Alien God System

Chapter 1117: you lose

All of them opened their mouths in surprise, almost not flashing their tongues.

You know, the seven chiefs of Gejiazhai, each has extraordinary skills and has its own strengths. Especially the big master Ge Hong just killed all the seven elders of the castle main mansion with one move. No matter how great Chen Jialuo is, it is impossible to pick seven with one.

Too big, too big.

Master Chen, you are on a whim and want to be handsome. This is your own business, we will not say anything. But your current duel is a matter of life for all of us. How can you be so trivial?

You are so irresponsible!

Many people slandered in their hearts, extremely anxious...

Click it!

Ge Hong's attitude towards Yang Feng was so contemptuous that his lungs were about to explode. He clenched his fists, stepped forward, gritted his teeth and shouted: Chen Jialuo, don't you look down on people..."

Brother! "

However, before he finished speaking, he swish, the other six brothers took the lead and rushed forward, angrily said: You don't need to do it, this kid is handed over to us, let him look down on people. We need to see what he can do to take down six of us. "

Fourth-Rank Intermediate Martial Skills, Tiger Shadow Ghost Flash! "

Fourth-rank high-level martial arts, Lei Xiao! "

Four-rank top martial arts, three must collapse empty palm! "


Boom boom boom!

But in an instant, the peerless martial arts used by the six completely surrounded Yang Feng from all directions. That terrifying power shook the entire sky to pieces, exposing the dark space passage.

The complexions of the six were savage, as if they were about to cause Yang Feng to die.

Everyone in Wujiapu saw this shocking scene, they were scared to death.

Who could have imagined that these six masters were so terrifyingly strong that they would be able to issue such a power that destroys the world and destroys the earth.

Even the strongest Wu Bao master of Wu Jiabao, it may not be easy to take such a trick.

It's over, this Chen Jialuo is dead.

Everyone sighed helplessly, Wan Zining also unconsciously tightened his heart, but saw that at this moment, an invisible wave spread out, and the six tricks that were terrifying to the extreme, all of them instantly wilted.

how come……

The six of them were startled, and they didn't know why, but they hadn't realized what was going on.

Puff puff!

A series of muffled noises sounded, and the six of them suffered a huge force on each body in an instant, and then they smashed down like a meteor. With the constant bang and bang, a piece of gunpowder was aroused.

Yang Feng waved his scabbard in the air and stood up against the wind, as if nothing had been done, but everyone present was already completely stunned.

One trick, how is it possible?

The pupils couldn't stop rushing together, and everyone present was dumbfounded.

Originally, they thought that Chen Jialuo would be destroyed by the combined attack of the six masters, but they turned suddenly. They didn't even have a chance to react. They had already beaten all the six masters to the ground.

Moreover, they still kept their hands, and only used the scabbard to knock them, without drawing their swords to kill.

Otherwise, the six masters had already died just now.

But it is precisely because of this that Chen Jialuo is even more terrifying. In the face of such a terrifying six-stroke combo, there is still room to stay. This person's strength is really unfathomable, no wonder he just dared to make a bet with the other party on one against seven.

Uh ah ah...

All of them opened their mouths wide, unable to speak a word.

The six of them were holding their own pain, climbed up from the ruins, wiped the blood stains from the corners of their mouths, their eyes were still confused.

What happened just now, why was I beaten down?

Brother! "

The Seventh King Meng Yang yelled to Ge Hong in the sky, as if he wanted to ask about the matter just now, but he didn't know how to speak.

Ge Hong didn't pay attention to him, but stared at Yang Feng intently, his fists clenched tightly into a rock.

At this time, he found out that what Chen Jialuo had just said was not about entrusting the big, or deliberately humiliating them, but really has this strength, even his great general can hardly see the strength.

Unexpectedly, fine sweat leaked from Ge Hong's fist.

Unexpectedly, he regarded Wu Fatian as his greatest enemy in his life, but now he encountered another opponent that he could not control at all.

Licking his somewhat dry lips, Ge Hong's complexion was more serious than ever.

Yang Feng glanced at him, still calm, and said with a smile: Master Ge, as long as you are willing to retreat, we don't have to fight. "

Fart, want me to retreat? Unless stepped on my body! "

With a roar, Ge Hong's eyes were red and he burst out.

The endless hatred in the depths of his heart has all turned into his indomitable power at this moment: the fifth-rank high-level martial arts, Yunlan Storm! "


With a loud bang, fierce flames burst out from Ge Hong's body immediately, like a volcanic eruption. With him as the center, it is spinning vigorously.

Yang Feng felt the temperature of the flame and raised his brow: Earth-level flame? "

But soon, the flame quickly turned into a red airflow as it rotated, and the temperature dropped extremely quickly, as if the flame had disappeared.

But where the red air flow passed, even the sky was turned into dust, exposing a dark space channel, which was obviously more powerful than just now.

this is……"

The power of Lan! "

Yang Feng mumbled doubts, and the ancestor immediately explained: I should have told you that Lan is the incarnation of fire. People in the lower realm cultivate the power of the five elements, and when they reach the spiritual world, the power of the five elements becomes the heavenly element. He has now raised the earth fire to the haze energy, although it is not the terrifying power of the haze like the heavenly seven spirit elements, but it is much stronger than the earth fire. After all, the attribute of fire is only burning, but the one of Lan is decomposition. Lan's martial arts are much stronger than Huo's martial arts. "

That's it, ordinary Lan element!

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng understood.

Then he saw that Ge Hong's palms pushed forward fiercely, and the storm of mist suddenly engulfed Yang Feng's entire body and raged away.

Go to hell, Chen Jialuo! "

Ge Hong was roaring: No one can stand in the way of Lao Tzu's revenge! "

When the six masters saw this, they also clenched their fists, their faces full of excitement, as if they were holding the winning ticket.

No matter how strong Chen Jialuo is, in front of the eldest brother's Lan martial arts, he will have to peel off if he is not dead.

The others were stunned again.

Unexpectedly, this Ge Hong had actually upgraded his flame attribute to the Lan attribute, which is indeed the first genius of Wu Jiabao that year.

Now that Chen Jialuo is done, we are also done, ooh!

The crowd in Wujiapu waited, crying without tears.


Suddenly, another explosion sounded, and the haze storm burst into pieces. A sharp sword hilt suddenly appeared between Ge Hong's neck, and at the same time an indifferent voice came out. : Lord Ge, you lose! "

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