Alien God System

Chapter 1130: Turned out to be a wealthy circle

Yang Feng and Qin Shanhai expressed deep doubts about Zhan Pengfei's abnormal behavior, but Zhan Pengfei's mouth had a mysterious smile, as if everything was in his grasp.

You group of lowly commoners and untouchables, dare to gather a crowd to resist the authority of the castle lord, don't be foolish. With your scumbag cultivation base, I can beat you hundreds of them. If you know you, I'll catch them. Don't blame Lao Tzu, the martial arts powerhouse, that you are not polite and hum. "

Zhan Pengfei was laughing wildly, Yang Feng and Qin Shanhai looked at each other and nodded clearly.

No wonder this old exhibition is so brave. He thought that all the people who joined the Blue and White Club were the low-level people, and the cultivation base could not be on the stage, but...


There was a loud noise, and Zhan Pengfei was proud of it, and a sudden force came from his abdomen, and then his whole body was instantly knocked out.

Third-rank high-level martial arts, return to your palm! "

The hall master who was captured by him took advantage of his carelessness, shouted, turned around and slapped him five meters away.

Zhan Pengfei spurted out a mouthful of old blood, hit the wall, fell back and forth, raised his head, looked at the sneered hall master, and was shocked: How could it be possible? You...your cultivation base..."

Yes, Lao Tzu is an intermediate cultivator of the first-order martial arts, who did you just say is the scum cultivation base? Hum hum! "

No way! "

The face couldn't help but, Zhan Pengfei was dumbfounded: As a master of martial arts, you are at least an aristocratic class in Wujiapu, why have you joined the Blue and White Club? "

What's the big deal? Can the aristocracy join the Blue and White Club? Do you think that the aristocracy can live very comfortably in Wujiapu? We have been fed up with the anger of those clans. This time he joined the Blue and White Club because he admired Mr. Chen as a man. "

That is, Lao Tzu is also a nobleman, a warrior third-order peak cultivator, even if he is worse than you, it is not much worse. "

Lao Tzu is a samurai in the early stage of Tier 3, so it may not be your opponent to fight alone, but you just said that you want to fight hundreds of us? Humph! "

The commander of the Soldier and Horse Division is really bold enough to daring single-handedly rush into our Blue and White Club branch hall. If we just let him go out in a hurry, would our Qinghua lose face? Jie Jie Jie! "


As soon as the voice fell, Zhan Pengfei's face turned pale with fright.

How could he think that such a low-level mass organization would mix into so many masters in the aristocratic circle? At first he thought it was a slum, but he didn't expect it to be a wealthy circle!

He was not ashamed just now, and he dared to say that he would hit hundreds of them. Now, looking at the scene, he would be choked by ten. If they attacked in groups, he would definitely be dead, woo woo woo.

At this moment, Zhan Pengfei couldn't wait to squeeze his two mouths violently, crying without tears.

Why did he owe him so much just now?

Yang Feng and Qin Shanhai hid in the dark, and they almost couldn't help laughing.

Does Zhan Pengfei think that rebellion is just a matter of the bottom? This middle class is not doing well in Wujiapu, okay? Actually dare to run here alone, I really think I can defeat all the members of the Blue and White Club, hahaha...

Ta Ta Ta!

The darkness was crushing, and a group of masked evil spirits and evil spirits flew towards Zhan Peng like black clouds, with an evil glow in their eyes.

Zhan Pengfei swallowed hard, the corners of his mouth flattened, and he said: No, brothers, we have something to say, don't do it. The younger brother was wrong just now, so the younger brother paid the eldest brothers no more. I only ask the elder brothers to raise their hands and let the younger ones go. "

You speak lightly, who just said one hit hundreds? "

Sorry, my younger brother was ignorant before. Please elder brother Haihan, let me be a fart! "

Put you as a fart? can! but……"

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, the hall master immediately said with his pupils: First of all, you have to be a fart. Brothers, beat him into a fart for me, don't leave any residue. "


As soon as the voice fell, the members of the Blue and White Club rushed towards Zhan Peng, shouting ferociously.

Second-rank high-level martial arts, Chiba Kuangfeng Palm! "

The third-rank elementary martial arts, the peaks and mountains are stacked! "

Third-Rank Intermediate Spirit Technique, Lei Ling Skynet! "


Boom boom boom!

In an instant, countless terrifying energies attacked Zhan Pengfei, and Zhan Pengfei was almost frightened at first sight.

Ever since he was young, has he seen such a terrifying formation?

He immediately hit the ground and rammed a hole in the wall, howling and holding his head, how embarrassed. Why would those members of the Blue and White Club let him off so easily and immediately chased him like a wasp.



Zhan Pengfei wanted to shout, but there was a loud noise. He was kicked on his back, fell out, and fell into a shit.

Then the people behind swarmed up and began to punch and kick him cruelly. He wanted to resist, but when he saw the crowd of people on the other side, he immediately curled up in fright, his face drooping like a waterfall.

Under the overwhelming power of this kind of absolute strength, Zhan Pengfei was left with only wailing, even the strength to resist was not scared.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed by, grabbing Zhan Pengfei's shoulders and threw it out: Go! "

you are……"

Zhan Pengfei was taken aback and seemed to recognize this person, but soon turned his eyes around, and immediately turned and ran away.

The man blocked the crowd for Zhan Pengfei Palace, and won the time, but it was only a short time. He was knocked to the ground by the turbulent crowd, one palm and dozens of palms in the blink of an eye, spitting out red blood.


With a shattering sound, the mask completely shattered under the powerful offensive of everyone, revealing a pale but delicate face.

Zi Ning? "

Yang Feng's eyelids trembled, and without saying anything, he immediately shot, and came to the crowd, shouting: Stop! "

See you, Master Chen! "

Seeing that the boss is coming, everyone immediately stopped chasing and bowed together.

Yang Feng looked at the descent, no matter what, Zhan Pengfei, who had lost even one of his shoes, gradually disappeared, then looked at Wan Zining's weak figure under him, and muttered: What happened? "

Enlightenment to the chief rudder, a spy from Soldiers and Mars just came in to make trouble. As soon as we were about to rectify the Fa on the spot, we saw this person running out to defend. She must have been an accomplice of the other party. "

Bowing down, the hall master solemnly said: But the other party hasn't ran far yet, so we can catch him now and get rid of him immediately. "

No need! "

Slowly waving his hand, Yang Feng said lightly: Anyway, we are about to start an uprising and overthrow Wu Fatian's decadent rule in one fell swoop. Run away a little mouse without getting in the way. "

what? Chief rudder, are you serious? Are we going to revolt? "

Yes, everything is ready, only the east wind. "

With a flash of brilliance in his eyes, Yang Feng settled: I have arranged everything. Only when the horn of the uprising is sounded, the whole Wujiapu will be turned upside down. All oppressed people will regain their rightful rights. Wujiabao will belong to all the people of the castle, not just one person, no one will be oppressed and bullied anymore! "


As soon as the voice fell, the sentiment was excited, and everyone clenched their fists in excitement.

They waited for such a long time, the day that changed, finally came...

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