Alien God System

Chapter 1251: Attack from the strong man of King Wu


As soon as the sound of the system fell, a torrent of weather surged directly from Yang Feng's body, directly passed through the frame of the car pulled by ten monster beasts, and went straight into the sky.

In the nine days, a big gap was opened.

The monsters pulling the cart were panicked and messed up. The guards around Lin Fei, who was in charge of defense, also changed their complexions.

Release such a powerful momentum? "

You ask me, who do I ask?

At this moment, Yang Feng was also stunned, completely ignored the outside inquiry, just stared at the character attribute panel in front of him unblinking, and looked at the big one above.

The pile of data rushed upwards like a rocket.

Defensive power, attack power, reaction power, mental power... etc., are all making a qualitative leap.

However, after a few breaths, Yang Feng already felt his physical strength and strength, which had greatly increased a lot.

If he had only touched the threshold of Martial King's strength under the Lan Qi body refining of Lan Beast, then now, he is already the third-tier peak strength of Martial King, even stronger.


After all, the magical skills presented by this system have passively increased Yang Feng's efforts to refine his body so far by 50%.

Don't even think of him as the second-tier peak cultivation base of Martial Spirit, but that perverted iron fist, without any immortal power and skills, is probably a survival that even the strongest of Wuwang dare not easily block.


Yang Feng has completely turned into a freak even more terrifying than a beast.

"What's wrong? Why did your aura suddenly change so much? What happened?"

The saint ancestor inside Yang Feng also felt his unusual change, and asked immediately.

Yang Feng was slightly startled, waited for a long time before he came to his senses. After putting that wild aura into his body, after calming Lin Fei and the others outside the car, he told everything about the whole story

This old ancestor brother.

When the saint ancestor heard this, his tongue almost didn't fall out: "I actually increased the basic attributes by 50% in one breath. The benefits of the soldier account are so good? No wonder it can be cultivated.

Master killer, damn! "

"That's right, and it's still a passive skill. Once it's activated, it will benefit for life, and it won't cost any money or any experience." Yang Feng couldn't help but nodded, secretly admiring.

Back then, Brother Shengzu died under the hands of an assassin, and he really deserved it.

All the skills of warriors are to prepare for battle, but the wizard is more auxiliary skills. Although the playability of the wizard is a little higher, once it enters the state of war, the warrior still accounts for


Poor brother!

Yang Feng silently mourned for the saint ancestor for three seconds in his heart. After the saint ancestor muttered a little, he couldn't help but sighed: "It's a loss, it's a loss!"

"What's the loss?"

"It's that you have turned on this magical skill too much!"

The saint ancestor slapped his thigh and smacked his mouth and said: "He has permanently increased all your attributes by more than half. If you activate this skill during your peak period, it will not be more profitable.

Is it too much? But now, you actually opened at the second-order peak of Wuling, and there is clearly a lot of room to rise from the third-order peak of King Wu, do you think you are losing? "

"Yes, I should practice all the attributes on my body to the extreme, and then use this passive skill, but who can think of it?"

After Yang Feng heard this, he slapped his thigh suddenly and complained to the system: "I said you are a ghost system, why don't you remind me and just send out this coupon? Obviously

One thousand yuan discount coupon, now only worth one hundred cash. No, you have to compensate me for the loss, or you can take this passive skill back first and accept it when I am ready. "


Hearing his unreasonable request, the system issued a serious warning: "If the player makes such unreasonable trouble again, the system will withdraw this passive skill and adjust all the player's data back to the original value.

And make this skill invalid. "

"Uh...dispose of it?"

"Yes, this skill will never be available. The system will skip this reward program."

"Oh...that's still there, I just had a bad attitude, please forgive me, ha ha ha." Hearing the system's words, Yang Feng immediately admitted.

The system didn't reply and ignored him.

Only after a while, as if to comfort him, murmured: "This passive skill is continuous. Not only the previous attributes will be enhanced by 50%, including the later

The attribute increase when leveling up will also increase by 50%, so no matter when it is obtained, it will not affect the player's attribute increase value. "


As soon as his eyes lighted up, Yang Feng became happy again, and praised: "What shall I say, our system is the most fair, and will never let the players suffer, hehehe."


The system gave a proud contempt.


But Yang Feng was flattering his own system, and a loud noise suddenly rang out, causing his entire frame to sway.

Yang Feng was taken aback and cursed: "What a shit, who is outside, what are you doing? How dare I interrupt the friendly communication between Lao Tzu and my system? Don't you want to live?"


Lin Fei and the others were also taken aback, looking at the nine powerful black shadows in the sky, frowning deeply.

"In the frame of Jinling Mansion in Yunzhou, is the palace owner of Jinling Mansion sitting inside?"

At this time, a gloomy voice rang in the sky.

Lin Fei hushed his eyes and straightened his chest: "Exactly, who are you, since you know this is the main frame of the Jinling Mansion, you dare to be so presumptuous?"

"Hmph, that's all right, then you didn't find the wrong person. I heard that Palace Master Jin was slanderous and innocent, and he was guilty of death. If you are met by the old man today, you are unlucky.


Whoosh whoosh!

As soon as the voice fell, the nine figures rushed towards the people below, at extremely fast speeds, and they arrived in the blink of an eye.

Lin Fei and the others shrunk their eyes, and said in horror, "Wu Wang is the strong one?"


Just as they were whispering, those figures were already punched out, Lin Fei and the others did not dare to despise them, and hurriedly raised high-level spirit soldiers to resist, but it was the moment when the flesh and blood exchanged these metal weapons.

, There was a harsh buzzing sound.

Then Lin Fei and the others were knocked out like a broken kite, their faces full of solemnity.

Although they are all elites from a super-class family, but after all, they are only the third-tier pinnacle generals, and there is still a gap when they encounter real martial masters.

The fact that they were able to save their lives and retreat from the hands of this powerful king of martial arts had already shown that they were capable.

If it is a general military commander, at this time, I am afraid that there is no chance to react, and he will be smashed by the powerful man.

Fortunately, our guards are just furnishings. Otherwise, if these martial masters really attacked, how could they protect the master?

Lin Fei stepped back and looked at the frame of Yang Feng, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Idiot, you actually want to assassinate him?

What if you are King Wu? There is a real monster sitting in that frame...

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