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Getting off the god ship, Qin Yichen looked at the tens of thousands of Fiendgods, staring dignified, and the world powerhouse of all directions gathered here. Among them, if there is no such thing as Monster Sovereign Senior, he is absolutely Unbelief.

Do n’t say reincarnation like Monster Sovereign, Qin Yichen can even see a lot of Divine King Demon King mixed in the crowd, standing behind some gods, there is no way. Divine Emperor.

After stepping down from the Divine Ship, Lei Wantao ignored the other powerhouses, but smiled and walked towards the powerhouses of the gods.

It ’s like, before exploring the sin domain, Divine Emperor who has made good friends with each other must have passed the air. Those Devil powerhouses who were pressed by the emperor on the Golden Thunder ship, also raised their eyebrows and exhaled at this moment. Siblings of other world.

Compared to this, Qin Yichen, or the more than a thousand powerhouses of King Ray God World, including the son of Monster Sovereign, are all solitary.

The son of Monster Sovereign looks a little ugly. It seems that his network is not very good. Moreover, compared with Fiendgod, Monster Race does not value Bloodline race itself, where is the treatment like Lei Wantao? ?

“It’s really isolated and helpless …”

Qin Yichen chuckled, but didn’t panic, isolated and helpless? The starry sky that you regard as a crime territory is my ancestor. Will I be alone?

At this very moment, I saw a Monster Sovereign Gao shouted: “Spiritual God of Monster Race, follow me!”

Qin Yichen followed the voice and found God Island One Standing three Monster Sovereign, one of the emperors spoke, as if calling Monster Race powerhouse.

The Monster Sovereign is not divided by World. In fact, when it comes to this, it is not the World that really distinguishes the camp, but the race.

Monster Race is not as fierce as the Bloodline race bond like Fiendgod, but it is also impossible. It is really fighting to the point of being hostile to each other. At least in front of the events of the Baifang World level, there must be a powerhouse Stand up and support the scene.

Thousands of Monster Race powerhouses saw it. It was as if they had found the main heart and gathered together. Qin Yichen walked in the monster group, and the Monster Sovereign glanced a few times, slightly nodded.

“My Monster Race also has a palace here, called the Demon Palace, and the emperor will take you to settle down.”

Farewell, Monster Sovereign waved his sleeves and flew all the way, Qin Yichen It can be described as an eye-opener. This is the Celestial Court of Qiankun. It can be described as a silhouette without exchanges. It is also immortal dao.

Baifang World is not the first time to explore the crime domain. As the place where Monster Race is based in the Baijie Monster Race, it is naturally quite magnificent and magnificent. It is vaguely opposed to Fiendgod.

Not only the Demon’s Palace, but also the Devil’s Palace, Divine Moving Palace, as the name suggests, is the residence of all ethnic groups here.

Apart from this, there is also the Wanxing Palace, which is the residence of various races, strong and weak, dragons and snakes mingle.

The most detached is the Tianxing Palace, as the name suggests, that is only in the background of a certain world’s overlord, that is, Divine Emperor Demon Emperor background, is eligible to enter.

For the existence of the qualification to enter the Tianxing Palace, the Divine Emperor of Qiankun will naturally come up with a higher standard of courtesy. Therefore, the Tianxing Palace is located in the Celestial Court of Qiankun.

Walking all the way into the Demon Palace, I saw one after another Monster Race statue standing around. Many of them are famous in the World of One Hundred Fangs. Guest Elder is respected by Monster Race here.

Before Qin Yichen, there have been many Monster Races here, but unlike Fiendgod, even if they are the same race Monster Race, they are not enthusiastic with each other. In Monster Race, the strength is more than the origin more important.

There are countless other courtyards in the demon palace, and naturally there is no lack of Qin Yichen and the others.

The other courtyard is also not greedy. Just after landing, several demon lords came to visit.

These demon lords did not participate in the exploration of the existence of sin domains, but instead acted like a deacon in the demon palace, headed by a monster king powerhouse.

“Is this your first time? You should have heard of the crime area before?”

Monster King powerhouse does n’t have much shelf, Qin Yichen got up Welcome, this time, Bai Cang and his wife and daughter are considered to be the most powerful existence on the surface, and he is naturally responsible for these matters.

Bai Cang Gong fist: “It ’s really the first time to come back to this adult.”

Monster King is not surprised, if he can live out of the crime domain, most of them It’s Fei Huang Teng Da, and even many of them are going back to the World where they were originally, and the guys who arranged for them come back to clean up.

Monster King is also Monster Race.

While speaking, Monster King took out 15 jade tokens, Qin Yichen fifteen people, one per person.

“These jade tokens are the tools that you use to record your achievements after entering the crime domain.”

Bai Cang wonders: “Achievements?”

Monster King grinned with a smile: “It’s good, it’s the score, and the method of judging the score is very simple, just kill! Kill the god, kill the devil and kill all races! Of course, if you have the ability, you can kill the demon, but I don’t recommend you Do this. “

Qin Yichen took a breath, the results are too simple and rude?

However, Qin Yichen suddenly realized that although it was a joint exploration of the World of One Hundred Fangs, Fiendgod is not mutually exclusive, and it is the same when entering the crime domain. Except for wanting to rob the treasure machine left by his ancestors, sure They also have to compete with each other.

The same is true for Monster Race.

Bai Cang looked at the jade token: “How to record this score?”

Monster King said with a smile: “Simple, Fiendgod Wanzu and our Monster Race are the same, you Killed Divine Race, their jade token is Divine Race divine runes, it will be integrated into your jade token, the same is true for Mozu. “

” The more Fiendgods you kill, the higher your score, that ’s it. Simple. “

Qin Yichen dashing eyebrows twitched and suddenly opened the mouth and said:” Then the score is high, is there any benefit? “

Monster King startled, also didn ‘ t expect this trifling demon god will actually ask such a question.

Even in this exploration of crime, this Monster King has also issued hundreds of jade tokens, and most of the other Monster Races it encounters are considering how to save lives.

There are even some guys who want to secretly stuff him for benefits, asking if there is a way to escape into the crime area.

Monster King grinned: “You brat is interesting, there are countless opportunities in the crime area, are you still not satisfied?”

Qin Yichen smiled: “Sir, you can’t say that , Even if you have a chance, there are dangers, we are all fighting to fight. “

Monster King was stunned for a while, but I thought this handsome looking gold yuan jiao had some meaning, at least I did n’t feel myself. It ’s to die …

It ’s just that Monster King does n’t know, Qin Yichen is sneering in his heart, then it ’s a chance, and it ’s also left by our ancestors, mind your own business?

Besides, if he can kill a hundred Fiendgod, then take out this jade token, is it not the evidence that he killed Fiendgod? How many enemies would it cause?

“There are so many Fiendgods to kill, it shows that you are capable, and it is the pride of my Monster Race. The adults above will naturally reward you and will not treat you badly!”

Monster King said, said again with a smile: “Relax, you really can kill thousands of Fiendgods, and there are also adults covering you. If our Monster Race is not able to support both heaven and earth supreme experts, you will also have an impossible foothold in the world.”

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