Alien God System

Chapter 1137: Big riot

The bright and clean moon slowly slid a small distance in the cloud sky, and without knowing it, it had already come to the ugly hour, when everyone was asleep.

Soldier Ma Si, after all the commanders were captured, all the lieutenants and soldiers under him were summoned here urgently, and then they were taken down immediately, the cultivation base was sealed, and they were put under centralized supervision.

There were more than a hundred thousand people who didn't know why they hadn't seen this formation before, so scared and trembling, they squatted on the squares of each yard and were watched by a group of fierce men in black.

The bright torch pierced their eyes, making them even more nervous.


Suddenly, there were bursts of sound, the people in black hadn't realized what was going on, waves of terrifying energy fell on them like a meteor shower.

Third-rank high-level martial arts, Liuyan Tyrannosaurus Fist! "

Three-rank high-level martial arts, Huangji triple cut! "

Third-rank intermediate martial arts, Lei Li's broken star palm! "



There were loud noises one after another, and the black guards were inadvertently attacked by this wave, and a dozen people were taken away in an instant.

Then, the leaders who were rescued by Yang Feng descended from the sky and killed the people in black by surprise.

Soon, the two teams came together.

And these people in black, perhaps because the opponents they were dealing with were only the ranks of school lieutenants and small soldiers, and they didn't need to be too advanced in their cultivation, and they were not martial arts powerhouses, but second-tier and third-tier warriors with similar commanders.

When the two sides fight together, it can be said that they are evenly matched.

However, because the black-clothed men underestimated the enemy, they didn't worry about the school lieutenants and the small soldiers resisting, so they only came to a mere 50 people, plus the commanders attacked first, and some of them were killed at the beginning. The number of people is even smaller.

In the face of more than one hundred leaders coming in an endless stream, even if the cultivation bases were equal, they soon fell into a disadvantage in terms of numbers and were killed.

Seeing that the situation was not good, a few people in black immediately fled into the night sky, trying to escape, but suddenly, a cold mist flashed, they didn't even have time to react, and their heads fell to the ground.

Qin Shanhai's figure slowly appeared in front of everyone. After Zhou Afu and Shi Fenqiang had solved their opponents here, they saw Qin Shanhai coming and said without doubt: You...Qin Xiaowei, you weren't caught by them. ? "

Of course, how could they catch me? "

With a grin, Qin Shanhai said lightly: I am ordered by the chief rudder to cooperate with your actions. "

what? Master rudder? Could it be that you too..."

Yes, I am also a member of the Blue and White Club, and I am the deputy rudder, hehe. "Qin Shanhai raised his head and smiled, secretly thinking.

Grandma, a bear, this blue and white will be supported by our Moyun Cave alone, so I have to lighten it, so I can't let Yang Feng swallow the fruit of victory alone.

I have to say that the current scale of the Blue and White Club can be very useful!

Zhou Afu and the others were startled, so they didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, Brother Lian Feng was already a member of the Blue and White Club, and it wouldn't be surprising to add another Qin Shanhai.

Immediately afterwards, the commanders unblocked the cultivation bases of the lieutenants and soldiers, arranged them into square formations according to their respective affiliations, and reported the current situation to everyone.

In short, due to the framing of the despicable Zhan Pengfei, Wu Fatian has completely abandoned all of our soldiers and horses and treated us as his enemies. If you continue to stay in the Soldiers and Horses Division, with Wu Fatian's little belly chicken intestines, sooner or later you will be liquidated. Now our only way out is to follow the Blue and White Club and turn against him together. One emperor, one courtier, princes and generals, would you rather have a kind? After holding Chen Zongruo as the new castle lord, we are all nobles, even clans. "

Zhou Afu and the others have no turning back, and now they are trying their best to confuse the people who work.

The power and wealth are now in your own hands, so you can figure it out. Do you want to wait for Wu Fa Tianqiu to settle accounts and get rid of you one by one, or do you dare to pull the emperor off the horse and fight for his rich future? I believe that we have all seen the strength of Master Chen. No matter what you think, our leaders have confidence in Master Chen. This is a golden opportunity to change our destiny! "

Looking at each other, the eyes of these school captains and soldiers gradually became hot, and finally they nodded together, clasped their fists and said: I will follow the instructions of the leaders, and I am willing to advance and retreat together with the leaders! "

Good brother! "

Decided to nod, the leaders all smiled.

After all, it is an old subordinate, who is easy to talk, and can rebel together casually.

When Qin Shanhai saw this, he smiled happily, and said: Okay, now that everyone has reached a consensus, now I'm going to convey the command of Mr. Chen. All soldiers and soldiers took the order, attacked the weapon storage first, and then took the main mansion of the fort, and when it dawned, it would be Xintiandi. "


With a loud shout, the soldiers and horses rushed out like locusts and began to act.

Qin Shanhai watched them leave, took out a piece of sound transmission jade, and smiled: Everything is going well, let's start. "

Good, the whole people riot tonight, change the world! "

Yang Feng lay on a roof with ease, looking at the nine-day bright moon, and slowly stretched out a finger, pointing towards the sky.

call out!

A cyan light rushed straight into the sky, with a crash, burst out with dazzling brilliance, forming a blooming blue flower, shining in the clouds, it was so gorgeous.

And as this blue flower bloomed, rioting in every corner of the city began.

Tonight, the Blue and White Club and the Soldiers and Horses launched a great rebellion that changed days and days. It was just at the beginning. The hot flames have spread throughout the city, and the entire sky is red...

On the other hand, Wu Fatian sat in the study with a gloomy face, and looked up at the two people in front of him, one was Sima Changfeng and the other was Wu Jianxiong.

The two of them, one man and one martial artist, can be said to be Wu Fatian's cronies.

But this is only on the surface, because Wu Fatian actually doesn't believe anyone.


Wu Fatian threw the roster on the table and glared at Wu Jianxiong and said: This is the soldier and horse you manage for the lord of the castle? Humph, you guys have changed their colors. "

Wu Jianxiong was puzzled. He picked up the roster and took a look. He was shocked: This...this..."

Don't say you don't know. "

Castle Lord, I... I really don't know..."

As the commander of Soldier Mars, your subordinates have all rebelled, don't you know? "A cold color flashed in his eyes, and Wu Fatian gritted his teeth and said: Take a good look at the date on this, it happened to be the day before Chen Jialuo appeared. Then Chen Jialuo's search was handed over to the soldier and Ma Si. As a result, there are no clues. Coincidence?"


Wu Jianxiong was speechless.

Wu Fatian stared at him closely, and suddenly said: Is Chen Jialuo related to your brothers, honestly explain! "

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