Alien God System

Chapter 1136: Moment of uprising

Seeing that they were aware of this, Yang Feng immediately threw out a surprise: Deputy Commander Yang is a close friend of this seat, we have known each other for a long time, and it is very speculative. So this time his request, is there any reason for us not to help? "


My heart shook, and everyone understood that Brother Feng was also in the Blue and White Club.

Ignoring their surprised little eyes, Yang Feng continued: If I wanted to meet Brother Yang for the first time, I was attracted by his handsome, charming, handsome, and arrogant. At first glance, he was a rare hero and knight, but after a conversation, it turned out to be true. He is chivalrous, courageous, righteous, righteous, thin, noble, with the style of ancient saints, the most perfect man in the world, even I can't compare, we really meet and hate it late. "


Faces twitched slightly, everyone looked at each other unconsciously and murmured: Master Chen, are you sure that is Brother Feng? Didn’t you admit the wrong person? "

What do you mean? Do you have doubts about the handsome appearance and noble character of Brother Yang? "

It's not, it's just the impression that Brother Feng gave us, loyalty is quite loyal, but is this appearance and character...hehehe. "

People laughed indiscreetly: Master Chen, you shouldn't be fooled by Brother Feng. "


His heart was stagnant, and Yang Feng's face suddenly sank, and he roared: You are blind, how handsome he is and how noble his sentiments, do you know? How loyal he is to his brother, do you understand? Now that he himself is in a dangerous situation, he asked me to save you. You still doubt his character, especially his appearance. Alas, I feel so cold for Brother Yang. "

Um, indeed, since Zhan Pengfei had already dealt with these young people, there is no reason to let go of the enemy Feng, he must be advancing in front of the castle to slander and blame him.

Everyone nodded and sighed, but when he looked at Chen Jialuo in front of him again, he suddenly felt agitated.

But now that Brother Feng has a leg with Chen Jialuo, it is not a false accusation. How can people like him help him intercede with the castle lord?

Everyone is a bit distressed.

Yang Feng glanced at them, and instantly saw through their thoughts, and said: Do you still want to return to Wu Fatian and beg for his forgiveness? "

No words were spoken, everyone was silent.

Don't be silly, Wu Fatian is arrogant and conceited. Once he does it, he will not look back. Over the years, have you seen that this castle master made mistakes? "

This one……

Looking at each other, everyone shook their heads.

Do you think he will never make mistakes? "

Without speaking, everyone remained silent.

It is not that he will not make mistakes, but will not admit his mistakes. "

In the end, Yang Feng decided: How could a dictator like him admit that he was wrong if he could not tolerate the slightest disagreement with him. The final result is that even if he is wrong, he will be wrong to the end, turning the wrong into right. You have now been taken down as traitors, and even your entire family has been copied. Even if you beg for mercy at this time, he will not change his decision. Otherwise, wouldn't it prove him wrong? A dictator will never allow others to say that he is wrong. "


The body shook, everyone was shocked: You mean our whole family was copied by him? "

Yes, all copied. Now that you know how far things have progressed, you have no turning back. Back to Wu Fatian again, there is only a dead end, so run away. "

Yang Feng sighed, then slowly turned around, making a posture to go, but he wanted to catch it.

After Zhou Afu trembled fiercely, they were at a loss and hurriedly said: Master Chen, what should we do now? "

I mean, you are the commander of the soldiers and horses, not those common people, and there is no resistance at all. You have your own forces and teams. As long as you are willing to revolt and overthrow Wu Fatian's tyranny, you can change this situation. "

What, you let us rebel with you? "

Everyone trembled and hesitated again.

They have been taught in Wujiapu to be loyal to the castle lord since they were young. They never thought about overthrowing the lord. Now they are suddenly uprising and revolutionizing.

Yang Feng also understood their hesitation, and chuckled lightly: Actually, I hoped that Brother Yang would bring you to the Blue and White Club a long time ago. However, Brother Yang is very loyal. Seeing that you are living well now, he is unwilling to involve you in this right and wrong. Therefore, he has not given me your membership roster, and you have never been considered members of the Blue and White Club. "

They nodded clearly, and everyone understood that it turned out that Brother Feng's Blue and White Club at the time was indeed the Blue and White Club of Chen Jialuo. As a result, Brother Feng even lied to them that the organization had the same name, and they believed it. It was so stupid.

However, we can also see from this point that Yang Feng's affection for them. Obviously using this roster can force them to submit, but Yang Feng has never done so.

The crowd admired Yang Feng's character even more.

Yang Feng's eyes flashed, and he continued to fan: But I told him at the time that this evil four-level society remains unchanged, no one can be a survivor, and nobles are the same, and there will be a day of family ruin. Now You all feel it. Nobles can be eaten by clans, and for no reason. In fact, in this world, you are not safe at all. You are both those with vested interests, and at the same time you will become the prey of others anytime and anywhere. Now that Wu Fatian can make you ransack your family and annihilate your clan with just one sentence, no one can stand up to stop it. This is the best proof. "

Quiet, deadly quiet!

Everyone was thinking about it. After a while, Zhou Afu and everyone looked at each other, nodded together, clasped their fists and said: Master Chen, since we have been abandoned by Wu Fatian now, there is nothing to say. We are willing to join the Blue and White Club and turn this day with you. "

Good, kind! "

Determined to nod, Yang Feng shouted: Wu Fatian, who is suspicious in life, since he has already dealt with you, he will definitely not rest assured of the rest of the soldiers and horses, and your subordinates will definitely be taken care of now. The top priority is that you must summon your subordinates as soon as possible, rectify the team, attack the castle mansion, and rescue your family. I will let the Blue and White Club cooperate with you. Tonight is the moment of the uprising. "

Yes, master rudder! "

Nodding solemnly, a decisive gleam in everyone's eyes.

At this moment, they have no way to go, only the other way.

Seeing that they were completely home, Yang Feng smiled contentedly, and flew high to arrange Qin Shanhai's next actions.

Zhou Afu released the seals of the rest of the leaders, and according to Yang Feng's intention, he summoned his men overnight to prepare for action...

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