Alien God System

Chapter 1219: Lick the dog

Immediately afterwards, due to the surrender of the Saint Red Flame Demon Fairy, all members of the Flame Palace gave up resistance and stopped struggling.

And Yang Feng and the others also opened this discussion meeting again, but the leader of the meeting was no longer the palace lord of the Demon Cloud Cave, Jellyfish Yin Ji, but Yang Feng.

After all, Yang Feng possesses an arsenic animal and is powerful, and he just conquered the saint of the Flame Palace with his three-inch tongue and mysterious appearance. This right to speak is quite heavy.


"My plan is to continue to lure the enemy deeper!"

With his eyes certain, Yang Feng looked at the people in the assembly and said: "Because the Yanhuo Palace had reported the news before, our first round of ambush plan failed. But, how can you know what is wrong?

Our Pocket Array missed an opportunity, but the intelligence of Yanhuo Palace was completely trusted by Jin Wudi. So next, I want Yanhuo Palace to continue to send love to Jin Wudi

Reported, and Moyun Cave continued to pretend to fail by pretending to be traps. Finally, after three or five big victories, Jin Wudi’s suspicion was completely eliminated, and we can lead him to the final ambush in one fell swoop.

Annihilate. "


Bang bang ......

As soon as the voice fell, Demon Chi Yan immediately clapped her hands in excitement, and praised: "Master Yang Bao is indeed a trick, the little girl admires it!"

Licking the dog!

Everyone at the scene glanced at her, sighing helplessly, especially the people in Yanhuo Palace.

Once upon a time, the saint of their family was a high goddess, and countless people could only look at it from a distance and not play with it. But now, since meeting this man, their goddess has fallen

, Became a complete licking dog.

The man was right in everything he said, completely disregarding his own interests.

With a helpless sigh, there is an old man in the Yanhuo Palace. After thinking about it, he said: "The king is the winner and the loser is the loser. Since we are planted, you can do whatever you say. But if we work hard, we have to have a good life.

Place it. Lord Yang Bao, what can you promise us? "

"You want..."

"What else do you want?"

Yang Feng looked at them intently, just about to speak, but only listened to the Chiyan Demon Ji suddenly cursing at his own person: "It is the honor of Sansheng to be able to help Master Yang Bao.

Blessing, what else do you want? Don't get into it! "


With a twitch of face, everyone in Yanhuo Palace was speechless.

Saintess, where are you on earth?

Yang Feng also looked at Demon Chi Yan with a strange expression. He really didn't understand why she suddenly defended herself like this, nothing like the way she had been fighting against her before.

But how did he know that the heart of the Scarlet Flame Demon Fairy had always been towards him, and he had been fighting with him before, but he just wanted to show himself in front of Yang Feng.

Caught his attention.

In fact, Red Flame Demon Fairy is Yang Feng's most loyal believer in her life, and she will act resolutely if Yang Feng says.

After blinking his confused eyes, Yang Feng took a deep look at Demon Chi Yan and smiled: "Um... let's talk about the conditions first before we act. What do you want, let me see

Can you accept it? "

"Since Lord Yang Bao has said so, the little girl is not welcome, I hope..."

Turning her eyes around, Chi Yan Demon Ji suddenly smiled and said, "Master Yang Bao will always be by my side from now on, and will never leave."


Eyelids twitched, Yang Feng was startled, is this a molestation or a confession?

Everyone in the Yanhuo Palace all shook their faces, a black line fell like a waterfall, and their heads lowered helplessly.

Master Saint, this is completely hopeless!


Seeing that Yang Feng hadn't answered for a long time, Demon Chi Yan couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckled: "I'm just kidding you, I just hope Lord Yang Bao can make time to accompany me to dinner once, okay?


"So simple?"

"It's that simple."

Demon Chi Yan grinned, Yang Feng gave her a suspicious look, and nodded willingly.

As for everyone in Yanhuo Palace, they were almost crying and fainting in the toilet.

What kind of advantage is this, just to satisfy your personal desire to accompany Xiao Bailian, alas!

Then, after Yang Feng arranged some details of the plan with the people in Yanhuo Palace, he solemnly said: "In view of your previous betrayal, before Jinling Mansion is eliminated, you must all

The ministry was put under house arrest by us. All actions are handled by you. Once you play any tricks, don't even want to live out of the Demon Cloud Cave. "

"No problem, as long as it is Lord Yang Bao's intention, we will readily agree." With a slight smile, the Chi Yan Demon Fairy was calm and natural, without a hint of panic or objection.

After Yang Feng took a deep look at the woman last time, he waved his hand and asked Qin Shanhai to take them down.

As for the cultivation base, it must have been completely sealed, and with the cooperation of the Red Flame Demon Fairy, the process of sealing their cultivation base went smoothly.

After everyone in the Yanhuo Palace was imprisoned, Qin Shanhai came to Yang Feng and couldn't help but praise: "Female killer, a well-deserved reputation, even a woman like Chiyan Demon Fairy can be conquered by you.

, Admire and admire! "

"Where is this woman? I always find it strange!"

"Don't say you are weird, everyone here feels weird. This woman is like your slave girl. She listens to what you say. It is estimated that she is not so obedient to their palace lord.

of. "

Shrugging slightly, Qin Shanhai couldn't help but sneered.

Frowning tightly, Yang Feng didn't think about it, so he didn't think about it anyway, he was sure he had never seen this woman before. And now the most important thing is to take down Jinling Mansion, this woman

I'll talk about it later.

Ever since, Yang Feng formally met with Qin Shanhai’s old mother, who lives in the Moyun Cave Palace, and the jellyfish Yin Ji, and conducted cordial and friendly international exchanges. After signing a treaty of friendly alliances,

Then through the transmission channel of the Demon Cloud Cave, he returned to the Dark Mist Valley.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, in order to create the illusion of fierce war, everyone in Moyun Cave and Yangjiapu still kept martial arts and spiritual techniques, but they were all released to the sky.

The seventh son who was hiding in the aircraft, trembling with fright when he heard the deafening noise outside, got under the bed and did not dare to come out.

At this time, the aircraft moved again, and Yang Feng walked back, his face was black, his whole body was bloody, and he looked very tired.

The seventh son took a look and quickly stepped forward and asked, "Master Yang Bao, how is the fighting outside, can we escape?"

"Seventh son, don't worry. After losing half of our troops, Yang Jiabao finally made a **** road. Now we are trying our best to break through, and we will definitely save the seventh son."

"Lord Yang Bao, you are really loyal. I promise that when I go out and become the palace master, I will promote you well. We will be divided into half in Jinling Mansion!"

"Thank you seventh son!"

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng laughed.

On the other hand, two months later, the main force of the Jinling Mansion, under the continuous notification of the Yanhuo Palace, won one after another. In the end, they were complacent and were finally caught up without any guard.

A piece of information introduced a plain across the river. According to legend, the real entrance of Moyun Cave.

Here, the terrain does not seem to be suitable for ambushes, Jin Wudi is no longer suspicious, but the fleet has just stepped into it, and the sudden change...

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