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Looking at the shining star sea, many demon gods ca n’t believe that this young dragon god has been able to make Your Majesty go all out!

Demon God killed, and at the same time, the fire and the shadow of the Yuecha tribe burst out into two scary lights of red and blue, red light is the god fire, and blue flames are like nine days of cold Frost!

And at this moment, the slender silhouette moved!


I saw Qin Yichen staring at the star, his left eye was surging, turning into a violent sun, wherever he went, the blood demon around the body armor Being melted, even the blood demon seems to be melted into a plume of boiling blood!

Qin Yichen looked back, the sun was fading away, and the divine power of the two god shadows was greeted.

“The fire is fierce, but it ca n’t be stronger than the strong sun! The frost is colder than the moon!”

Suddenly, I saw Qin Yichen ’s eyes circling the sun and the moon, that sun and moon Just like a vortex, or just like the sun and the moon truly entrenched in the world, it has this infinite suction itself!

The double pupils bloom in the sun and the moon, and they actually put all the attacks of the two gods into the eyes!

The battles over the past few months have made the development of the Qin Yichen Force of True Dragon far from comparable before!

And those dragon eyes are naturally capable of prospering the sun and the moon, and the sun and the moon are face to face, no matter what the fire is, or the frost, but it is like the glowing man!

Shenhuo Hanshuang looked into his eyes, and saw Qin Yichen, a pair of god ’s pupil light shining masterpiece, suddenly glared, burst out of a sun and moon, and attacked the two god shadows!

This scene made Bai Cang and other demon kings look dumbfounded: “Sun and moon are pupils. In such a short time, they have absorbed the Divine Race Magical Powers derived from Your Majesty and returned the power together! “

” Although the Fire Power and the Magical Powers of the Yuezha Clan are indeed in front of the True Dragon, the speed of absorption and refining is too fast? Not even a breath! “


The Qingshan expression was shocking: “This is not the most critical thing. Have you forgotten it? Now Qin little friend, not yet Dragon Transformation!”

After this remark, many demon gods Even more shocking!

It is true that Qin Yichen is now only fighting Human Majesty in the form of Human Race!

That is to say, this is far from the full strength of Qin Yichen!


At this moment, the blood demon shattered, and a little bit of starlight ’s blood was scattered on the ground, but the moment turned into a shadow creep, to Qin Yichen Go under your feet!

All of this is long, but in fact it only broke out at the same time, not only Fiendgod, Monster Sovereign ’s beautiful image, it has already been killed in front of Qin Yichen!

At this moment Monster Sovereign ’s peerless face is covered by a star yarn, and the star burst with fingertips is even more dazzling!


Jade points a bit, but it looks like a star blasted, straight into Qin Yichen ’s eyebrows, the latter suddenly felt that the stars would be crushed by the stars. Awesome!

Qin Yichen ’s starry eyes are cold, but he is really clenching his fists, and the punch is actually turning into a golden Yaolong shadow, a long shadow, and biting stars!

In the seemingly bland match, there are huge Magical Powers. Every move and every change is beyond the imagination of Ziyun!

Even the demon Venerables such as Bai Cang have to sigh wonderfully!

The moment Qin Yichen ’s punch hit Monster Sovereign ’s fingertips, the former shuddered, because somehow his shadow wriggled inexplicably!

“Shadow Demon God works?!”

Qin Yichen has seen this Magical Powers, which is when the tortured prisoners of Dongman are tortured on the battlefield in Eastern Xinjiang. Their shadow, shadow self-mutilation committed suicide, and the powerhouse deities of Dongman did the same!

The horrible Magical Powers exhibited by Monster Sovereign actually made Qin Yichen feel that his shadow should be the master of everything, as if he would only change with the movement of the deity. The general shadow!

Qin Yichen’s eyes flickered, although he wasn’t controlled by the shadows, but he already made him tremble, and the divine power became stagnant.

“Destroy me!”

I saw Qin Yichen stomping his feet, the blazing sun hanging from the sky dome was actually a surging light, the blazing sun shines, and the magic shadow has no place to escape!

The shadow was gradually wiped out by the sunlight that enveloped all of it, but at this moment, I saw that the shadow gradually became gradual and finally twisted into a peerless beauty!

“Tempt the void!?”

In the eyes of the nameless, surprised, at the same time, straight to Monster Sovereign this move, there are too many places for him to learn!

It ’s not difficult for God Realm powerhouse to move the void, and Monster Sovereign ’s use of Demon Race Magical Powers is not difficult. Even the nameless can do it himself, but the gap between the powerful and the weak.

However, Monster Sovereign can borrow Demon Race Magical Powers, unite with itself, and show off the void, what a profound means?

Suddenly, Monster Sovereign appeared behind Qin Yichen almost instantaneously, turning his fingers into palms, under the virtual grip, Qin Yichen suddenly felt his back spine cool, and the familiar horror came again!

Under the virtual grip, he seems to become a star again, and is held in the hands by Monster Sovereign, feel free to grasp!

At the same time, above the sky dome, the starlight masterpiece, overshadowed the sun at that moment, Bai Cang looked at his eyes and shook his head.

“Holding the stars in your hand, this can already be regarded as Your Majesty’s trick, Qin little friend, after all, he is a loser.”

Behind is to hold yourself in the palm Monster Sovereign, in front of them, are two gods from the joint killing, Qin Yichen seems to have nowhere to go!

However, Ziyun gritted his teeth: “Impossible! Do n’t forget, my boss has n’t Dragon Transformation yet!”

The voice has n’t fallen, just listen to between Heaven and Earth. Long Xiao trembles in all directions!

ten thousand zhang Golden Dragon held his head in anger, the starlight between Monster Sovereign jade palms was violently beating for a moment, Qin Yichen was like Divine Dragon of breakthrough star, dragon tail swept, two silhouettes suddenly flew upside down !

However, all of this seems to be within the anticipation of Monster Sovereign. At the moment when the Golden Dragon soars into the sky, the latter’s beautiful image also soars into the sky.

Monster Sovereign flying, the original vast starry sky seems to be rising, the starry sky is infinite, the dragon god is no longer fierce and arrogant, but it is just trapped in this between Heaven and Earth!

At the same time, a half-virtual and half-real magical shadow was drilled into the ten thousand zhang dragon body. Only a moment, there was a fierce viciousness in the dragon eyes!

“Heart Demon comes into the body!”

The star sea surges, striking the sun and the moon, and Qin Yichen ’s dragon scales gradually emerged with a touch of demonic energy, which is unnamed. Can’t help but make a fist.

“Easy dust is in a bad situation! Even if the suppress and kill Heart Demon, Monster Sovereign Divine Dao law has become the general trend, when the stars are pressing the sun and the moon, it will be difficult for Yichen to turn over again!”

However, it was at this time that Qin Yichen looked up and glared!

Although Monster Sovereign and the starry sea both need him to look up, the dragon eyes glared like subversion!

The dragon eyes are furious, and the sun and moon hit by the Xinghai are actually divine light masterpieces!

The sun and the moon have not climbed again, and they are above the Xinghai, and still occupy the sky, but they are as if to hold this world!

Sun and moon are hanging, for the sky! The sun and the moon shine for the earth!

The place where the sun and the moon are entrenched is Heaven and Earth!

At that moment, Xinghai shuddered, and even a lot of starlight began to twist, and Qin Yichen’s dragon scales were barbed, and the demonic energy lingering around him suddenly disappeared!

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