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“The strength I said, to be precise, can only be regarded as battle strength.”

Qin Yichen sighs, true strength, in addition to battle strength, but also about insight, insight, combat Experience … a lot of factors are summed up!

“However, if you want to overcome the changes of Monster Sovereign Senior, you must win in insight, insight, combat experience, and battle strength. Otherwise, if you predict the future, you will not win the future.”

Thinking of this, Qin Yichen smiled bitterly, and Guren also said: “Boy, your idea is correct, but your knowledge is still too weak, although it has overcome many peers, even Bai Cang, they are far inferior to you … “

For the Divine Dragon secret of the universe, Qin Yichen did not hide from Red Lotus, but studied with him. Red Lotus did not hit him this time, but Qin Yichen Still wry smile.

Because Honglian is right, after all, the most powerful house he has ever come into contact with should be the Emperor Dongman and the Monster Sovereign in front of him.

Of course, the Emperor Ziqiong and the True Dragon ancestors who look like the universe can only be regarded as a glimpse.

Fortunately, the God Pavilion created by Monster Sovereign includes all the lessons learned, plus months of hard work, otherwise, Qin Yichen may not even be able to comprehend the fur of Divine Dragon in the universe.

“In terms of knowledge, I have been closed in the Dongman Tibetan God Pavilion for several months. The Monster Sovereign Senior ’s God Pavilion has also been read by me. At the very least, it is comparable to Divine King.”


“On change, deduction, insight, I can still fight with Monster Sovereign Senior, otherwise I will also be able to overcome his incarnation with impossible.”

But even so, the depth of the Divine Dragon in the universe is still deep. Qin Yichen feels small.

But soon, Qin Yichen ’s bitter smile turned into fighting spirit, and his ancestor inheritance gave his Divine Art a profound detachment, which is a good thing!

Seeing Qin Yichen ’s upright attitude, Honglian was also relieved: “Slowly, do n’t aiming too high because of this, but have to say that your Spirit Power realm is still too weak.”

“Find an opportunity to condense the Primordial Spirit, step into the fairy master, and wait for the achievement of Primordial Spirit, you will know the gap between Primordial Spirit and Spirit Power, and then you will know how to comprehend the Divine Dragon universe. It has great benefits both in the deduction and the deduction. “

Qin Yichen nodded, but now it is impossible.

One is that he dare not advertise on the Golden Thor ship, and the other is that Honglian let him comprehend himself, so as to integrate this step into his perception achievements, he will be really difficult to break through at one and a half times .

Guren again said: “Monster Sovereign is right, can study the Power of Time to such a degree, and the control of Space Power must be terrifying.”

“Cosmic time and space combined, this Divine Art’s tyranny has more than doubled? The Divine Art supreme expert must know, so this must be a remnant!”

“I hope that I can gain something in that family land If you put Divine Art together, kid, you definitely let Cosmopolitan Imperial Capital covet the existence! “

However, the study of the Divine Dragon in the universe, even if it is Red Lotus, is not stronger than Qin Yichen Too much.

Because even the two former masters of Honglian, a Feng Yujiao, was the Phoenix Clan Emperor, Hao Chengzi ’s predecessor was a Golden Immortal powerhouse for spiritual cultivation.

However, Feng Yujiao ’s knowledge is only slightly better than Monster Sovereign, and Qin Yichen looked through the God Pavilion, plus his years of experience, so the help that Red Lotus can provide is extremely limited.

Thinking about this, Qin Yichen could n’t help feeling: “If there is a person, the heroic spirit of my family ’s ancestors would bless me and how good it would be …”

If it ’s Ziqiong Longdi ’s Knowledge will definitely give him more pointers for benefit, let alone that ancestor like the universe!

However, Guren was angry: “Boy, you started to despise me? When I first taught you God’s Ting Jue, a bite of Guren Senior, now a Dragon God, would you expect someone to replace me?”

Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching: “You can all be jealous?”

Honglian pretty face was angry, but after a while, she suddenly sighed and said that she was making trouble, but she And why do n’t you really think that there is a person who is more powerful than her, True Dragon, who protects Qin Yichen?

For several months, Qin Yichen has been immersed in the study of the Divine Dragon tactics in the universe, and one day, the God of Heaven’s high drink interrupted his retreat.

“Coming soon to the World of Qiankun, let ’s come out to breathe!”

Qin Yichen ’s staring eyes are revitalized, and the six thousand powerhouses on the Divine Ship are also in great spirits, inside the cabin There was a lot of commotion.

“Is it finally here?”

Bai Cang converges the magic power and gets up with said a smile: “This is our last stop, Qiankun World, Qiankun Divine Emperor is one of the sitting towns Boundary. “

According to Bai Cang, why he settled here is because Qiankun World is the world closest to the sin domain, that is, the tribe!

“Qiankun World ranks among the top ten in this hundred-party World, which is an extremely powerful World!”

Qin Yichen walked out of the cabin and found that the scene in front of him was already Dao Daoxing is the Star Domain everywhere in Qiankun World.

Looking around, a god ship flew by, and their trip will land directly at the Celestial Court in Qiankun, where Divine Emperor sits.

A powerhouse stepped out of the cabin, or looked forward to rubbing his hands, or feared that he had taken another step away from his death, and many Fiendgod started another battle with swords drawn and bows bent.

“Qiankun World is indeed much stronger than Jinlei World.”

Because there is no other, Qin Yichen remembers the distance they rushed from Baihao Star Domain to Monster Sovereign territory , And then from the Monster Sovereign territory to the distance of the Golden Thor ship.

That is equivalent to the scope of Jinlei God World, and Qiankun World is obviously more extensive than Jinlei God World.

Sometimes when you are closer to some stars, you can still feel the breath of countless creatures in that star, which is really better than Jinlei World!

Every godship is a great shore. As the distance from the Celestial Court of Qiankun gets closer, and more godships are encountered, the golden thunder ship appears more and more widespread.


The god ship flew, although the distance is still hundreds of millions of miles, but Qin Yichen can still feel the vastness of the Celestial Court of Qiankun!

Celestial Court, to put it bluntly, is actually a star, just like Monster Sovereign ’s former Monster Sovereign star, except that it is the star where Divine Emperor powerhouse sits!

Qiankun Celestial Court is surrounded by hundreds of stars, divine light is like all the stars cup themselves around the moon, 100 stars respect one emperor, that emperor star is like the name of this world, Qiankun Mo Measurement!

“Boom …”

The Golden Thunder Ship sailed into the world of Celestial Court in Qiankun. Divine power is already there. There are already vast islands of gods for them to land.

On the God Island, a godship has already arrived. From the powerhouse, it looks like a ants under the bird ’s eye view, but in fact, it is a tyrant Spiritual God from Baifang World!

Although Qin Yichen ’s golden thunder ship was not the last one to arrive, the sight of hundreds of thousands of Spiritual Gods on God Island still gave him great impact.

This Divine Island, compared with the Moon Wheel in the distance, countless stars are hung on the sky like Divine City, just like the tip of the iceberg.


The Golden Thunder God ship leans on Linshen Island, Qin Yichen is crowded, from the True-Dragon Race land, it seems that there is only this step away …

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