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“This is for your safety. Holy Land has sent a Law Enforcement Group. It may only take a few days to find out the forces behind the majesty of our Holy Land and resolve it!”

On the side, Dong Yu frowned, also spoke.


Many of the business people of Tai Hao Holy Land in the hall sighed in their hearts. Although this will delay a lot of business and even affect the reputation of Tai Hao Holy Land, this is only the case now.

“Haha, it seems that you are too holy. Holy Land is having some trouble, Mu Rundong, would you like Old Brother to help you?”

In the dull atmosphere, there was suddenly a sound resounding in the mansion. This sound was mixed with the magnificent True Origin fluctuations, which made people’s ears hurt.


Hearing this sudden sound in the mansion, outside the hall, there were more than ten guards rushing out, guarding the hall, each and everyone watched nervously all around.

“At the end of the day, come here, why sneak?”

And when everyone was close to the enemy, Mu Rundong’s voice sounded loudly, offsetting the oppressive force brought by the laughter with a kind of teasing color.

“Yes, is it the ray of deacon of Holy Land in Holy City ?!”

Hearing this name, the guards outside the hall and the faces of many businessmen suddenly changed, and a person came to my heart!

As Mu Run’s voice fell, many guards in front of the hall shook hands with their weapons, and their eyes suddenly looked towards up ahead.

Under the lock of their eyes, there was a sudden sound of breaking wind, and then they saw a blue silhouette flashing in and appeared in front of them.

At the moment when this silhouette appeared, the powerful breath of a distinguished powerhouse also swept away, making everyone’s face change.

“What? Are you ready to do it with me?”

Locked by more than a dozen senior mirror senior guards, the middle-aged man in a blue robe didn’t have any slight pressure, but instead chuckled, saying something playfully.

“You step back.”

Seeing this person, Mu Run waved his hand a little dignifiedly.

Hearing his words, many escorts secretly sighed in relief, and quickly retreated.

After a brief confrontation, they were all wet with cold sweat, and no one doubted that if they started, the latter would definitely kill them all in an instant!

This is the insurmountable distance between the honorable powerhouse and the imperial realm!

“Yuemo, what are you doing at our Holy Land Consulate in Taihao?”

Mu Rundong walked out of the hall slowly, standing opposite the middle age person in the blue robe, shouted.

“Holy Land ?”

Yu Mo laughed lightly, and a smile made everyone look angry at the corners of his mouth.

“It’s nothing, nothing to do, just wandering around. I just heard someone say that your business people have encountered a lot of trouble. Would you like our rays of light Holy Land to help you out?”

Yu Mo smiled at Mu Run with a touch of laughter.

After hearing this, Mu Rundong’s face changed. It seems that they deliberately blocked the news, but still spread the ugly scandal. Someone did it on purpose, for example, this guy in front of me!

In the face of Mu Rundong’s angry look, Yu Mo’s face remained unchanged, still with a smiling face.

“Just tell me anything!”

Mu Run moved a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart, said.

He knew that the guy in front of him had to be a little better when it comes to strength, and, in terms of identity, they wouldn’t be jealous of him at all, otherwise, they wouldn’t enter them like this.

“Come on! I won’t make any corners.”

Yu Mo smiled and clapped his hands, and said, “You really have lost the face of Holy Land. It is better to do so. In the future, all your business people in Holy Land will follow our business team of rays of light Holy Land. “

Hearing this, everyone looked different.

With them rays of light Holy Land?

What’s the difference between annexing them? !!

After seeing the changes in the faces of the people, there was no surprise at the end. Obviously, these all are what he expected.

After all, a Holy Land business man is a huge fortune. If he can solve it with 3 words and 2 words, he won’t wait to speak until now.

“Following our business team in Holy Land, you only need to pay 70% of your benefits, and I can guarantee your safety. What do you think?”

Yu Mo said with a smile, “30% is better than the total loss you have now, and you are too capable, you can quit again.”

Take 70% of the benefits …

This is almost the same as Mingqiang!

As for what he said to quit their business of the rays of light Holy Land, I am afraid that as soon as they enter and want to quit again, there will be no hope!

“Brother Yu, your kindness has led us, but this is not something I can do. If it’s okay, please come back!”

Mu Run’s face was a bit ugly, but even if he was insulted, he didn’t dare to get angry on the spot, but could only shirk.

“Mu Rundong, you and I know, what else should you consider? When the time comes, is it okay if you divide it?”

Yu Mo said jokingly, suddenly, his words turned sharply, and his voice became a little cold: “I heard that in these accidents, they have not survived …”

“Haha … if you don’t follow us, then you must protect your businessmen, Mu Mu!”

Yu Mo’s frantic laughter rang out in this majestic mansion, extremely harsh!

“Da da!”

In Yu Mo’s frantic laughter, there was a sudden rush of footsteps, even if a guard ran from running to entering from the outer courtyard.

“2 adults, 2 businessmen returned from the caravan that was attacked this time!”

The laughter at the end, as the guard’s words fell, seemed like a duck was choked in the throat, and stopped abruptly!

“came back?”

Many businessmen in the hall flashed a look of surprise, and in their eyes, there were surprises and some gloom.

The caravan of 5 businessmen, only 2 were left, and I do n’t know if it should be fortunate, or for sigh.

“Come back? Huh, I don’t believe it!”

Yu Mo apparently hasn’t got any news yet, but for the good trap, he knows very well that the men and women sent here can definitely eat the caravan of Holy Land’s Holy Land.

Moreover, according to his intelligence, the holy powerhouse of Holy Land in Holy City has no support at all, and no accident can happen without using the holy powerhouse!

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