Alien God System

Chapter 1116: One against seven


Immediately afterwards, a white figure was like a rainbow, arranged in two rows, from far to near, flying towards the peak of the cliff in the main mansion of Wujiabao Fort.

They all carried a wide steel knife on their backs. When they came to the mountain top, they suddenly bowed in the air, their bodies shook, and the steel knives flew into the air, forming a bridge of swords.

Yang Feng fluttered in white clothes, swept past the sword bridge like a horse riding a flying swallow, and finally stood on the cliff of the main castle mansion, which symbolizes the highest power of the entire Wujiabao, and put on his sleeves. Chic and suave, he shouted: Stop it, ask the brothers of Gejiazhai to give me Chen Jialuo's face, so let's stop. Otherwise, don't blame me Qinghua for offending. "

Blue and white club? "

The body shook, everyone in Gejiazhai was stunned, and they all stopped the massacre.

The rest of the people in Wujiapu, whether they were clan aristocrats or common people, all looked at all this in a daze.

Chen Jialuo's name, they have been like treacherous lately, but never expected that he would suddenly appear to protect them at this critical moment of the whole castle.

Everyone was a little confused, especially those clan nobles.

Wan Zining was staring at that figure closely, with bright eyes in his eyes.

Hero, is this a hero?

Standing above the nine heavens, Ge Hong looked at him intently, and his eyes were all joking: If you don't know Chen Jialuo, you will be called a hero in vain. President Chen has been admiring his name for a long time. "

Master Ge, lucky to meet. "

Holding a fist solemnly, Yang Feng slowly floated into the air, with his eyes facing each other, and smiled: Didn’t you say that you met at Longtuo Mountain? Why did you come here today? "

Didn’t Mr. Chen also go to the appointment? "

Because I know that Lord Ge has changed the land, I am waiting for you here. "

That's why Chen Zongruo is truly wise and brave, and he deserves his reputation. Taking a deep look at Chen Jialuo, Ge Hong grinned, and then the two laughed together.

Then, Ge Hong's face quickly calmed down, and he murmured: Master Chen, this is a private matter, please don't intervene casually. "

If you are only avenging personal revenge, you will never dare to stop it, but you are committing a massacre today. Is it a bit too late? "

Not an exaggeration, I have hatred with all of them. "

With his eyes fierce, Ge Hong said coldly: I think Mr. Chen also had a relationship with Wu Jiabao. For the sake of everyone in the same way, he does not want to complain. But today, if you have to be more nosy, don't blame the old man for being merciless. "


Yang Tian let out a big laugh, and Yang Feng said noncommittal: Master Ge, are you threatening me? But it's a pity, I'm not a master who can be scared off casually. With me here today, you can never hurt anyone in Wujiapu again. "

All members of the Blue and White Club listen to orders! "

in! "

Protect everyone in Wujiapu, no matter the clan, nobles, or common people. Who dares to kill the innocent indiscriminately? "

Yes, I would like to follow the main decree of the rudder! "

When Yang Feng gave the order, the iron-blooded youth corps shouted together, slamming the steel knives in their hands, exuding a strong momentum, and forcing the people in Gejiazhai.

You know, these are all the Demon Cloud Cave masters that Yang Feng borrowed from Qin Shanhai, and there are a lot of martial arts level experts in it. It is not a problem to fight ten or even one hundred samurai.

Don't look at the large number of people in Gejiazhai now, but the quality of the masters in the Blue and White Club is strong.

The terrifying aura burst out, and immediately shocked the little ones in Gejiazhai that they dared not move.

Ge Hong frowned and his complexion quickly became gloomy.

He dared to assault Wujiabao because of the emptiness inside Wujiapu, and a group of weak people did not dare to resist.

Unexpectedly, Wu Jiabao was empty inside, but another blue and white society popped up. The masters were like clouds and brave enough to fight, so that his slaughter plan was met with resistance that cannot be underestimated.

Involuntarily, Ge Hong was silent, his fists could not be stopped tightly.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this time, the six masters from all directions on the battlefield flew high in the sky, came to Ge Hong, and looked at Yang Feng with hostility.

Seventh-headed Wang Meng even approached the boss' ears and said: Brother, Chen Jialuo is so skilled, it's hard to deal with. "

Why, have you played against each other? "

Uh... yes! "

How many moves did you take? "


Licking some dry lips, Wang Meng was silent, and after a while, he was a little ashamed and said: No trick, he almost killed me. "

With a jump of his eyelids, Ge Hong glanced at him in surprise, disbelief.

This old seven is known as Ghost Tiger, the best at speed. Although the power of martial arts is not very strong, but with swift skill, he can walk a few rounds and remain invincible by fighting against a strong one level higher than himself.

But this time it was only one round, and he was caught in the dead.

Suddenly, Ge Hong couldn't help but value the three points more to Yang Feng, and his expression became serious: Master Chen, are you really going to do it right with me? "

It's not that I'm going to be right with you, but Lord Ge Zhai has done something terribly. As long as Ge Zhaizhu is willing to suspend his troops and retreat, I am willing to make good friends with Ge Zhaizhu. "

If you want the old man to retreat, it depends on whether you have this ability. "


Taking a sudden step forward, Ge Hong looked at him sullily and shouted: the rules of the world, the winner is king. We fight alone, if you can defeat the old man today, the old man will leave. Otherwise, please give way to your blue and white flowers. "

Yang Feng raised his eyes and glanced at the top of his head, level 75.

At the beginning of the first rank of generals? "

With good eyesight, he actually saw the old man's cultivation. "

With a slight grin at the corner of his mouth, Ge Hong said indifferently: So now, do you dare to fight the old man? "

Sure enough, he has broken through the cultivation of military commanders.

His heart tightened, and Kuang Tianwei below saw this, his brows were deeply condensed: generals such as the cultivation base, generally only appear in the second-rate family, it is almost unique in the third-rate family, and Wu Jiabao does not have such a master . Ge Hong has actually broken through the generals, representing his strength, and may have surpassed the castle master, becoming the strongest master in this area. Chen Jialuo, who only dared to kill in the middle of the night, could be his opponent? "

General? Oh my god. "

Those Wu Jiazong saw them in person, and their eyes turned white in fright, and they almost fainted.

In their hearts, this cultivation base is basically synonymous with invincibility.

Only Wan Zining was still staring at Yang Feng, with a hint of hope in his heart.

He once said that elders in the lower realms who have no power to bind chickens dare to block the butchers of foreign enemies. If he was a hero, he would not be intimidated by this general.

Yang Feng didn't speak, but was silent.

The people below are also staring at him closely, and their hearts are almost grabbing, for fear that he will give up and turn his head and leave, then they will be finished.

After waiting for a while, Yang Feng couldn't help but smile, turned the long sword in his hand, and pointed forward: You don't need to fight alone, you seven will come together. If I lose a move, I immediately knelt and kowtow, and I don't care about it anymore. "


As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked.

One enemy seven, or the seven chiefs of Gejiazhai. Is this Chen Jialuo crazy?

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