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With the ebbing of time, more and more people crushed Yu Pei and appeared by the lake.

But it was half a day, and there were more than a dozen people who couldn’t hold it.

It can be seen how much pressure is under the lake.

The Elders were not surprised at all.

These people are already elite in outer sect, and can rank in the top 30, indicating that they are expected to enter Inner Sect.

However, it only lasted for a long time under the lake.

At first, a quasi-Holy Son in Holy Land was privileged to enter the Sacred Lake during the imperial realm. It is said that down to the depth of twenty zhang, it persisted for as long as 5 days. At that time, it caused a lot in Holy Land. sensation.

And these people are just a few feet deep, and they barely persist for a long time. This gap is too much to say as different as heaven and earth!

This is also the reason why these people are just outside sect.

However, after the Elders saw the silhouettes at the left and right positions of ten zhang, some satisfactory expressions were revealed.

It ’s been a long time since I got down to the ten zhang position. Not to mention, as long as they come out of the holy lake, they can basically be selected into Inner Sect.

The remaining ten or so people did not enter deeply, but it was only four-five zhang.

They all chose the most secure depth.

These more than ten people, a few Elder also looked at it.

Obviously, these are also people who can be used, even if they are not included in Inner Sect, they can become the backbone of outer sect.

“Well, weird, why are you missing one?”

One Elder counted the number a little, and was surprised to find that there were only 29 people in the count. When one was missing, he whispered softly.

After he said that, several other Elders noticed.

“It’s really missing one person.”

Another Elder also counted the number and found that it was indeed missing one person.

“Is there an accident under the lake?”

One of them frowned.

Right now, they are exploring the situation inside the Sacred Lake.

In fact, Holy Land hasn’t happened before.

The chance to enter the Sacred Lake is too rare. Some people are unwilling to waste this opportunity easily. They want Jane to the limit, but he unexpectedly kills his life.

Soon, they explored about ten and a half feet.

However, it was empty and there were no foreign objects.

“It is estimated that it was crushed by the holy lake and the bones are gone.”

A Elder sighed.

Within the sacred lake, if you ca n’t bear it, your body will be crushed instantly. Skeleton doesn’t exist, it seems not impossible.


After these Elders made such a noise, Deacon Lin also noticed that it was indeed one person missing.

After he confirmed again, he found that the person who was missing seemed to be Qin Yichen!

“Skeleton doesn’t exist?”

He does not believe it.

If it were another discipline, he might believe it.

But that’s Qin Yichen.

At the beginning of the imperial cultivation base, he defeated Qin Yichen at the time.

He continued to look.

Ten 6 feet …

Ten seventy feet …

twenty zhang ……

Deeper and deeper, Deacon Lin’s heart also sinks by little by little.

twenty zhang!

At that time, the quasi-Holy Son was just down to this depth.

Therefore, Deacon Lin only had so little luck in his heart, and it was also destroyed.

This shows that Qin Yichen may be too arrogant and enter too deeply, so he suffered misfortune …

“No, his physique, although inferior to Venerable Realm, is at least half-respected. Even if his body bursts, it shouldn’t be skeleton doesn’t exist.”

When Deacon Lin was about to give up searching, he suddenly thought that Qin Yichen’s physique was unusual.

Maybe, after the body bursts, flesh and blood will not exist, but its skeleton is equivalent to half-respect level, how can it not even leave the skeleton? !!

Around twenty zhang, the coercion is great, but it has not yet reached the point where even a half-level skeleton can be crushed to a powder.

He continued his investigation.

22 Jo …

25 Jo …

28 Jo …

“That… that is…”

When he probed to a depth of 28 feet, he saw that there was a silhouette of a faintly discernible disc sitting there.

Then he went deeper.

“It’s Qin Yichen!”

Deacon Lin suddenly exclaimed, and there was a horror in his eyes, just like a ghost, the expression on his face was even more difficult to describe.

“Qin Yichen?”

The Sect Elder, who had stopped exploring long ago, couldn’t help but look towards him when he heard his exclaim.

“Qin Yichen, as if I heard it somewhere …”

One Elder frowned slightly.

He seemed to have heard the name somewhere, but he couldn’t remember it for a while.

Qin Yichen killed Yi Muyan, and then defeated Yu Qing at the half-level level. This is not a glorious thing for Bei Hao Dian, so even if it was occasionally passed, it was quickly crushed. Come down.

“Is it the new guy who killed Yi Buyan?”

By the lake, there was a wounded Outer Gate Disciple surprisedly said.

After his reminder, everyone was impressed.

However, the Sect Elder in those few faces were a little bad.

It is easy to say that they have heard of it.

After all, it was the person who was almost accepted as a discipline by the Palace Lord of Beihaodian.

Then they remembered why they were familiar with the name Qin Yichen.

However, there have been rumors that Qin Yichen has entered the Dan Temple, but he did not expect that he would come here.

You know, while entering the Sacred Lake is of great benefit, but not everyone can bear the pain and torture.

And since Qin Yichen can enter the Dan Temple, recognized by the old guys in the Dan Temple, it shows that pill concocting innate talent is excellent.

Pill Refining Master has always been above Martial Artist.

The Martial Artist is also nicknamed Barbarians by the Pill Refining Master.

They only need to pill concocting, and they don’t need to come to Sacred Lake to suffer this kind of labor.

“You mean, that person is still in the holy lake?”

An inner Sect Elder asked Deacon Lin subconsciously, but he said unbelief on his face.

He probed to a depth of ten to five feet, and there was no one there. How could it be said?

“Reporting back to Elder, yes, he is still in the holy lake.”

Deacon Lin glanced back and answered respectfully, but his voice was trembling, indicating that he was extremely excited.

“How can this be?”

That Elder didn’t believe it, and when he reached the depth of twenty zhang, it was still empty. Suddenly, Desire Lin looked up slightly.

“Elder, he’s in thirty zhang position …”

Seeing that they did not believe it, Deacon Lin reminded them.

In fact, if he didn’t know Qin Yichen too well, it would not have been possible to probe into that depth.

thirty zhang!

Even the Venerable Realm powerhouse, I’m afraid it’s difficult to get down to that depth.

Then think of it, Qin Yichen has persisted in that depth for half a day, the more shocked Deacon’s heart is.

This is simply not a human!

This is monster!

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