Alien God System

Chapter 1188: one year later


The black streamer was like a group of small snakes, wandering in the depths of the earth, and finally came to a magnificent room, sprang out and returned to the contract in Yang Feng's hand.

Yang Feng gently waved those soul contracts, with a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth: Brother, don't talk about it, this evil god's curse is pretty good. It's really the only way to kill people and get rid of political enemies. Just such a small amount of evil spirits can kill a large number of spiritual world experts silently, so powerful? "

Nonsense, don't look at what treasure souls the Cthulhu had collected back then. "

With a chuckle, the saint ancestor explained: Do you think the evil **** collects souls only in the corner of the lower realm? He has also collected a lot in the spirit world, especially the souls of many spirit saints, whose primordial spirit strength is very high, and coupled with the heretic spirit, it is even more powerful. Release these evil spirits for a soul attack. In the entire spirit world, it is estimated that few people can stop it, even if Wuwang Lingsheng is strong. "

Is it so easy to use, tusk. "

Yang Feng couldn't help but slapped his mouth twice, and laughed happily: It's a pity that the evil spirits collected these goodies, they don't need to be used by themselves, all belong to me, hahaha... those old guys, they still want Be tricky to Laozi behind his back and don't want to live anymore. "

Yang Feng smirked up to the sky, and then said: By the way, brother, the legend of the two-faced **** Wu Fatian said before he died, is it true? "

Really, I saw it one hundred thousand years ago. "

have you seen? "

Yes, when I came to the spirit world, I encountered it once. It's just that the two-faced gods are not the same as the evil gods. They are righteous gods. Every time the lower realms perform official duties, they reward and punish the creatures in the area, not smuggling. If you don't meet the best, if you do, stay away. "

Stay away? "

Yang Feng puzzled: Why? Everyone is a god, why should I hide from him? "

Why? Just because they are righteous and have official duties, it is equivalent to a police mission. What's your identity? A dark household who has not been naturalized in the God Realm meets the police, so if you don't hide a little bit, you can go up and face it! "

Rolling his eyes, the ancestor was noncommittal.

Yang Feng blinked his innocent big eyes twice, and then Cancan laughed: I see, we are now in an awkward position. Before going to the God Realm to get an official ID card, stay away from the police, hehehe. "

Fort Lord, it's not good! "

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and Zhou Afu outside the door rushed in in a panic, panting with exhaustion: That... the Wu family clan, more than a thousand mouthfuls, all the door was destroyed. "

what? Who did it? I said that the previous things will not be held accountable, why are there people secretly revenge? "

After his body shook, Yang Feng pretended to be surprised and said: Check, let me check to the end, and definitely find out this person who disrupted the order of our Yangjiapu, so as to calm the people. "

Yes, Fort Lord! "

Determined to nod, Zhou Afu immediately went to convey Yang Feng's highest instructions.

Yang Feng curled his lips in disdain after he left.

If you are able to find out about Lao Tzu doing this, then you are considered capable, cut.


At this moment, Zhou Afu had just left, and Sima Changfeng ran in anxiously, closed the door tightly, and said solemnly: Lord Yang Bao! "

Hi, Brother Sima, what are you polite to me? Just call Brother Yang. Who is better? "

Good, Brother Yang! "

With an unprecedentedly solemn expression, Sima Changfeng solemnly said: Just now, a group of elders and children of the Wu family were killed. There is no clue at the scene. Did you do this? "

Yes! "

Yang Feng did not hesitate, and immediately admitted.

His body shook. Although Sima Changfeng had expected it in his heart, he couldn't help but shake his heart when he heard Yang Feng admit it himself. Wouldn't you, like Wu Fatian, tolerate the existence of the opposition? "

Where, born of sorrow, die of happiness. The existence of the opposition is good for me and this Yangjiabao. How could I not tolerate it? Without Wei Zheng's outspoken advice, where did Li Shimin come from the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty? Ha ha ha..."

With a light smile, he patted Sima Changfeng's somewhat stiff shoulders, Yang Feng's eyes flashed, and his face quickly sank, and he shouted: I can't allow those mischiefs to disrupt the current good situation. "

Trick or treat pie? "

Yes, if I did something wrong, you can argue with reason and speak frankly. I appreciate it. Although everyone has different opinions, they are all for the good of Yangjiapu, for the good of the people here, and it is good for all of us. I welcome such direct ministers very much. But there are some people who are never willing to let their power go and want to stumble me behind their backs. Can I bear it? "

Raising his brows, Yang Feng couldn't help but sneered and said: Lao Tzu is not the kind of person who waits for them to finish before going to them to settle accounts. I want to choke the hidden dangers in the seedlings, and solve them first before they do. Now the situation in Yangjiapu is not easy, and I can't tolerate some unpredictable people making trouble for me. "

Then... we will raise some objections to you in the future, do you really mind? "

No, I not only don't mind, I also want to vigorously advocate for universal supervision. "

Seeing Sima Changfeng's nervous expression, Yang Feng couldn't help but smile, and said with relief: Brother Sima, don't be afraid that I will become Wu Fatian. Our Yangjiabao will definitely be the ideal country you and I imagined. Moreover, this ideal Congress expanded to the entire spiritual world and changed the world! "

Sima Changfeng glanced at him deeply and nodded in relief.

After all, in the following policies, Yang Feng used all modern enlightened methods to govern Yangjiapu, run media, promote propaganda, build schools, and build constructions, making Yangjiapu a lot of trouble. In a very short period of time, it has become a refreshing mudslide in the area where Jinling Mansion is located, which is well-known throughout the third-rate family.

Many people came here admiringly to see this emerging third-rate family jurisdiction, but they didn't want to leave.

A year later, in addition to the central city, Yangjiabao has rapidly expanded five subsidiary cities around it. After all, there are more people here and more immigrants. If you don't expand, you can't live.

And these cities are connected by a ring road, so there are the first ring, the second ring, the third the seventh ring!

Hello, please show your ID badge! "

In front of the gate of Yangjiabao, a couple of small merchants came to the door cautiously, but just when they approached, the guard guarding the gate walked straight towards the two of them and saluted them solemnly.

The two of them shrank. What did they mean by seeing this formation before the gatekeeper was so polite to them and making this action to them?

The master, does he mean to ask us to pay for the benefits? "

The crows in the world are generally dark, so don't stuff them wherever you go, please. "

The man puffed up at the woman and nodded.

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