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In the holy lake of Taihao, only the True Origin visible from the naked eye dangled on it. In the hazy sight, on the lakeside, four Inner Sect Beihao Hall Elder stood there with a short breath.

At this moment, on top of their calm and composed faces, they were constantly changing, sometimes stunned, and sometimes shocked, and they looked extremely interesting.

All this is because of the sentence of Deer Lin of outer sect …

thirty zhang!

Even the Inner Sect powerhouse may not dare to go into that depth!

Even if you dive to that position, it is usually another powerhouse at the Venerable Level. After training, you will do your best to dive to test your own bottom line behavior.

And now, a small outer sect, the boy of the Early-Stage in the realm of the emperor, has actually dived to that depth? is it possible that, can he still practice there?

At this time, the four Elders didn’t explore slowly, but went straight down.

In their horrified minds, it was finally in the position described by Deacon Lin that they saw a silhouette surrounded by golden light!


When this scene was explored in person, the faces of the four Elders suddenly appeared shocking. Immediately, they didn’t hesitate, they retracted the mind of the investigation, for fear that a little fluctuation would disturb that silhouette.

“Sure enough … it’s in thirty zhang!”

Halfway, among many puzzled eyes, an Elder took a deep breath and murmured softly.

Hearing this voice, countless faces suddenly became sluggish. Immediately, a pair of vision, with an unbelievable color, looked towards Taihao Shenghu.

For the name of Taihao Holy Lake, countless Tahoe Holy Land disciple are both love and hate.

I love Hundred Refinements golden light, which is enough to make people advanced by leaps and bounds. I hate it in the Taihao Lake, and the coercion is too horrible. Even if I know the deeper, the greater the benefits, but Due to that coercion, very few people are able to enter below their twenty zhang!

And now, there is even a guy with outer sect, who has penetrated into the position of thirty zhang!

If not from Sect Elder, who represents an authority in their hearts, whoever will not believe it!

The shock on the faces of the four North Haodian Elders lasted for more than a minute before they gradually converged.

At this point, they glanced into Taihao Shenghu’s eyes again, and they were no longer the kind of indifference, but full of strange colors. This guy who killed their quasi-discipline of the Palace Lord was really a little capable.


In the depths below the holy lake of Taihao, a group of golden light dazzles, which looks extremely dazzling in it.

In the dazzling golden light, a silhouette sitting cross-legged can be seen faintly. On its entire body, the thick Hundred Refinements golden light is like a path of water, and it flows continuously against its inside the body. go with,

At the location of the thirty zhang in the Taihu Holy Lake, Qin Yichen has persisted for a whole day.

In this day, the pressure from all directions is also getting bigger and bigger, so it looks like the pressure of the entire Taihao Shenghu is converging in this direction, and the kind of constant growth The trend is frightening.

In the face of this pressure that is becoming more and more terrifying, even the tough fleshhy body and the Qin Yichen isolated by True Origin have some difficulties.

Although not at all is a big problem now, as the pressure increases, it will inevitably reach a horrible level, and even he can no longer persist.

At this time, Qin Yichen only knew clearly how difficult it was to cultivate in Taihao Shenghu.

However, under the pressure of this horror, Qin Yichen also learned a lot in a day. With the continuous injection of Hundred Refinements, he can feel that his body is constantly being tempered, the kind of tempering From the inside out, flesh and blood, and even True Origin, seem to have the power to breed.

With this practice, the True Origin flowing in Qin Yichen meridian is also becoming more powerful and majestic, like a rushing river, whistled past, a sense of extraordinary power, flooding its 4 limbs and 100 skeletons .

Qin Yichen can feel that this one-day cultivation is better than the usual months!

Although this comparison is a rather scary figure, it is not unbelievable. Compared with Hundred Refinements, the golden spirit, extremely pure, and a small trace is the result of an ordinary person’s normal practice for one day.

In this time of day, from the Taihao Holy Lake, there were several silhouettes rushing out of it, and they are still in it, only 5 people.

Moreover, the other four people are slowly practicing in the place of 4 feet or even ten zhang.

A little more time in the first half of the day, except Qin Yichen, everyone who entered Taihao Shenghu this time couldn’t resist the increasing pressure and regretted to retreat.

No one laughed at those slightly regretful faces because everyone knows how much that superimposed pressure will be terrifying in more than a day.

The eyes of the four Elders were also glanced at the faces of the last few people who had the potential to enter Inner Sect. After this matter is over, if there is an opportunity, they may be included in Inner Sect. It is also a good choice.

Time passed quietly in the silent Taihao Holy Lake, and in a blink of an eye, 2 days had passed.

Except for the 29th person, Taihao Shenghu has always maintained a weird silence, but outside Taihao Shenghu, it has become extremely lively.

Among the 4 lush mountain peaks, a large number of disciples came along. Although most of the disciples were practicing, their eyes were full of surprise, looking in the same direction … Taihao Shenghu !!

At this point, it had been 2 days since Qin Yichen went in, and the surface of the quiet lake showed that he had no sign of breaking through the river at all.

thirty zhang’s position, it has been persisted for 2 days!

For this data, countless disciples know exactly what this represents.

Even if it was the quasi-Holy Son, when in the imperial realm, it only dived to the position of twenty zhang. The further down, the greater the pressure. The position of thirty zhang persisted for 2 days, and it was no less than the depth of twenty zhang. Stick with that Holy Son for 5 days!

And now Qin Yichen has actually achieved this step. Doesn’t this mean that his ability is stronger than that evil Holy Son? !!

If this is the case, it seems that they are too holy Holy Land, and it seems that they have an extra resistance!

On the edge of Lake Taihao, 4 silhouettes of Sect Elder completely motionless. Their eyes are locked below the solidified vortex of Lake Taihao, and their complexions are all grave expressions.

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