Alien God System

Chapter 1189: We want to immigrate

After the woman nodded clearly, with a smile on her face, she tremblingly came to the guard, took out two spiritual stones and handed them up: Brother, do you accept this point and buy a drink? "

Sister, what do you mean? We can't accept this! "

The guard was startled, waved his hand quickly, and took a step back.

When the woman saw it, she looked at the man bitterly.

The head of the house, he is too small, what should I do?

Plus, plus...

The man gave the woman a look, a painful expression.

The woman slapped her mouth twice, and added three more, a total of five spiritual stones passed over, and she said: Brother, we are in a small business and we really don’t have much money. Although this little thing can’t enter you Dharma eye, but for the sake of face, you accept it and let us pass. "

Sister, don't hurt me, we can't just accept other people's things. Seeing that there is no record crystal at the head of the city, it is all monitoring us. If we overstepped, we would just undress and leave. "

The guard waved his hands in fright, and shrank back again.

Suddenly, the couple were dumbfounded.

What's wrong, isn't it normal for guards to take advantage of outsiders? Why are they still watching the guards here?

As if seeing the doubts in their hearts, the guard couldn't help but laugh: Big sister, man, our place is different from other places. Our Lord Yang Bao built a fort with chivalry, and we will never do anything that is arrogant. . I just want to see your ID cards, nothing else. "

Then you just did this move..."

Oh, this is a salute, which means respect for you. The castle owner asked us to treat everyone who enters the city with courtesy. "

The guard grinned and smiled brightly.

But the couple were dumbfounded again. How could there be such a good guard in this spiritual world, and they treated them with courtesy, not fierce or evil, and extortion, which was pretty good.

Then, according to the guard's request, the two took out their identification cards and checked them: civilians! "

Yes, we are not aristocrats, you don't need to be so polite to us! "

It doesn't matter, in our Yangjiapu, common people and nobles are equal. "With a slight smile, the guard saluted the two again, let it go, and asked them to give themselves a five-star praise in the evaluation department at the door.

In the beginning, the couple was unknown, so what is a five-star praise? Wouldn't it be tricking them to sign loan sharks?

However, when they saw that other people who had entered the city did the same, they followed, and nothing happened, so they were relieved.

When they entered the city of Yangjiabao, they were immediately shocked by the high-rise buildings and the busy traffic in front of them.

At this moment, during Yang Feng's one-year construction of Yangjiapu, this place has been completely built into a modern metropolis. All public facilities, everything.

There are also traffic police and traffic lights to direct traffic.

How have these two couples seen such a battle?

Just looking at the signs on the side of the road, he crossed the road properly according to the above requirements. But just after waiting for the green light, when walking down the sidewalk, a frame pulled by an eight-headed monster slammed into it.

The two of them were shocked, they were almost not crushed by the fierce monster, and they fell down immediately with fright.

Fortunately, the frame stopped in time, and a well-dressed old man walked off the car and immediately cared about it: Are you two okay? Are you hurt? "

No, no, I'm sorry, noble sir, we just didn't have eyes and bumped into you, please forgive me. "

As soon as the couple looked at this person's clothes and the style of this frame, they knew that each other's identity must be unusual, and they knelt down and begged for mercy.

But the weird thing is that seeing this scene, the old man was shocked and utterly shocked: Hey, what are you doing, get up quickly. Otherwise, if others think that the old man is bullying you and make headlines, this aristocratic status will be ruined, and many big businesses will not be possible. Please, get up quickly, don't let anyone misunderstand. "

Huh, what does this mean? Please? The nobles beg us?

The couple were dumbfounded again.

what's up? "

At this time, a traffic policeman came over and asked about the situation.

The couple was shocked, thinking that the yacha saw that they ran into the aristocratic master, and he would definitely take them away, but never expected, with a snap, the yacha directly posted a ticket to the aristocrat In the classic car, he shouted: Forcibly running the red light, fined a hundred spirit stones, and handed the ticket to the traffic control office within three days. "

Uh yes yes...

The nobleman didn't make any clamor, but confessed to punishment.

When the couple saw this, they were completely dumbfounded. The nobles here are so shameless.

However, the traffic policeman looked at them again: Are the two injured? "

No no..." The two heads shook like rattles.

If you have any injuries, go to the medical clinic for treatment, and he will pay for the medical expenses. Just after the accident identification, he ran the red light and was 100% responsible. You'd better go to the medical clinic to check it out, don’t have any hidden dangers. "

Yes, check it, don’t worry, I will be responsible for the cost. "

The traffic police urged, and the noble master nodded again and again.

The couple were almost stunned. They were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm from the upper class, and they didn't react for a while. After returning to God, they repeatedly politely declined their kindness.

When the traffic police and the noble lords had left, the man looked at the woman and couldn't help sighing: Is this heaven? The people I met are so nice! "

Yes, we ran around doing business in the spirit world, and we have never been to such a good place. "The woman couldn't help but sigh.

You two just came to our Yangjiapu, do you need to do immigration? "

At this time, someone stepped forward to solicit business.

The two were taken aback: immigration? "

Yes, everyone who has been to our Yangjiapu once, almost 100% of them have immigrated. "

With a grin, the person immediately introduced: We, Yangjiabao, under the leadership of Lord Yang, are vigorously developing the economy. We are the first metropolis in the spirit world to step into modernization, with complete civil facilities. What gym, school, playground, everything. The most important thing is that commoners and nobles here are equal, and there is no distinction between high and low. As long as we act according to the principle of the chivalrous stele set by our Lord Yang Bao, the common people need not be afraid of the nobles, and the nobles are very friendly to the common people. "

Public security environment, our spiritual world first. You will never find it, there is no safer place in this world than ours. As for immigration conditions are also very loose. Regardless of untouchables or civilians, as long as they have officially worked in Yangjiapu for a full year, they will be issued a civilian identity card. Or investment immigration is also possible, as long as you start a business here, solve the employment problem of one hundred people, and directly issue civilian identity cards. If you make outstanding contributions to this castle, you will get a personal ban by the castle owner, or be selected by the people once a year and become a nobleman, then you will get even more benefits. "

What, people choose nobles? "The body shook, the man was surprised.

Nodded, the salesman smiled and said: We build the castle with chivalry, and the voice of the people is the best letter of recommendation. So you have found out that with us, there are more opportunities to be nobles. But one thing is that the nobles here cannot be overbearing. In Yurou Township, they must play a good role model and take the lead. Otherwise, they will be punished, just like civilians are convicted, there is no difference. But even so, you can't oppress others, and others won't oppress you. Instead, life is more comfortable, isn't it? "

The pupils flicked, and the two of them listened to these introductions and looked at each other. They suddenly brightened and said urgently: We want to emigrate! "

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