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“However, these shipments are all withered grass, and I don’t know that Tai Hao Holy Land is what the hell is happening. It seems that they have been collecting such things during this time.”

A black robed man, with a palm open, opened a wooden box left beside, looking at the frosty grass inside, a doubt appeared in his eyes.

Obviously, this is not the first time they have attacked the business team of Holy Land.

It was just nothing.

Withered grass?

There is a fart.

“What the hell does this thing …”

The other black robed man picked up one and looked it over, not at all what he found, and then discarded the withered grass.

He also thought that Tahoe Holy Land hid something in these boxes with Frostweed, but after searching, nothing was found.

“Hmph, no matter what role he has, after a while, it will be an annual competition for the right to the Holy City Transmission Array. If they lose Holy Land to Formless Sect again, look at those forces at Tianya Pavilion. How can they convince the public! “

While speaking, they glanced at each other, showing a joke.

Formless Sect, Tianya Pavilion, are all Super Land forces in Holy Land area, only two to ten. The strength of speaking of which, their strength, is actually not very different from Holy Land.

However, Holy Land has the heart of Sage that is left over from previous Sages.

The heart of Sage is an acquisition of Saint for the unity of Saint Essence, Qi, and Spirit.

When no one in Holy Land can be promoted to the Holy Throne, refining Sage’s heart can forcibly elevate people to the Holy Order.

However, in the future, it will stop here and it is difficult to go further.

The person who refines Sage’s heart and forcibly ascends to the throne cannot condense Sage’s heart even after falling behind.

In other words, the heart of Sage is the highest guarantee of Holy Land, but it is not recyclable. If you use one, you will lose one.

Of course, Saint is Saint!

Even Saint, who came to the throne with the help of Sage, is far from being comparable to others.

And this is the foundation of Tai Hao Holy Land.

Those super forces, though not inferior to Tai Hao Holy Land in other respects, the highest force, however, is like a high wall, blocking them in front of them, making them insurmountable.

“I don’t know if you have heard of it. Tianya Pavilion, it seems that someone got a great chance and got Sage inheritance. It is said that that person also got a Sage heart in Inheritance Land …”

A black robed man talked about it, and a few people started talking.

“I heard, that guy seems to be in the realm, but it is said that there are quite a few Venerable Realm powerhouses who have died in his hands.”

“Shengwei is invincible, even if it is placed in our Holy Land, it is a Holy Son level existence …”

“If the rumor of the heart of Sage is true, the location of Tai Ha Holy Land is really precarious, hehe …”

Between them, there was still some taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune in their tone.

“If it weren’t for Tianyage’s willingness to come up with a holy treasure, how could we possibly use it to do this kind of thing here, but it would have been too long to eliminate Tai Hao from Holy Land. There is Tai Hao here, it is Downgrade our Holy Land! “

The leading black robed man lightly snorted, then moved on his feet and disappeared in place.


Congregation Holy City.

In this giant city near the Central Region, there is a huge and majestic mansion.

Countless people passing by with a look of awe, because this is the consulate of Holy Land in Holy City.

However, at this time, in the lobby of this mansion, the crowd was crowded, but the atmosphere seemed to be a bit depressing.

“This is the seventh time!”

“Which side is it, dare to attack our business people who are too holy Holy Land!”

“You must ask the Law Enforcement Group to clear this clown!”


a path of with a voice of indignation, resounded from time to time in the hall.

It is no wonder that they are so excited. Being a business person of Holy Land Holy Land, they have been robbed as many as 7 times in less than one month. Moreover, all the attacked business people are even more so. No life!

Not long ago, they got news again for help, and another group of businessmen were attacked!

This kind of thing happened in front of one’s eyes, which is a shame and shame for Holy Land!

Such a majestic act of provoking Holy Land, even if they deliberately suppressed it, was still noticed by many discerning people. At this time, in the entire Holy Land area within the realm, there have been many rumors.

Most of those rumors are not good for Tai Hao Holy Land, and some even speculate that this Holy Land, who does not know how many years inherited, will be replaced by other forces!

On top of the center of the hall, there are 2 people, one of whom is Dong Yu, and the opposite is a middle-aged man with a wave of terror. Deacon in Holy City … Mu Run.

At this time, Dong Yu and Lin Rundong’s faces were a little gloomy. Listening to the noise of a path of noise, their brows seemed to be a little tighter.

What happened during this period of time, Lin Rundong did not dare to conceal it, and all reported it to Holy Land. However, the news from Holy Land was to let them be careful, and there was no large-scale cleanup.

As the manager of Holy City, he also knows that this is not as simple as it seems.

Even Holy Land has a tacit understanding of being deficient, and he even noticed that among them, I am afraid that it has a 2-1000 relationship with the other 10000 Holy Lands.

Without their support, even those second to to Holy Land forces would dare not do such things!

“All business people must not be out of town easily in a short time!”

In the end, Mu Rundong and Dong Yu looked at each other with a sigh in their hearts, slowly said.

Hearing this, the original noisy crowd in the entire hall suddenly became quiet, and each face looked at Mu Run with an incredible color, as if some could not believe it, this The words were ordinary from his mouth, which represented Holy Land of Taihao.

In the original Holy City, the killing of the Tai Hao Holy Land businessmen has been rumored. If Holy Land did not react on a large scale to frighten people, I am afraid that many people will have a strange look.

But now, Mu Rundong even said these words that represent compromise. Once this thing is passed out, it will definitely affect the majesty of Holy Land!

In addition, there are many businessmen under Tai Hao’s Holy Land. If it is not out of the city for a month, this is definitely a great loss!

Facing a path of puzzled eyes, Mu Run’s eyes gradually had bright light glittering.

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