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In the battle hall, the audience was silent.

a path of horrified eyes, staring at a messy combat platform, where a small hill covered up a small half of the platform, stood on it, and on the periphery of the hill, it melted and re-condensed the hard rock It is a crack that cracks a path of !!

Turn your hands into a mountain, cover your hands and stir the sea, this is the means of the Supreme Master!

At this time, countless lines of sight are staring at the hill, every face is extremely dull.

Originally, it was just a contest between the old disciple and the newcomer, and no one had thought that things would develop to this point.

The Deacon Wudoudian, which represents outer sect’s strongest force, was outraged and furiously shot at Deacon Nanhaodian with terrifying appeal.

Moreover, looking at the martial arts platform that has been reduced to such an appearance, anyone will doubt that how a kid of the prefect Peak’s Pill Master and the kingdom of Early-Stage can survive from it!

Is this a Martial Artist that has surprised countless people, like a meteor, just passed away?


In this silence, there was a subtle sound suddenly, and everyone suddenly shrank, only to see the hill on the Wudoutai turned out to have a crack, and immediately, this crack spread like a cobweb It opened, and eventually covered the whole hill.


In the wrong look of a path of, the hill condensed by His Holiness was finally unsustainable and turned into a gravel.

Among the gravel piles, two figures were revealed. The two people who thought they were mortal at this time seemed to have not been severely damaged, and the sharp-eyed person was seen in the hands of Dong Yu, a piece of jade talisman spread all over After the crack, it finally turned into a pile of ashes falling down.

For this scene, the Venerable Man in the air seemed to have expected it, and his face was not at all too surprised.

“Dong Yu, really didn’t expect. For this boy, you are so willing to use the god jade talisman!”

In the middle of the air, the deacon of the Wudoudian looked gloomily at the two people below, and the coldness in his eyes caused the temperature between Heaven and Earth to drop suddenly.

“God jade talisman ?! Is it god jade talisman who can resist the blow of the Lord?”

“No wonder…”

“It is said that Lord Dong Yu refined the elixir for an adult Inner Sect 3 years ago before he got a piece of god jade talisman.”

“Didn’t expect Deacon Dong to value that kid so much!”

In the martial arts hall, I heard “God jade talisman” 3 sons, and suddenly a path of astonishment sounded.

“Hmph, Deacon Lin, you are so open to a heavenly Martial Artist disciple. It’s too bad to take Holy Land’s rules into consideration!”

At this time, Dong Yu’s face was also a little pale. Even his last relying god, jade talisman, has been broken. If the latter shots again, he would not be confident to protect Qin Yichen.

At this point, he can only rely on words to delay, hoping that the thing will be delivered to the hands of the four adults of Inner Sect Dandian!

“Hmph, this child’s mind is too spicy, and it has been defeated easily, and he is still a killer. All I have to do now is to implement the rules of the Wudou Temple!”

Deacon Lin looked iron, coldly snorted and said.

At a moment ago, he really did killing intent on Dong Yu. However, he also knew that as a deacon of Nan Hao Dian, he had a god jade talisman on his body, so he did so without the slightest hesitation. I hope the latter can retreat!

“Dearest Lin, do you think that the confrontation just now is just a child’s play? It was easy to say nothing to me before, but can you stay a bit?”

At this time, Qin Yichen, who has not said a word, stood up and said with a sneer: “Moreover, according to the rules, a life and death was signed. As long as no one gave in, the battle would continue until one party died. Here ’s how Many Senior Brothers Junior Brothers are here, whoever hears Yi can’t give up! “

Hearing this, Deacon Lin’s tone was stagnant. It was true that he really wanted to admit defeat, but Qin Yichen did not give him this opportunity at all! However, the latter’s words take up the word again.

If talking about it, he would definitely not take advantage of Qin Yichen.

Immediately, Deacon Lin’s face was completely gloomy, and with the gloom of his complexion, in the space around him, he began to violently twist.

“Dong Yu, since you are obsessed, don’t blame me!”

Deacon Lin not at all to argue with Qin Yichen, his voice, slowly reverberating in the sky, in a word, the True Origin between Heaven and Earth is boiling at this moment, as if the way of speaking Generally, it carries a terrifying sense of oppression.

In this sense of terrifying oppression, everyone feels like a calm boat in the raging waves, and it will be instantly destroyed in the next instant, with faces filled with fear.

In Wudoutai, Qin Yichen’s complexion is also extremely dignified, but even if he feels the crushing power of the latter, in his eyes, he still has no fear at all, even if he is dead, he must persist Your own heart!

“Maybe Palace Lord, there must be an explanation!”

In the end, Deacon Lin murmured, a flash of vulgarity flashed in his eyes, and the palm of his hand moved, and the True Origin of the sky gathered together, and finally turned into a huge True Origin palm.

In the next instant, he didn’t say more. With a click of the palm of the hand, the True Origin palm, which was nearly as large as the hunted zhang, was fiercely pressed against Wudoutai below.


That palm has not yet landed. On the huge battle table, it was suppressed by a palmprint of several hundred zhang. The two people in the palmprint range were under the pressure of this oppression. Of the bend.


Seeing this scene, countless people couldn’t help looking away and couldn’t bear to look directly.


Just then, an old voice sounded. There was no undue True Origin wave in this voice, but it made everyone’s mind tremble.

In the midair, Deacon Lin, who was full of anger, was shocked to be body trembled and complexion pale. The True Origin giant palm, which had been mixed with horror pressure and suppression, also dissipated and disappeared!

A line of sight, at this moment, looked at the source of the sound, only to see that at the gate of the Wudou Hall, two white-haired old men were walking in slowly.

These two people were walking slowly, but everyone was dismayed to find that the two old men in their sight were imperceptible. If they did n’t see it with their own eyes, they would even suspect that the two were It doesn’t exist!

The old man who can scare everyone out in one word, but no one will think that they are just ordinary old man. This only shows that the latter’s Spirit Power has reached a level sufficient to shield them from perception!

“Oh … Heaven Grade Pill Master!”

The four distinguished words came to everyone’s mind almost at the same time!

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