Alien God System

Chapter 1218: Fallen

Where do you want to catch?

Licking some dry lips, Yang Feng lingered for a long time in front of this slim figure. Although he was trying his best to restrain himself, the nature of a man still made him unable to resist the mess.

Trembling, he almost couldn't control his wild power.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, as expected to be a demon girl, this woman is too tempting.

Yang Feng muttered to himself.

Demon Chi Yan looked at Yang Feng's scorching gaze that could not be concealed.

Master, I said long ago that you will be fascinated by me sooner or later, hehe.

Vulture and several key members of the Yanhuo Palace, after looking at each other, also sneered with contempt.

As expected to be the Lord Saint, the man really did not have the power to resist in front of her, this kid has now completely fallen into the seductiveness of the Lord Saint.

Next, as long as you capture this kid, you may be able to take him as a hostage and break through this place, Master Saint is a good trick.

After looking at each other, the condor and the others tacitly understood, and then suddenly all violently violently, they performed their duties.

The bald eagle took a sharp claw of the bone-changing ghost flame, and took Yang Feng's neck directly, while the rest of the crowd spread out, blocking the various rescue paths of the Demon Cloud Cave masters and covering him.

call out!

It was too late, it was fast, but in the blink of an eye, everyone had already surrounded Yang Feng directly in the center, making it impossible to rescue outside and escape inside.

There were vultures and the Red Flame Demon Fairy around him, one after the other, surrounding him. Birds in cages, no matter how difficult it is to get out.

It has to be said that the cooperation of these people in Yanhuo Palace is quite tacit, and even among thousands of troops, they can take the head of the general.

If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that at this moment, even if he does not die, he is still captured.

But, is Yang Feng an ordinary person?

Do ordinary people dare to go to the meeting solo and swagger into their enemy camps?

Ha ha!

Yang Feng sneered in his heart, and there was already a crimson airflow in his hands, which was one of the heavenly seven spiritual elements. Once this air current comes out, basically anyone who encounters it will melt

For ashes.

Unless the opponent also has a heaven-level spiritual element protection body, otherwise, the dimensionality reduction blow is the most deadly, hum.


However, Yang Feng’s palm was too late, but when he heard a loud noise, the bald eagle approaching from Yang Feng’s back was suddenly pierced by a cyan gas that rushed out from the front.

He passed his chest and fell to the ground.

Then, thick green smoke came out of his chest, but after a short time, it turned into a puddle of pus, and even the capital of the corpse was gone.

"Fifth-rank high-level wind technique, wind-piercing poisonous cloud sword? How could it be... Saintess..."


Qi Qi took a breath, and the high-level members of Yanhuo Palace were shocked, and the people in Demon Cloud Cave were also stunned, watching this scene in disbelief.

Yang Feng, the client, was even more stunned. He blinked his bewildered big eyes and looked in front of him inexplicably. For a moment, his face changed from tender and charming to gloomy.


Just... what is she doing? Why do you kill your subordinates gracefully?

Yang Feng was puzzled, everyone here was puzzled, and they all looked at the Demon Chi Yanji with bewilderment, not knowing what she thought.

Yes, just assaulted Yang Feng from behind the vulture, and when it was about to succeed, Demon Chi Yan took the initiative and solved the subordinate who came to cheer the leader.

But why is this, she wants to kill her own people so decisively?

Quiet, deadly quiet, everyone is confused.

After a while, Demon Chi Yan squeezed a few cold words from between her teeth: "No one is allowed to take the initiative to Yang Bao, otherwise he will kill him!"


Could this be the reason why you killed your own men?

Everyone present opened their mouths wide and was stunned, especially that of Yanhuo Palace, who wanted to cry without tears.

In order to protect a man who had just met for a quarter of an hour, he actually killed his subordinates so unrelentingly, this Lord Scarlet Flame Demon Fairy, wouldn't he be confused by the other party, handsome man?


But how is this possible?

Ever since Master Chiyan Demon Ji made her debut, there have always been only those stinky men who bowed under her pomegranate skirt. Have they ever been deceived by others?

Besides, this man looks plain, not Pan An's look. Why did Master Yao Ji fall?

The people in Yanhuo Palace really couldn't figure it out. Qin Shanhai stared at his two big eyes, scratching his head for unknown reasons.

No, why do all the women treat him differently?

Where is he so rare? Is he really a female killer? Actually, even a male assassin like Demon Crimson Flame has fallen? I have to write him a word of service.

Yang Feng looked around at the shocked expressions of everyone around him, then looked at the demon Chi Yan Ji who was fierce and evil to others, but when he looked at himself, he was instantly shy and embarrassed


"That... girl, I admit that I am very handsome. But just when we met today, you did such a crazy thing for me, and I was a little flattered, ha ha ha

! "

"Master Yang Bao, I will never allow anyone to do anything to hurt you, unless I die!"

Demon Chi Yan looked at him with a smile, her eyes firmer than ever.

It's just that the weight of this sentence is too heavy, which makes Yang Feng a little dazed for a while.

Did you know her before? Why did she value herself so much just after we met, and she wanted to protect her with life.

Yang Feng heard what she said, she said very sincerely, not like a joke to fool him, but because of this, Yang Feng was even more confused.

The people in Yanhuo Palace and Demon Cloud Cave also looked silly.

Their original purpose was to catch the spies and to break through, but now they were fed a handful of **** dog food on the spot, and they all became idiots.

I said that this is too fast to turn around. Could it be that the Scarlet Flame Demon Fairy has completely fallen at the feet of Brother Yang's Hong Kong?

Qin Shanhai couldn't help but slander.

Quiet, deadly still, the air was filled with a sour smell of love that suffocated everyone.

Yang Feng coughed dryly and touched his nose, not knowing how to answer.

Demon Chi Yan also seemed to think that the confession just now was too explicit, and she blushed immediately, but after a while, she laughed and said, "That... Lord Yang Bao, don't you want

Come and catch me? Catch it, no matter where you catch it. "

The Chiyan Demon Fairy leaned her body against Yang Feng, and the aroma with a slight body temperature rushed into her nose, making Yang Feng unable to stop her heart swaying, and a heart pounding.

"That... doesn't have to be caught."

Taking a step back in a hurry, and distanced himself from this enchanting girl, Yang Feng said with a dry smile: "I just want you to cooperate with me and take down the Jinling Mansion. If you

Obedient, no more tricks, we can forget the previous things. "

"Listen, as long as you say it, I will listen!"

Determined to nod, when Yang Feng's voice just fell, the Red Flame Demon Fairy made a hurried statement.

This couldn't help causing everyone in Yanhuo Palace to drop their eyes.

It's over, Lord Saintess really fell completely.

Qin Shanhai also had to give a thumbs up secretly. As expected, the strongest person in the world to dig the foot of the wall had to be Brother Yang, who had dug the saint of the Flame Fire Palace so easily.


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