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Easy to say, die!

No one had expected that it would be easy to suppress and kill people.

What is even more unexpected is that it was still beheaded by a newcomer who was the first stage of the imperial realm!

Everyone reacted differently when they saw that the vitality was already dead.

Such as these old students, each and everyone is horrified, and even looked towards the silhouette in the Wudoutai, even filled with panic and shock.

Who would have expected that it was easy to say that he had a huge advantage in the first second, and died in Wudoutai in the next second.

The newcomers, each and everyone, were inexplicably excited and wanted to cheer, but when they saw the Venerable Realm powerhouse with an angry face, they forgibly swallowed it back.

“Dong Yu, do you know what you are doing ?!”

The powerhouse of the Venerable Realm screamed angrily, uttering a loud voice throughout the Beihao Hall, attracting all eyes.

After seeing the tragic death on the Wudoutai, they probably knew the reason for his anger.

“Of course I know what I’m doing.”

Faced with his rage, Dong Yu still stood in front of him, his voice was not cold.

Obviously, he wanted to protect Qin Yichen.

Perhaps he alone was aware of the importance of Qin Yichen.

Apart from interviewing Pill Recipe, Martial Artist is worth his shot.

The reason why Martial Artist has difficulty in Great Accomplishment is mainly because it is difficult for Spirit Power to keep up. Once Spirit Power is behind, it is difficult to exert the full power of Martial Artist.

However, in front of the teenager, Spirit Power is not only not behind in all aspects, it is even stronger than his Martial Dao cultivation base.

This is a real day Martial Artist!

Dong Yu knows how important a real Martial Artist is to Holy Land.

“Dong Yu, do you know Yi Buyan is the one Xu Palace Lord wants?”

The Venerable Realm powerhouse asked coldly, especially after thinking about the big shot that knew Yi Buyan was killed in his Bei Hao Temple, and if he incriminated himself, he would sweat heavily.

Originally, this was a beautiful errand.

As long as Yi is protected, perhaps he can also get the favor of the big shot, and even possibly enter Inner Sect. Who would have expected that such a big accident happened.

“May Palace Lord ?!”

“My God, is it true that the rumor turned out to be true, it was easy to say that it was captured by Inner Sect big shot, and it will be collected as a disciple …”

“This is incredible, the big shot may be the Palace Lord of Inner Sect Beihaodian!”

“This newcomer is dead, no one can protect him!”

Tai Hao Holy Land, Inner Sect 4 Hall, 4 Palace Lords, are Holy Land 4 pillars and pillars, each of them has a powerful ability.

And Xu Palace Lord is the Palace Lord of Beihaodian. The force value, as it should be by rights, is the strongest existence among the 4 great hall masters.

Now, Qin Yichen has actually killed the person he values, which is almost the same as not putting his Palace Lord in his sight.

Dong Yu’s face also changed slightly.

Obviously, he knew this, so he chose to move to Inner Sect first to rescue the soldiers.

“Dong Yu, you killed the boy yourself now, and then go to Xu Palace Lord to plead guilty, perhaps, Xu Palace Lord can spare your life, otherwise …”

The Venerable Realm powerhouse sounded cold and looked at Qin Yichen on the Wudoutai as if looking at a dead man.

However, Dong Yu remained unmoved, stood there, and stood in front of him, indifferently said, “Today, with me Dong Yu in, no one wants to take him away!”

He was secretly anxious.

Something happened here, Inner Sect Bei Hao Dian must have received information. If Inner Sect’s powerhouse is here, even he will definitely not be able to keep Qin Yichen.

Now he can only pray that several Elders in Nanhao Hall saw the elixir earlier.

On the fighting table.

Qin Yichen watched the scene coldly.

After hearing the name of Palace Lord, he frowned.

However, after seeing Yi Mutian’s mutant Martial Spirit, he was not at all surprised.

Variation Martial Spirit is too rare to be seen by the Palace Lord and is normal.

Even now that he knows it, he has no regrets that he just killed it!

If Yi Buyan just defeated Li Yuanba, he had nothing to say, but Yi Buyan’s behavior was obviously to kill Li Yuanba in order to prevent future troubles.

Keeping such people is definitely a hidden danger!

However, seeing that at this time the deacon of Outer Sect Dong Yu can still stand in front of himself, he is also grateful to Dong Yu.

If it wasn’t for Dong Yu that stopped the Venerable Realm powerhouse just now, maybe he wouldn’t even have the chance to kill.

“hmph! ”

That Venerable Realm powerhouse coldly snorted, squinting at Dong Yu, “Dong Yu, you take yourself seriously, you can’t stop me!”

He had to take the kid’s body on the combat table to ask the Palace Lord to plead guilty, otherwise, I’m afraid, he’ll be guilty of him!


While speaking, a majestic atmosphere spread out from his body, like a landslide and tsunami, rolling rolls around, those around the crowd, each and everyone were flying out, even a realm low, It’s not miserable to fall.

“Dong Yu, you courting death yourself, you can’t blame me!”

After all, he raised his palm and gathered a group of horrible energy, and moved towards Dong Yugai.

If not, he would never offend Dong Yu, deacon of Nanhao Dian because of a trivial matter, but at this time, he can’t control that much.

“Hong long! ……”

With the sound of a blast, a tsunami-like energy burst out from between him and Dong Yu, and around, each and everyone Wudoutai collapsed and destroyed.


Dong Yu was just groaned, he was bombarded, his mouth was bleeding, and he bumped into the fighting platform where Qin Yichen was behind him.


Qin Yichen looked worried towards him.

“Don’t come out, I’m fine!”

Dong Yu swallowed the blood against his throat forcibly, and then a similarly terrifying Spirit Power spread out. Instead of retreating, he actively attacked.

He is the Pill Refining Master, which is weaker than the Venerable Realm powerhouse on the opposite side, but he can’t retreat now, and he can’t let it. As long as he retreats, Qin Yichen is definitely not immune.

“act recklessly !”

That Venerable Realm powerhouse, seeing Dong Yu has been entangled with himself, really angry, under his control, those broken stones, even out of gravity, condensed towards the palm of his hand.

In an instant, a rock like a hill was suspended on the palm of his hand, and then, carrying the hill of his True Origin power, pressed towards Dong Yu and Qin Yichen.

“Not good !”

Seeing that the hill was coming down, Dong Yu face changed, and it was too late to protect Qin Yichen, and he could only spread his Spirit Power, which barely obstructed the power of the hill to fall.

“Hong long! ……”

In a loud noise, Dong Yu and Qin Yichen were both suppressed under the hill, and life and death were unknown.

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