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In the broken demonic energy, a little bit of starlight flew out, but before flying, it was smashed by the sharp dragon claw!

True Dragon raised his head, and at that moment, it seemed that he was Heaven and Earth!

“Heaven and Earth! What is the Divine Dao law!?”

If you say that the means that Qin Yichen showed before, it only makes a group of demon respects Shocked, at this moment, they felt deeply frightened!

Sun and moon are the norm, do n’t forget, this piece of Between Heaven and Earth also stands a ray of incarnation of Your Majesty!

However, the sun and the moon can set Heaven and Earth, which means that Qin Yichen ’s Divine Dao law must be opposed to Your Majesty in court!

“How is it possible for Qin little friend and Your Majesty to retreat for months? How could such a terrible Divine Dao rule be practiced!”

“Your Majesty is God ’s powerhouse.

It ’s no wonder that many demon gods are terrified, because the dicar power of incarnation is only 10% of Your Majesty, but Divine Dao ’s law is no different from this!

“In a few months, Qin little friend ’s Divine Dao law was so terrifying to the point of terrifying!”

All this seems to be destroying heaven extinguishing earth, but none of them There are extremely profound changes, such as Qin Yichen’s Sun and Moon Heaven and Earth, in fact, it is contending with the sky of Monster Sovereign!

Every star contains the law of Divine Dao that is not weak, and the vast sea of ​​stars, the stars are more than thousands?

At the same time, on the surface of every star between Heaven and Earth, black gold divine runes are gradually rising, making Monster Sovereign feel a heavy crackdown!

“Heaven and Earth in Xuanwu Town!”

Monster Sovereign peach eyes sink, next moment, and suddenly swing his arms, thousands of starlights suddenly burst out of dazzling light, even instantly black gold The divine runes were all suppressed, and once again dropped their arms, the sky and the stars came to Qin Yichen!

One after another starlight pierced Heaven and Earth, making the sun and moon bizarre and motley, trembling, but at this time, I saw Qin Yichen all over the dragon scales barbed, Jin Yao spewed, turned Shadow Manly Dragonly!

Dragon Shadow fights with the stars, there are thousands of dragon shadows, and so are the stars!

Between confrontation, between Heaven and Earth is full of divine power, and Bai Cangjian ’s face is frightened. He knows that at this moment, the competition is not only the strength of the divine technique, but more importantly Divine Dao The level of law!

Every star, and every dragon shadow fight, is the evolution and competition of Divine Dao’s law on both sides. Once Long shadow is shattered by the stars, then Qin Yichen will appear a weak spot, the winning star , I will go to suppress and kill other Dragon Shadows …

This is like snowballing. Divine Dao ’s law collapses, it will gradually fall into the downwind until it is defeated!

However, at this moment, the dragon shadow covers the sky and the stars fall like the Milky Way. For a time, many demon gods only felt the pain in their eyes, but it was difficult to distinguish the superiors!

At this time, I saw Qin Yichen Longkou Da Zhang, dragon roar Heaven and Earth!

“roar !!!!”

Heavenly Dragon howl!

Heaven and Earth is dead, the stars are dark!

Monster Sovereign clenched jade fist while Longkou was opening and closing. Star River seemed to hang upside down in the punch, and a fist burst out, the stars followed!

“bang !!!!”

The star sea collided with the sky of Jin Yaoguang sparked by Long Xiao, the space was like thin paper, shattered and collapsed, and two figures still stood on both sides !

But at this time, I saw Qin Yichen reopening Longkou, this time, which contained the destruction of the stars that shook the stars!


incarnation True Dragon, no sword and no sword, and no sword, because this is a blow to converge divine power with its own Divine Dao law!

This attack is bound to make Shattered!

“roar! !!!”

Chopped and blasted out, after months of hard work, Qin Yichen This blow has been unruly. Previously, I chose to use Daogang Jiangang to carry the cut, because Daogang Jiangang was Lingling.

However, at that moment, the dragon breath seems to be more lingering than Divine Weapon!

In the Dragon Breath, in addition to the golden glory, there are more golden and red divine blood. Divine blood changes endlessly, which can transform human beings, Dragon Transformation, Spirit Transformation ………

“True Dragon divine blood ?! Qin little friend actually used divine blood!”

Bai Cang’s complexion changed suddenly, although Your Majesty’s Xinghai Celestial Demon in this life is also very difficult to deal with, but they It must be admitted that divine blood, Bloodline Strength, and True Dragon are well-deserved overlords of Heaven and Earth!

Monster Sovereign is so calm in the peach eyes, not the content of Qin Yichen ’s dragon ’s blood, they only said that regardless of treasure, everything is close to the fight between the enemies!

Imagine if you encounter a battle that can reveal True Dragon, then the Martial God pattern or the dragon ’s blood, is it necessary to hide it?

At this moment, between Heaven and Earth showed a very shocking scene. I saw Qin Yichen where the dragon breath passed, and the stars were dim, like death stars!

“Has Qin Little friend’s beheading been forced to such an extent?!”

Bai Cang was shocked, although he also knew clearly, the strength of beheading, and Qin Yichen’s own Divine Dao’s rule is related, but he still can’t hide his shock!

After all, in the face of the dragon breath from the extinct star, even the monster eyes of Monster Sovereign, there is a dignity!

“By the way, the stars died …”

Monster Sovereign lightly murmured, and suddenly, with his arms spread, the sky and the stars turned into starlight, to the peerless Qianying came together!

“Thousands of stars belong to me, how do you exterminate the stars?”

Starlight gathers, Monster Sovereign is the Xinghai, and unless it is cut off, everything is Empty talk!

However, seeing this scene, Qin Yichen’s Longkou actually turned up a playful arc.

“Senior, this move, you played before when we played against each other. At that time, I was defeated. It was indeed my strength, but … I never said that there is no way to contend!”

As soon as this remark came out, the unnamed double pupils tremble. He also had a few months with Monster Sovereign’s incarnation and benefited greatly, but he still failed to win.

Monster Sovereign just regretted it because if he also has dragon’s blood and is capable of Dragon Transformation, the defeat is Monster Sovereign!

But the nameless is different from Qin Yichen. The latter can be said to be the dragon god and the god of man, but the nameless is now a god of man!

Monster Sovereign ’s peach eyes flickered, but it seemed unaffected. With her state of mind, unless she was really allowed to see the stars and stars broken, she would have ripples on her peerless face.

However, Qin Yichen’s smile is a win-win smile!

“Senior knows, my cultivation there is a person Divine Art passed by Hundred Gold Jiao Senior, he originally inherited two Divine techniques!”

“One of them is Wan Jiaotian, Senior has seen it, but the other way, I ca n’t use it until I become a god! “

” Today, I can finally show it! Please also give Senior advice !!! “

Suddenly, the Golden Dragon raised his head and Ang Xiao Heaven and Earth!

“This move, Jin Senior Ling is called the Hunyuan Swallowing Heaven, and I, the True Dragon swallowing the heavens!”

The word of the sky falls, and the sun and the moon tremble, and The stars that keep gathering Monster Sovereign within the body are swaying violently!

On the edge of the vast sea of ​​stars, a dragon head emerged!

The dragon head appeared on all sides, and looked at each other. That dragon head is no different from Qin Yichen. At this moment, the dragon mouth is wide open and biting towards the stars!


Dragon teeth are sharp, and the dragon head is also a great shore with several tens of thousands of li, one after another star, actually swallowed by Longkou Among them, crumbling and bursting!

Although the stars shine brilliantly, at the same time, Slash Road has bombarded in front of Monster Sovereign!

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