyes, full of doubts: "Dabu?"

"Yes, make up until you go to see Hades."

At this time, Lin Fei looked at this person who had the same illness, sighed helplessly, and murmured: "His Holy Lan Seal has heavenly power, which is usually useless, but if he wants you to die

Then, a single thought can trigger the spread of the Lan power inside. If you can't hold up the decomposing power of this Lan Li, you will be decomposed to the point that there is no **** left, and your gods will be destroyed. Of course, if you can

Hold on, a certain skill will greatly increase. But I don't think you can hold it, otherwise you will not be a first-class demon, but a super-class demon. "


With a twitch of face, the old face of the undead fellow immediately froze.

To put it bluntly, this is a way to control your subordinates.

It's over, I will be a slave in the future, oooooooo!

The undead old fairy was bleeding in his heart, and the corpse king was staring at Yang Feng in astonishment, unable to remove his eyes for a long time: "Master, you are really a genius of heaven. Not only in the lower realm

In the world, after coming to the spirit world, it is still Long Fei nine days, running rampantly, and his subordinates are too late. "

"Nonsense, gold shines everywhere. Even your old ghoul can be a leader of a second-rate force in this spiritual world. The main reason for this sect is to be inferior to you, so simply put it as the leader.

If you get it, do you still have the qualifications to lead the brothers to open up new territories and contend for the world? "

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng smiled evilly: "In short, you can always go wrong with the leader of this cult at any time. If you believe in the cult leader, you will have eternal life."

"Yes, the leader!"

With a smile on his face, the corpse king bowed in excitement and bowed down.

Yang Feng raised the sky and slapped him, and then he took the corpse king and continued to return to the temple to relive the old days. By the way, he brought the newly-acquired brother of the immortal old immortal together to teach and teach him the rules of the teachings.


It's just a little embarrassing that the old immortal was originally the superior of the corpse king, but now he is like the corpse king, becoming a younger brother of Yang Feng, and even inferior to the corpse king.

After all, the corpse king has the longest time to follow Yang Feng, and the qualifications are there. How can this young immortal newcomer be comparable?

This made the Immortal Immortal feel a little guilty. Anyone who is accustomed to being a leader suddenly goes to work for others, it is probably uncomfortable.

But what is the solution? Who made him unable to beat Yang Feng with the power of the entire palace? Uh no, in his heart, he should be unable to defeat the monster in Yang Feng...

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