Alien God System

Chapter 1129: Lonely Bear

After finishing the business, Yang Feng flickered and left here.

Space Spirit Technique? "

When everyone saw it, they all exclaimed: He couldn't think of such a rare category of spirituality, he was also familiar with it, not under the ethereal crane. It's just the eldest son, do you really believe what he said? "

What does it matter whether you believe it or not? "

With a raised eyebrow, Jin Daoling smiled noncommitantly: Anyway, it is them who fight you to death. Let them fight, it doesn't matter our business, we just need to watch the fire from the other side. Even if he lied to me, at most, Wu Fatian would die at the end, and Wu Jiabao would be lost. What a big deal. A third-rate family in a mere trivial area, I can help one in Jinling Mansion casually. The point is, the attraction of this Lan Beast is really great. For this reason, what if my Jin Daoling was cheated once? Hahaha..."

Jin Daoling's laughter resounded throughout the room, and Yun Kongba looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing together.

After Yang Feng finished his business, he quickly merged with Qin Shanhai and told him the good news: Brother Qin, get it done, Jin Daoling promised to stand neutral, even if we turned Wu Jiabao upside down, he would not care. As a result, Wu Fatian was forced to a desperate situation, and when he had no support, he could only use Lan Beast. By then, this Lan Beast will be in your Demon Cloud Cave, hahaha. "

Really? "

Qin Shanhai was ecstatic: I have to say, Brother Yang, is your mouth really good, even the shrewd Jin Daoling can be told by you? How did you persuade him? "

Hi, it's nothing, I just told him about Lan Beast. He is not good to come forward, I force Lan Beast for him, he agreed to cooperate, hehehe. "


With a twitch of face, Qin Shanhai's voice instantly became muted, and his face became more and more gloomy. Finally, he said furiously: Yang Feng, are you sick? Tell him why? He didn't know anything at first, and came to Wujiapu like a headless fly. Now that he has a goal, he will definitely recruit all the masters of Jinling Mansion to grab the Lan Beast. By then, who will be the flower of the Lan Beast, but it is not necessarily. "

Oh, brother Qin, don't you want to be so pretentious! You have to pay a price for revolution..."

Hey, buddy, I'm not here to make a revolution, I'm just here to find Lan Beast. You are now giving what I want, in exchange for your benefit. "

His lips trembled, and Qin Shanhai was almost crying: I knew that you had no peace in your stomach. The two of us worked together for a long time. I was the one who contributed, and I was the one who lost. In the end, it was you who took the advantage? Severe diplomatic relations, I will quit, we are no longer cooperating, your Blue and White Club is too cheating. "

Brother Qin, don't be impatient! "

I can't help being irritable. We acted so secretly because we were afraid that the second-rate families would fight over. But it's good for you to directly contribute the information. What is the difference between you and selling us? "

The difference is that we are still old partners, good brothers, I am toward you. "

With a serious expression, Yang Feng solemnly said: Don't worry, I promise, this Lan Beast will definitely not reach his Jinling Mansion in the end. We work together to **** Lan Beast back for you. "

What guarantee do you take? "

I use my previous record to assure that what I have to do, when have I failed? "Yang Feng shrugged very nervously.

Qin Shanhai stared at him closely, thinking for a while, and said inwardly.

This kid is a master of conspiracy and trickery, is there really any countermeasures that can keep Lan Beast?

Seeing his suspicious look, Yang Feng couldn't help but grinned, and put it on his shoulder: Ouch, don't doubt, trust me, when did I lie to you? "

Have you ever lied to me? "

No, I mean, when have I let you down? "

Yang Tian gave a haha, Yang Feng solemnly said: Don't worry, brother's business is my business. If you want Lan Beast, I will help you get it with all my heart, and it will never be cheap to outsiders. Now, we go to our Blue and White Club headquarters and hold a mobilization meeting. The time for the revolutionary uprising finally arrived. Come, put on this mask. "

With that, Yang Feng handed Qin Shanhai a mask.

Qin Shanhai took it smoothly, put it on his face, and kept muttering: Why should I believe you now? Eh? By the way, why did I go to make a revolution with you again? I'm looking for Lan Beast! "

Yang Feng laughed dumbly and patted Qin Shanhai on the shoulder.

I have to say that Yang Feng, the cult leader, is really not in vain in the lower realms.

But are these people really stupid and fooled?

In the end it was still a greed!

Yang Feng's trick is to throw a bait and hang you all the time without letting you eat it, and finally pull the prey to his line step by step, like a pyramid scheme.

The great Master Chen taught us that revolution is the process of destroying an old world and creating a new world..."

Just when they arrived at the underground propaganda venue of the Blue and White Club, Yang Feng and the others heard the deafening speech from a distance. Looking up, I saw a hall master enthusiastically promoting the revolutionary program for the members below.

Yang Feng raised his brows and smiled at Qin Shanhai: How is it, the hall master I trained in two months is good in speaking? "

Yes, just like you, big fool! "

Rolling his eyes, Qin Shanhai pouted noncommittal.

Yang Feng didn't take it seriously, and walked forward, but he was not even close. A black shadow rushed onto the stage in an instant. A shiny third-grade steel knife pressed against the hall master's neck severely, roaring Dao: Don't move, the traitors of the Blue and White Club, you have all been arrested now, now you will be arrested quickly, or don't blame Lao Tzu for being polite. "

Hey, why is this voice so familiar? "

With a raised eyebrow, Yang Feng didn't worry about the safety of the hall master at all, but saw that the hijacker took off his mask with one hand, revealing the true face of Lushan.

The old soldier Ma Si leads Zhan Pengfei here, you little ants, surrender quickly, have you heard? "

It turned out to be him, Zhan Pengfei! "

Nodding clearly, Qin Shanhai puckered out his ears: I said why this sound is so familiar. It's just why he suddenly came here to arrest people, did the soldiers and horses act? "

No, as the deputy commander of Bing Ma Si, now Bing Ma Si I have the final say, I have not arranged an action. "

Did he bring people here? "

how is this possible? Now the entire soldier and horse department listen to me, he has no one of his own, hehehe. With a grin, Yang Feng and Qin Shanhai looked around the venue, and saw no one echoed except Zhan Pengfei on the stage, and they immediately understood everything.

Oh, polished commander, lonely hero. He dared to break into the enemy's den alone, what a desperate man! "Qin Shanhai couldn't help sighing.

Yang Feng sneered: The lonely hero of the fart is a lonely bear. In order to be promoted, he can really afford to survive. Can one person surrender to the following hundreds of people? He was kicked in the brain by a donkey, tut! "

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