Alien God System

Chapter 1252: Meet the dead king again

After knocking Lin Fei and the others back, the people behind the scenes seemed to be a little surprised. Unexpectedly, the guards of these military commanders could actually retreat with their whole body. They couldn't help but praised: "Okay,

I'm sorry, I'll do my best to you, and the old man will let you make a living. Go away, don't help the gangster anymore. "

Without speaking, after Lin Fei and the others retreated to a distance of one thousand meters away, they stopped and looked at everything here with a sneer.

"Why, do you really want to die?"

The man was puzzled and sneered.

Lin Fei curled his lips indifferently, clasped his fists and said: "Nine Wuwang strong players, how can we dare to fight again. But even if we can't save the master, we have to collect a whole body from the master and return it.

Right. "

"Well, it's rare in this world that there are loyal people like Er and others. The old man will do you well and let you take back the body of this tyrant, hahaha!"

There was a sneer among the nine people, and then they all swarmed towards Yang Feng's frame, but the moment they arrived in front of the frame, they...


There was a loud noise, the first Wu Wang strongman who approached the frame, before he had time to take out the second generation ancestor inside, he saw a strong wind shoot out like a bullet.

He immediately smashed that person's head into pieces.

"No, there are strong ones inside!"


The eight people who followed closely stopped anxiously, frowned and became solemn.

Yang Feng took back his iron fist as big as a casserole, and grinned: "I didn't use any celestial power, nor any skills. It's just an ordinary attack.

A powerful king of Wu gave a headshot. It seems that the physical strength of my current soldier trumpet is already invincible in this world again, Jie Jie Jie. "

"Let me see what level of Wuwang are there outside!"

As he said, Yang Feng looked at the eight figures remaining outside through the hole made by that punch, and he was taken aback.

Huh, there are no grade marks on the top of your head? This situation has been encountered before!

Then, Yang Feng squinted at the corpse that had no head, only a bowl with a big scar, falling downward, and he saw a lot of broken meat hanging on his body, but not much blood.

Suddenly, Yang Feng understood, and sneered: "Your excellency is an expert playing with corpses, is your true body here? I'm afraid I don't have the courage to come to the battlefield, hahaha!"

"What, did he see through?"

The body shook, and the expressions of the eight figures became more solemn: "Who is your sacred? Why are you willing to give your life to this tyrant? The palace lord of a second-rate family should not be able to invite him.

Your excellency is such a master? "

"Nonsense, of course the Patriarch of the second-rate family can't afford me. The point is, I am the Patriarch of that second-rate family. You are robbing my frame now!"


The body shook, and the expressions of the eight people changed drastically. They were unbelievable: "You are the second generation ancestor of the tyrant? How is this possible? It is rumored that he is a wealthy waste, why?

Is it so strong? "

"Oh, what year are you in the old almanac? Haven't you heard that the waste named Jin has been ousted now? Now, Jinling Mansion is..."

As he said, Yang Feng kicked the car door immediately, walked out swaggeringly, and said: "I, Yang Feng's world!"

"Yang... Yang... Yang..."

Hearing his voice, seeing his familiar face, especially this horror that didn't put the world under the eyes, the eight masters were immediately shocked.

Like a duck caught by the neck, a word stammered in his mouth for a long time, just unable to say it.

Yang Feng glanced at them helplessly, and hummed softly: "What are you talking about? My name is Yang Feng. I am not called Yang Yang Yang. Have you been Yang Yang Yang?"

"The leader, my subordinate Shi Xingfeng, finally found your old man. I was abrupt to the leader before, but I hope to forgive my sins. The subordinates pay respects to the leader, and wish the leader a good life and good health, longevity and Tian Qi, woooo

! "

However, as soon as Yang Feng's voice fell, the eight people all bowed down with excitement, howling.

Yang Feng was taken aback, and took a deep look at them: "Shi Xingfeng? Old ghoul?"

"Yes, it is the subordinate!"

The eight people nodded in a hurry, and Yang Feng was also suddenly trembling with excitement.

He never expected that on this road to Yunzhou Yun's house, he would find the corpse king, one of the four kings of the Holy Fire.

Yeah, the old ghoul is best at playing with corpses.

After Yang Feng saw these Wuwang zombies, he should have guessed it was him.

It's just that in Yang Feng's impression, all the brothers who soared up from the lower realm, except for him, seem to be unhappy in the spiritual realm.

But who would have thought that this old ghoul, so outstanding, could actually manipulate the nine Wuwang corpses to rob the second-rate family head, so he was really a talent.

If it weren't for the one who brought him here, I guess he wouldn't be able to mix with this old boy in the spirit world.

Yang Feng whispered in his heart, and then hurriedly helped the eight people up: "That old ghoul..."

"Subordinates are here!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"Subordinates are here!"


The eight corpses bowed to Yang Feng, one after another.

Yang Feng looked at this, then at that, and suddenly he didn't know who to talk to: "Um...Which corpse do you use as the subject? Who should I tell?"

"The leader is casual, these eight corpses are all manipulated by the subordinates. No matter who the leader reprimands, the subordinates can listen to the teachings of the leader."


With a twitch of face, Yang Feng looked at the attentive faces of these eight people, and suddenly shook his head with a smile: "Forget it, I'll talk to you face to face. Where are you now?"

"Enlighten the leader, for the sake of safety, the subordinate's true body is thousands of miles away from here, so let these eight corpses bring the leader to rendezvous with the subordinate, maybe?"

"What are you waiting for, lead the way!"


The eight people all bowed and flew in front of the car to lead the way.

Lin Fei and the others looked at each other, and they were also very surprised. The eight masters were all dead bodies. Isn't the person who controls them more powerful than these eight martial kings?

More importantly, this person is actually Palace Master Yang's subordinate.

Good deed, Palace Master Yang is really hidden.

Originally thought that the entire Yangjiapu, he was the only one who could fight. Never thought that there were soldiers and horses hiding outside.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei and the others followed suit.

About half a month later, everyone entered a deep and narrow ancient road.

There, on both sides of the cliff, countless congregations dressed in red fire robes knelt down with respect, welcoming Yang Feng and others.

And at the end of the ancient road, there is a magnificent temple. The corpse king Shi Xingfeng greeted him in full dress and worshipped Yang Feng three times and nine times.

"Welcome to the holy leader, worship the fire religion!"

As soon as the voice fell, the people in the entire valley were passionate, and the sound shook the sky, and almost pierced the eardrums of Lin Fei and others. Yang Feng couldn't help but raise his two fingers, blocking his own.


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