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After inquiring about many powerhouses in Redvine Divine City, I learned from the eliminated Redbaby powerhouse the beginning and end of the grievance between the two sides.

Of course, the Red Baby Powerhouse naturally would not say that it was the city where arch Dragon Race had been slaughtered since patriarch, and Dragon Race got rid of the eyes of 之 Dragon, which was settled by 骊 Dragon Race.

Therefore, the red baby powerhouse has the same tone, and the leader of the Zheng Race is definitely refusing the Yin-Yang Two Extremes flower, but the Dragon Race does not let it.

After getting this news, in addition to sneer, many God Realm powerhouse is taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“Although the Yin-Yang Two Extremes flower is precious, for this reason, it is against the Divine King of the 2 clan. Is Dragon God ’s reincarnation head kicked at Dragon Race?”

“That is, the key is that even if he fights, can he fight for the Lord of the 2 Families Royal Family?”

“Wait and see. The 2nd Divine King descendants are angry. It is estimated that the guy has been eliminated and the matter is not over.”

At the same time, the fight between the two sides continued, and the powerhouses that followed the Chiying clan were eliminated. Since they came from different places in the east, they were dropped out in different Royal City pools.

This led to the rapid spread of this matter, starting with the city god City Lord, and quickly spread to the ears of the Dongman ethnic groups!

When we heard this news, the reactions of the powerhouses of all races were surprisingly consistent, and that was … 骊 Dragon Race is crazy!

Moreover, when asking why the two sides of the eliminated powerhouse were fighting, those powerhouses did not care about shaking out the disgraceful thing about RaceDragon Race!

So for a while it became divergent, some said it was spent fighting for Yin-Yang Two Extremes, some said that it was 骊 Dragon Race, who wanted to challenge the Red Baby Clan, relying on the possessed Divine Dual Cultivation …

But no matter what it is, it will only make many powerhouses feel that Dragon Race is dying!

Originally, with the background and rankings of 骊 Dragon Race, I tried my best to knot the red babies, but the latter may not be eye-catching.

As you can imagine, this event will never end with the annihilation of Dragon Race by the entire army.

Moreover, there is no need for the Infant to say anything clearly. There are already many ethnic powerhouses secretly calculating. What measures should be taken in retaliation for Dragon Race?

At the same time, away from Divine City, one Dragon Race powerhouse was also eliminated. After all, how many 100 powerhouse siege were spared?

Wu Huazun was quite happy these days. After all, the three ancestors were so fierce, they were also deputy patriarch, but they achieved the feat he could only give up when he faced.

However, looking at the junior like dumplings, Chu Huazun’s eyes trembled, and he rushed to divine power to catch it.

“Relentless ?! Wen Xiang … you, who did this !?”

Wu mercilessly hurt at the moment, but she seemed to be incapable of controlling so much. Facing the enquiries of Wu Huazun, she only had her lips tight and she didn’t know what to say.

Because of this, it’s too crazy!

They have no choice at all, after all, whether or not they fight alongside their ancestors, those guys will not let them go!

Wu Huazun looked surprised, looking at some excitement and trembling, some dejected, like everyone in distress, can’t help anxious: “What’s going on, you say it!”

“What about the ancestors? Are you separated from your ancestors before being beaten like this?”

“You guys … let me say something good! As soon as January comes, all races will let go and you won’t be eliminated if you don’t follow your ancestors!”

Pu Huazun was anxious and angry, but he didn’t pay much attention at the moment, after all, his original time for Dragon Race was only one month.

Being able to appear just before the end of January is actually a big profit.

However, while I was looking after the injury mercilessly, a sneer came from behind me.

“Yuan Huazun, you, Dragon Race, are really brave!”

Wu Huazun frowned and turned to look. Isn’t this the old bastard of the corpses? Even your corpse leader, Chen Chen, was turned over by your ancestors. How dare you talk to me like that?

However, Pu Huazun quickly realized that it was wrong.

I saw a God Realm powerhouse looked towards his eyes full of weird, and those who hate him, ancient mountain 4 tribe’s eyes, is even more ridiculous!

Even the face of the elder digital Elder has become complicated. For a time, he left Divine City absolute silence.

Wu Huazun realized that he was wrong: “Here, what’s wrong?”

“what happened?”

The corpse patriarch sneered: “It seems that the cubs of your clan dare not speak!”

“Then let me tell you, you guys are so courageous in Dragon Race this time, very difficult to deal with! Even the red infants and Zheng Zheng dare offend!”

“What, what?!”

Wu Huazun trembled, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, a red baby, and Zheng Zheng. Isn’t this a 2-party Divine King?

For such existence, they 骊 Dragon Race is absolutely offendable!

Even if the ancestors are reincarnated, they must know the weight of the two parties Divine King and will definitely avoid conflict with them.

“and many more……”

is it possible that, it ’s the 2 clan Divine King who learned that the ancestors had a lot of time, so he gave birth to robbing!

Thinking of this, Wu Huazun’s complexion gloomy and uncertain, indeed, the time of the ancestors is a lot, even enough to make God Royal Family’s powerhouse jealous!

But if this is the case, can the ancestors be willing to surrender obediently and surrender time?

Looking at the ruthless and the others who were eliminated, Wu Huazun didn’t need to think about it, it was definitely not reconciled! It is estimated to have started.

Wu Huazun was shocked and agitated at the same time, and felt a little angry, faintly felt that the ancestors were right to do so, what happened to the Royal Family, even if the ancestors were eliminated, no time was left for them!

However, the next sentence of the old patriarch, patriarch, made Pu Huazun go all out and almost fainted.

“Okay! The reincarnation of 3 God Realm is not the same. You are too mad at Dragon Race. For a Yin-Yang Two Extremes flower, dare to fight 2 Divine King!”

“Yin, Yin-Yang Two Extremes flower ?!”

Wu Huazun froze, he knew it was a very precious divine object.

However, Pu Huazun still gritted his teeth. Maybe the divine object was just a head. Divine King of the 2 family just took the opportunity to attack that’s all.

But the next sentence of the old patriarch patriarch made him no longer calm.

“Wu Huazun, you tell me, who are the three reincarnations of your Dragon Race? Even patriarch, you should know how to please the red infants?

“They did a good job and eliminated half of the Chiying powerhouse! Great! I haven’t dared to do that for so many years!


Wu Huazhuang panicked.

Half Red Baby Powerhouse! ?

what does this mean!

The corpse patriarch is always right. Dongman hasn’t heard of any race for so many years, and dares to take action against the God Royal Family, and eliminate half of the latter clansman!

“Relentless, what the hell is this !?”

Wu Huazun fiercely stared at him mercilessly, but saw the latter bow his head, and seemed afraid to look directly, but still weak sound transmission said: “Martial Uncle, regardless of our business, Wushuang Senior Brother has been advising, but the ancestors did not listen … … “

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